Ministering Loss of Respect for Human Life


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Hello brothers and sisters;

One of our/my major prayer concerns for decades has been the loss of respect for human life on all four corners of the earth. The crime of violence toward humans since Cain murdered Abel in Genesis 4 has increased especially in these United States and other countries since the 1980s. Has the Lord not heard our prayers?

Christians should not engage in "free for all" domestic fighting. In John 18 when Jesus was arrested Peter took out his sword and struck the high priest's slave Malchus by cutting off his ear. Jesus told Peter to put away his sword. Jesus calls us not to engage in retaliation or violence.

Some of us are prompted by the Holy Spirit to act in aiding a helpless citizen being attacked or in self defense for our family and ourselves. That is not violence or retaliation.

A Christian who is called to serve in law enforcement or the military does not go against Biblical teaching. In Genesis 14 when the enemy took Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram rescued Lot. In 1 Samuel 17 David killed Goliath. These were justified.

1 Peter 2:11-12, 11 Beloved, I beseech you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh that wage war against your soul. 12 Maintain good conduct among the Gentiles, so that in case they speak against you as wrongdoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

No matter what country we live that is violent infested, how do we apply this teaching from Peter? How to we minister to those who have lost respect for human life?

What are your thoughts?

God bless
you all and your families.
How to we minister to those who have lost respect for human life?
I don’t know the answer.

In fact, I am very skeptical. I believe it will get worse before it gets better.

Maybe not the answers you are looking for, or maybe not even the questions you are asking.

As you pointed out, violence and sin are as old as man. The Bible documents many atrocities that would be war crimes today and details methods for resolving disputes that would not be tolerated today in civilized countries.

So what’s different now ?

I think one aspect is the glorification of both violence and other sins that is placed before us at an early age in our entertainment, media, and that double-edged sword: the internet. We will not have heavenly behavior on earth with the attempted normalization of hellish ways.

Perhaps the difference now is the sheer scale of malice in the world.

Along with:
Disintegration of the family unit.
Wide spread emotional isolation.
Glorification of sin 24/7 on a global network platform.
Corrosive effects to society of easily obtained alcohol and drugs.
Unprecedented economic disparity.
Easy availability of cheap weapons worldwide (I say this as even as someone sympathetic to gun ownership simply because, well… it’s true).

These all contribute, so I see no easy answers.

I am looking, praying, and beseeching God for answers because one thing I am sure of; we have proven that we can’t fix this on our own.

Thanks for taking on a tough topic bobinfaith.

God bless.
When I used to do prison visiting, I met a man who had murdered his wife. He asked to see me. He was suicidal. The pain in his eyes was terrible. He stared hard at me every second. He needed Christ and he didn't know.
That is how we can minister to them.
Providing for the victims of war is what we should be doing. God is all for human rights and social justice. Infact human rights were clearly seen in Jesus's day. When he raised the women's only son who had died - not only did he bring her son back but also she would have become utterly poor and destitute because she didn't have a man to provide for her. Then we have the children - they were sold into slavery and back in those days - child abuse was rampant. Jesus spoke very strong works about hindering the little ones. Who saw Jesus first after he was resurrected? Mary Magdalene - women's testimony or eye witnesses were not even admissible in Jewish court. Same with the Shepherds but God chose to show those that were the nobodies [had rights and equally of value] to experience and see His prophecies fulfilled. I believe when Jesus healed the soldier's ear - Likely it was Peter what drew the sword. We learn a great deal. David in all the time Saul went after him, David had plenty of opportunity to kill him. He didn't. He left it in the hands of God, trusted God would seek vengeance against the oppressor. We have so many OT stories that God brings judgement on oppressors every time and place [God is amongs those who are poor, oppressed, mistreated]. Look at Jews. Every time they were oppressed, God uses the various people and nations, cities to take them into captivity to discipline - He always judged for how the oppressors mistreated His people. His will is for us to be in complete alignment with His Word in unity, peace, forgiveness, holy and righteous living as it is in His Kingdom Age to come.

The sins were so grotesque that they needed to be wiped out in the OT. Atleast from what taken in from my studies. God rains on the righteous and the wicked. Their day will come. Great throne judgment when all will appear in heaven before the Lord Almighty. They will be caught up [from the holding place] judged by their works and realizing truly the choices they have made to reject God and His Word. No one will escape. How terrible it is to store up God's wrath being an unbeliever and indulging in sin and basically telling God to jump in the lake. We are to contiune to pray, witness, share the gospel.
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Great question that I will need to ponder for a bit.

Yesterday at the office, some of us had a brief conversation prompted by one of my folks recalling a time when she saw a homeless man hitting a homeless woman with a stick and my person called 911.

One of the other people made the comment that she does not get involve. She added that she would have prayed that the woman did not get hurt and continued on her way. I thought it was interesting that this could violate what is known as the "The Good Samaritan Law."

This whole conversation took place, after we had our first "Lockdown" briefing in which the presenter made a comment that if we have an active shooter situation, the guide is to "lock the door, shut the lights, and hide." Basically, everyone is on their own. Funny thing is that to shut the light in our offices, someone will need to take it upon themselves to walk through a long reception area and turn off a light where the switch is right next to the main door and the main door has a glass section where you can see inside. I ended up assigning that responsibility to me, as no one looked all that happy to volunteer (even those closer to the switch).
Hello brothers and sisters;

These are good posts and a good start to this serious topic.

We reside in Daly City, part of the Bay Area on the border of San Francisco. I feel so helpless when I hear daily of this ongoing senseless violence targeted at people and businesses. As a result people refuse to enter San Francisco and businesses have closed down and moved out of the city.
This is a lose lose for everyone.

My best approach is to pray incessantly for this murderous thought of violence and disrespect for human life to cease if not to a bare minimum.
I ask the Lord to lead me on what to do because at times the attacker or victim became unreasonable and turned on me. It's happened before.

By praying and asking the Lord to prepare me, should conflict cross my path; instead of reacting right away, I'll remain visible but wait in case I'm asked or ask, what's going on? I don't feel it's good to ignore the conflict and look the other way, but try to see the whole picture including both parties without taking sides.

I'm not a physical man who can swing my fists and take a beating. But those times when I was confronted or witnessed a confrontation I cannot explain my ability, but I was able to open the communication and diffuse a combative situation, again without taking sides.
I remember my sister being married to a man who worked for the local mafia.

She didn’t like it that her husband was working for them but she showed them respect and kindness. When they came to her house she would make them a cup of tea and biscuits and in turn the mafia bosses were very gentle and kind back toward her. They even asked her what kind of jewelry she liked. She always felt protected but at the same time, because she knew the kind of business they were in, apprehensive not to show them disrespect.

The very next day, she received a gift of beautiful gold earrings. ( where from, would be anyones guess)

Now I don’t recall her ever asking them to stop their rackets but I do know she had them like putty in her hands.

I don’t know the answer to the original question bobinfaith but God gifted us all in ways we don’t always understand. No one would have thought mafia bosses would succumb to a cup of tea and biscuits. But it just goes to show how even the greatest of villains can be moved when treated warmly and humanely with great respect no matter what it is they do.

God Bless you and your family Bob and I’m keeping your city in prayer.
Well here people are robbing takeaways because they are HUNGRY. It's not senseless, its because they have no other option. They have no jobs or money. Nobody will give them any jobs as there are no jobs that pay, they are too young, and they need their next meal.

As for domestic violence, its seems men and women don't always get along. The honeymoon soon wears off when there are bills to pay. Living in the modern times is expensive, and you can't just go out hunting and kill a beast if you live in the city.
I don't believe people are violent simply cos they love violence. Though for many it's the only way of life they know.
Well here people are robbing takeaways because they are HUNGRY. It's not senseless, its because they have no other option. They have no jobs or money. Nobody will give them any jobs as there are no jobs that pay, they are too young, and they need their next meal. As for domestic violence, its seems men and women don't always get along. The honeymoon soon wears off when there are bills to pay. Living in the modern times is expensive, and you can't just go out hunting and kill a beast if you live in the city.

Hello Lanolin;

When I shared senseless violence is when the suspects target an individual without any logic and organize a group of 15 to 20 to smash and grab a store. Both of these evils have been rampant in the last 3 years. Once the victim is targeted, placed in the hospital, murdered or a store has been looted, the suspects go their way, don't give a thought to the victim or store owner. It wasn't about satisfying their hunger.

Now, when we hear of violence targeted individuals or a store because they are hungry and need to feed their children makes sense with empathy to the individuals, ministry or programs that do understand and manage the hungry. There are options. Countless programs do offer a meal at breakfast, lunch or dinner. In this case the KEY is to educate the hungry of the food shelters so they can go and get fed as well as their children. This has never been a perfect program but the effort has always been there.

God bless you, Lanolin.
I think people can be so badly treated at some food shelters that they don't want to go to them, or they don't know about them.

If its gang violence to feed a drug habit, that is something else but thats where the police need to be involved in shutting down the drug rings. It is also about their hunger too, except food has been replaced by drugs, because they haven't been able to get any nourishing food.

When you are on drugs or meds THE only thing on your mind is your next hit. That is logical when you are on drugs. It is very hard to get off some drugs, and drug pushers and doctors often don't always help.
Psalm 51 is for the drug addict.

Jackie Pullingers story is always inspiring when she ministered to addicts in the drug dens of the Walled City in Kowloon/Hong Kong. They had gangs there - Triads etc. I would recommend reading her testimony.

You also have to know what kind of drugs/demons you are dealing with and pray accordingly. If its someone doesn't like the store owner, they may have been involved with drugs themselves. A lot of stores and businesses are fronts for drug dealers.
Hello brothers and sisters;

One of our/my major prayer concerns for decades has been the loss of respect for human life on all four corners of the earth. The crime of violence toward humans since Cain murdered Abel in Genesis 4 has increased especially in these United States and other countries since the 1980s. Has the Lord not heard our prayers?

Christians should not engage in "free for all" domestic fighting. In John 18 when Jesus was arrested Peter took out his sword and struck the high priest's slave Malchus by cutting off his ear. Jesus told Peter to put away his sword. Jesus calls us not to engage in retaliation or violence.

Some of us are prompted by the Holy Spirit to act in aiding a helpless citizen being attacked or in self defense for our family and ourselves. That is not violence or retaliation.

A Christian who is called to serve in law enforcement or the military does not go against Biblical teaching. In Genesis 14 when the enemy took Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram rescued Lot. In 1 Samuel 17 David killed Goliath. These were justified.

1 Peter 2:11-12, 11 Beloved, I beseech you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh that wage war against your soul. 12 Maintain good conduct among the Gentiles, so that in case they speak against you as wrongdoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

No matter what country we live that is violent infested, how do we apply this teaching from Peter? How to we minister to those who have lost respect for human life?

What are your thoughts?

God bless
you all and your families.
In Australia at the moment youth crime has escalated beyond belief, cars are stolen then set on fire after their joyrides, unfortunately their joyrides can end up in the loss of innocent life. Burglary has increased massively with many hoseholders threatened by knife wielding juniors with little concern for life. Disrespect of everybody and everything is so prominent that one wonders how much longer it will be before the Lord returns. " Many will be lovers of themselves" a sure sign we are on the verge of the Tribulation. We need to continue to look up for Christ's return on the clouds. Tsavah2
I say again its because people are hungry. Because youth can't find jobs or have to quit school to work, and they only paid minimum wage, they are doing the only things they can to survive, and often that means joining a gang, since nobody will employ them and their parents can't look after them or provide for them (not enough anyway) .

Often drugs and alcohol make everything worse, but people only take them to ease the pain.
Cains murder of Abel was partly because he didn't want to be his brother's keeper, and his parents Adam and Eve did not teach or train him properly. Cain however was given mercy by God and a mark put on him, and he did have a wife.

Then Adam and Eve had another son called Seth. Who they did teach better.
Abel was sacrificed, Cain, not knowing any better, may have thought that was what God wanted as Abel did keep sheep and gave God the fat so he may have sacrificed a lamb.

We know from Jesus crucifixtion that men often think nothing of killing someone else (or a lamb, a calf, or some other animal) thinking that will please God.
In Australia at the moment youth crime has escalated beyond belief, cars are stolen then set on fire after their joyrides, unfortunately their joyrides can end up in the loss of innocent life. Burglary has increased massively with many hoseholders threatened by knife wielding juniors with little concern for life. Disrespect of everybody and everything is so prominent that one wonders how much longer it will be before the Lord returns. " Many will be lovers of themselves" a sure sign we are on the verge of the Tribulation. We need to continue to look up for Christ's return on the clouds. Tsavah2
Hello Tsavah. I agree. A sign of the times as the bible says in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It seems that violence/crime/ disrespect are on the rise while all the old certainties and restraints in society are breaking down. As believers we can be salt and light in the remaining hours of this age, looking out for those who need help, the lonely, the elderly, the disabled, the vulnerable. Sharing the good news with those who would listen. God Bless You :)
You know, I am not all that convinced we and any worse than we were before. It might be that adjusting for human population might show that it is not. I mean, 10% of 1,000 is not as great as 10% of 100,00, but both still equal 10%, right? Also, we now have 24/7 coverage of everything, so that contributes to a perception. don't get me wrong, there is a reason I carry a weapon, but I've never had to use it.

I can't find more current statistics, but I did find this: The Miami FL crime rate for 2018 was 629.54 per 100,000 population, a 12.68% decline from 2017. The Miami FL crime rate for 2017 was 720.94 per 100,000 population, a 18.77% decline from 2016. The Miami FL crime rate for 2016 was 887.49 per 100,000 population, a 13.1% decline from 2015.

I mean, that has to count for something.

Hello Tsavah. I agree. A sign of the times as the bible says in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It seems that violence/crime/ disrespect are on the rise while all the old certainties and restraints in society are breaking down. As believers we can be salt and light in the remaining hours of this age, looking out for those who need help, the lonely, the elderly, the disabled, the vulnerable. Sharing the good news with those who would listen. God Bless You :)

Hello Fillan;

May I ask, how are you and your family in your community? How can we pray for you, brother?

Hello Fillan;

May I ask, how are you and your family in your community? How can we pray for you, brother?

Hello Bob, Good to hear from you! I live in an inner city area, there are lots of drugs, lots of crime. But it's also close to my church and workplace, which is handy. And close to shops and other amenities. Please pray for protection, sometimes I work late and the streets on the way home can be lively to say the least. God Bless You :)