My Time with the Lord


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Tonight I was still feeling loneliness. I went to my Bible and began to search out the scriptures.

I referred to Genesis 2:18... then looked up the following:

I really love this verse Psalms 68:6 [God places the lonely in families]

*God encourages the lonely [1 Kings 19:14-18] Elijah and Elisha.
*Friends help in times of loneliness [Ecclesiastes 4:10-11]
*God always remains with us [Matthew 28:20].

God is concerned about my loneliness; I know I need to look to Him for an eternal friendship and trust Him to guide me to healthy friendships with others.

Tonight I gave it all over to Him ❤️
Hello TiC;

Our desire for daily commune with Jesus is a growing process. Relationships are a growing process and as we grow we discern in the Bible that Jesus was lonely at times just as we too get lonely.

Do something that you like to do that is fun. This can also be your friend. Invite Jesus! 😇
Thank you!