
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and I want to share my testimony of how I became a genuine believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

I was raised in an Independent Baptist church where every Sunday I heard sermons about sin, heaven & hell, Jesus’ death on the cross, & salvation by believing in Jesus. I heard that I was a sinner, that because of my sin I would spend eternity in hell if I didn’t repent & accept Christ as my savior. I heard that Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sins and He would save anyone who accepted Him as their savior. When I was 13 years old our church had a week long revival meeting. At the end of each service, when the evangelist gave the invitation, he would walk up and down the isles begging people to go to the altar and accept Christ as savior. I remember thinking that I hoped he didn't come down the isle where my dad, brother, and I were, but he did come over to us, and when he placed his hand on my shoulder I immediately went to the altar, along with my dad & brother. At the altar my dad, my brother, and I were led through the scriptures known as the Romans Road; we were asked to repeat a prayer asking Jesus to save us and we were baptized shortly thereafter.

Afterwards I did not read the bible; I just went to church. Later, as a young adult, I began to have doubts about my salvation which eventually led to a life of uncertainty, fear, & misery. I doubted my salvation because I did not understand how God would save someone just for saying a prayer “in Jesus' name” and being baptized. I was confused about all the teaching I had heard growing up in a church. I was confused about God & the bible. I did not understand the meaning of “believing” in Jesus. I did not know what to believe or how to believe. One bible verse that I had trouble understanding was Romans 10:13. I would call on the name of the Lord many times, but could not find any assurance that He heard me. My confusion led me to question if any of it was true or if God even existed. My life was miserable.

I was looking for evidence that would prove to me that the bible is true, that God exists, and that Jesus does really forgive sinners, but there was something missing, a missing link, and I did not know what it was. I needed something to convince me that it was all true. I talked to several Christians & asked a lot of questions, read several books written by well known Christian authors like Dr. John R Rice & J. Vernon McGee about how to have assurance of salvation, and read several bible salvation tracts. But, I could not find any answers that convinced me of the truth about any of the teachings I had heard growing up in church. I did the things I heard at church that I thought were necessary to get God to save me like saying a prayer “in Jesus' name,” making a public confession of my faith, repenting of my sin, publicly confessing Jesus as my Lord & Savior, promising to follow Him the rest of my life. I tried to make myself have some sense of faith, I said the sinners' prayer over & over begging God to save me, and each time I would find relief from the doubts. But, then our pastor would say in one of his sermons that to be saved we must really mean business with God, and I would question myself as to whether I really did repent of all my sins, or did I really commit my life to Christ, or did I really believe in Jesus to save me, and the doubts would return. I could not find a lasting assurance of salvation, and I had no peace. I could not concentrate on my job or my family. I was obsessed with a dreadful fear of dying without ever knowing for sure if I had done the right things to get God to save me. I thought that I would never know for sure that I was saved.

One night, out of a sense of helplessness & desperation, I said a prayer to the God I wasn't sure existed. My prayer was, “God will you show me the truth about believing in Jesus?” Next, I did something I had never done outside of church; I found our family bible, sat down at my kitchen table, and opened the bible to the Book of John, the Gospel of John. I opened the bible to the Gospel of John because I had heard someone say that the Book of John was the best place to find out about Jesus. I did not know what I would find there but I was ready to accept whatever it was if it convinced me that it was real & the truth. As I started to read the Gospel of John I had no idea that my life was about to change forever and that I would soon have a peace that is impossible to explain to anyone who has never experienced that peace for themselves.

Yes, I was desperate to know Jesus as my Savior. I thought I would never know, for sure, that I had found Him or that I had enough faith in Him, or that I had really believed in Him. I was confused about what it all meant, and just wasn't sure about any of it being real. But, the moment I began to read John 1:1 for some reason I was seeing the words of the bible in a different way. I remembered reading the Book of John in Sunday School as a kid, and our teacher told us to memorize the first chapter, but it really meant nothing to me back then. But, that night, as I sat at my kitchen table reading that big family bible, the words came to life and something was telling me that I was reading the truth about Jesus. I realized that the missing link I referred earlier was the Holy Spirit showing me the truth that I so desperately needed.

The Holy Spirit opened my blind spiritual eyes so that I could see & understand spiritual truth. That night I found the evidence, the the proof, that completely convinced me that the bible is the Truth, that God is real, and that Jesus does really forgive anyone who earnestly comes to Him for forgiveness. God Himself convinced me that He is real.

The Holy Spirit used the following scriptures and several other scriptures to convince me that Jesus is who He said He is, that he would do what he said he would do, and that He was waiting for me to come to Him.

John 5:39-40, Jesus said to the Pharisees “Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.(KJV)

John 6:37,”All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”(KJV)

John 6:44, “ No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.”(KJV)

John 6:45, “ It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.”(KJV)

Later, I found another scripture that really helped me to better understand Romans 10:13; that scripture was the next verse Romans 10:14, “How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?”(KJV) I saw that Romans 10:13 alone was just words without faith, but that together Romans 10:13-14 means that I believe in Jesus before I call on Him or that I called on Him because I believe Him.

That night, as I read the Gospel of John, the Holy Spirit opened my spiritually blind eyes for me and “I got it.” It was as though I was a blind person who suddenly could see; He brought me out of darkness into light; He showed me who Jesus is and what He did for me when He died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I saw that it wasn't about me; not about anything “I” could do, but about what Jesus had already done. The Holy Spirit completely convinced me that the Bible is the absolute truth, that God is real, and that Jesus is God who became a man so He could pay the penalty for my sins that I could never pay myself. God showed me how to “believe in Him” as He convinced me that all the things I had heard in church as a kid, and all that I was reading that night were His way of not only saving me from spending eternity in hell, but also is His way to change me now by giving me a new nature. Immediately my troubled soul was overwhelmed by an enormous sense of relief, and I forgot about all the things “I” was doing to get God to save me as I cast my helpless self upon Jesus. The moment the Holy Spirit convinced me & I “got it” was the moment I saw Jesus as the one who did all that God required for my sin to be forgiven. I wasn't thinking about how much faith I had, or if I really meant business with God, or if I really believed, or about making promises. I knew without a doubt that Jesus was waiting for me to come to Him. I found myself talking to Jesus as though He was right there in the room with me. I was thanking Him for saving me and asking Him to change me His way, and that He did.

I will use another scripture here although at that time I knew nothing about it but it helps to explain what actually happened to me that day: Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” “Not of works, lest any man should boast.” God gave me the right kind of faith to believe just like this verse says, it is a gift of God. The faith God gave me was focused on Jesus’ death on the cross, and also believing that Jesus will do what He said He will do in John 6:37, and that’s “saving faith.” The “wrong kind of faith” was focused on myself, on what “I” was doing to try to get God to save me.

I did not find my answer from men. Only when I turned to God through reading His Word and by the convincing power of the Holy Spirit did I find the truth about “believing” in Jesus.

Hello Brother John
Thank you for sharing your wonderful tesrimony.
I am sure many of us have suffered from doubts. Many people who read what you have written will be helped and encouraged by your words. People who are searching for the truth.
God Bless You.
Praise God for that. I have a similar testimony, looking forward to sharing it soon. God is patient...He waited 52 years for me. Would love to know how you are progressing in your faith. Looks like it's been roughly a year since you posted this.

Hello drequeen;

Thank you for catching john14six's thread. Unfortunately we overlooked john14sixTestimony

When you ready, I look forward to reading your testimony.

God bless you, brother, and your entire family.

Thanks Bob. Here goes, kind of long. I hope and pray it blesses someone.

I've been a pretty decent person most of my life. Been a church member almost all my life. Always been very respectable to others, friendly, and easy going. A really good guy.

I made a profession of faith when I was 6 years old. I barely remember it. When the invitation came the following Sunday I remember standing in front of the church, terrified. I was baptized sometime later and became a member of the church. A Christian. A true, blood bought born again Christian. Right?

As the years passed though, doubts were there. Where do I stand with God? Will I go to heaven? Will I go to hell? Mom tells me I'm a Christian. She says it all the time. The doubts proceeded through my teenage years.

With dad being a preacher, obviously it was on my mind all the time. And dad was a really good pastor. Obviously I'm a little biased here, but Dad.... was a really good pastor.

Here's the problem. I had to make a decision every Sunday come invitation time. What do I do? Dad and I didn't really discuss spiritual things often. Coming to him and admitting I may not be a Christian was difficult to ponder. So I hardened my heart as the years passed.

When I was around 20, I made another profession of faith. The invitation came, and "Nothing But the Blood" was playing. Someone else responded at the invitation. My heart was beating out of my chest. I knew that now was the time. It was now or never. So I stood up, and said to myself, "I'm going to become a Christian now" (anyone see a problem with that thought process?) So I walked up to the front, talked to dad, and prayed for God to forgive me of my sins and to accept Christ. That was pretty much it, returned to my seat, sat there and wondered at what just happened.

It took many years to figure out why that profession of faith wasn't acceptable. My dad would preach from time to time about "counting the costs" when it comes to accepting Christ. That means, of course, it's more than words. It's a definite decision to 'give up' some things. That's what was missing. I didnt 'count the costs'. Dad was right. Plus, 'repentance' is more than asking for forgiveness. It's a 'turning away from' and a 'turning towards'. I didn't really plan on neither. There are millions upon countless millions that don't realize that. It's more than a "simple prayer" as Joel Olsteen claims. Much more.

I got married a few years after that and boy did the years fly. Had three wonderful kids with one passing at 3 weeks old, sweet little Ryan ❤️. Boy I can't wait to see him.

I was still clinging to my professions of faith as the years flew. I had trouble reconciling the two. What if someone would ask. "Are you a Christian"? I came up with different scenarios on how to create a testimony between the two professions of faith. After some time of doing that I knew I was in real trouble. But there was always a chance, right?

It was around this time, but for other reasons, the marriage ended. This was in late 2018, at the exact same time that Dad passed. Both of those hitting me at the same time really threw me for a loop. What little bit of drinking I did before then got worse. A lot worse.

Proceeded to rack up a DWI in mid-2020. I stopped drinking for a couple of months, but started back. I was still hurting from dad passing and other reasons related to the failed marriage. I thought I could drink the hurt away. I had enough sense about me to know that I couldn't, though. What I was really trying to do was self-destruct. I really didn't care about my well-being for a long time. I contemplated suicide but not seriously. All I wanted to do was drink.

Didn't get into too much trouble after the first DWI, so in my infinite wisdom I continued to drink and drive. Got another one in mid 2022, and it was obvious this time I was going to lose my license for a few years and spend some time in jail. And yes, the drinking stopped. For good. Finally.

Now I can get my life back on track right? Yes, the drinking had stopped but my soul was in just as much turmoil as it always had been. The idea of losing my license and spending time in jail made it that much the worse.

By the way, forgot to mention that I stopped attending church probably around 2016 or so. I would go from time to time but very rarely.

Court date finally comes on November 14, 2023. It's time to face the music. I received the sentence of what was expected, seven days in jail and a four-year suspension of my license. No big surprise there. Went straight from the courtroom to the jail to start serving my seven days. Thus started the absolute worst time of my life, but ended up being the absolute most wonderful experience that any human can imagine.

Our local jail is not a fun place to be. It's a little bit harder than other jails are. Made somewhat famous by our former celebrity "sheriff". Conditions there are pretty rough. Very difficult get any sleep, or rest for that matter. Especially if you have restless leg syndrome like I do. If you don't know what it is, looking it up just scratches the surface. For me, it's a combination of the feeling of worms and slight electrical shocks in my feet and legs. Impossible to sleep or rest. By the grace of God it has eased off quite a bit. But back to the jail.

Sleep left me almost immediately. After the first day, getting any rest was impossible with the RLS. One day literally turned into two because I was up day and night. The first time I fell asleep I woke up screaming minutes later. Yeah, that was embarrassing. The second time I fell asleep, I woke up screaming again. Again, embarrassing. Especially in jail with your cell mates. But they were cool. They didn't give me a hard time. God bless them.

Started my time about midday on Tuesday, so by midday on Saturday my mind was very weak and literally right at the brink. I had gotten very little sleep and was right at the edge of losing it. Around 4:00 or so on Saturday the 18th my plan was to ram my forehead into the cell bar so I could split my forehead open. Not sure what the plan was after that, it seemed to be as good of a plan as I could come up with at the time. It was right after this the things got really great but I need to back up just a little first.

There were no Bibles in the cells, but a cellmate one cell over had one. So he handed it to me on the first day and I read it all week. I read as much as I could. I read Psalm 40 and Psalm 91 over and over. I read Romans and other passages. I tried best as I could to make the Bible give me comfort. It may have somewhat, but it mostly just passed the time.

Okay, back to my almost mental breakdown. After my brilliant plan of hurting myself, I sat there on the bed not knowing what to do. Frantic. Scared. Claustrophobic. Worried about Mom. Worried about my soul. Worried about anything and everything a human being could possibly be worried about. But I knew one thing. I needed God. I came to the definite realization that He WAS NOT in my heart or life. All pretenses stripped away, right then and there. Took a long time to finally admit it.

I felt ashamed, though. I have put Him so low on my priority list for so many years. How could I call on Him now? Why should He bail me out? So I came up with another brilliant plan. Here was my prayer:

"God, I am sorry for my sins and I want you to come into my life and I want the peace that I know passes all understanding. But I'm afraid I will mess it up. Please help me out here and when I get out I will go to the preacher and pray with him and accept you into my life."

You get the idea. I wanted to be saved, but not right now. Help me out here, and I will get saved when I get out of jail. Seemed pretty rational to me at the time. Obviously, that didn't work. So I laid there for a little bit and from the heart I poured myself out to God in a way I never had in my entire life.

With a broken heart, soul, and spirit I begged God to forgive me of my sins. I then proceeded to list all of the sins that I could think of. I told him that my soul was black, and I wanted it to be white as snow. I asked Him to come into my life and take over, because I was tired of trying to do it myself. I must have shed a thousand tears that afternoon.

I opened my eyes, not sure what to expect. Almost immediately, I felt a peace enter my soul that I had never felt before.
Wow. I just got saved. Finally. After all these years. It was this easy? Thank you, Lord. I laid there for a brief moment pondering what just happened.

Of course, you know what happened next. I started thanking and praising God for what He just did for me. But not long into that prayer, I had a feeling of complete guilt wash over me. Why would God do this for me?

After all I have done? Are you sure God? Me? 52 years? I've done some pretty rotten things! I wept more bitterly at this than I did when I confessed my sins. The idea that God would be so good to someone like me in the state I was in was almost more than I can bear.

After opening my eyes again, the peace that came over me the first time multiplied many times over. I stood up, looked at the cell bars, and felt as if I could have floated through them. My countenance changed. I got an instant facelift. You couldn't burn the grin off of my face. It was a feeling of complete and utter peace like I had never felt in my entire life.

What was the first thing I did? Prayed, of course, then jumped right back into the Bible. But a strange thing happened. The scripture that I previously read had meaning. I started reading in the Book of Romans again and verses that I read previously this time brought me to tears. You talk about application. These verses had deep spiritual application to what just happened to me. I'm not claiming that I suddenly inherited the ability to understand and discern all scripture, but it had meaning, man. So I read and I read some more.

I accepted Christ sometime around 4:30 pm that Saturday and read the Bible most of the evening. Around midnight I got a strange feeling in my leg like I had never felt before. It felt like I had a vacuum cleaner going off inside of my leg. This wasn't just RLS, it was RLS times a thousand. Never felt anything like it, not even close. I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that this was a supernatural happening. My first thought was that this was some kind of test. The reason was obvious, I just didn't think I would be tested so soon.

How would I normally handle a crisis like this? I hate to admit it, but I would normally curse and carry on and probably even use God's name in vain a few times. But two things happened. First, I realized that the problem I was having with my legs helped me to finally accept Christ in the first place. Secondly, it dawned upon me that this could be satan tempting me to curse God. So I told satan, basically, not today. I told him that he may get me next week. Or next month. But I told him that he stood no chance today. Over the course of the next few hours I had to rub my leg, walk around in place, and pace the floor back and forth. The whole time however was spent praising and thanking God for his grace, mercy, loving kindness, long suffering and love. I even thanked Him for the pain in my leg. It was a tough night but a wonderful night. The pain finally subsided around 3 am or so. Then guess what?

About an hour later (4 am) it was time for my medications. At 4:00 pm everyday I would get a prescription strength Advil for my RLS. It helped out some but not much. Guess what came at 4:00 am that morning? The prescription strength Advil that I wasn't supposed to get along with the other two.

Did they simply make a mistake? Sure, could be. But given the events of the night, the fact that I got that medicine when I wasn't supposed to confirms to me that it was God rewarding me for passing the test. I even asked the nurses later on what medicines I received at 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning and they confirmed that I just got the other two and not the Advil. God is a great God.

So it was time for my release to roll around, and it may sound strange, but I almost hated leaving. Those cell bars meant absolutely nothing to me anymore. I had already told a couple of my cellmates what had happened and even a couple of officers. I knew I had to give my testimony to some of the people there. I was nervous, but I knew I had to do it. I'm still in contact with one guy there. I really hope I have planted a seed that can grow. Obviously the credit would go to God.

It's been almost a month since I've gotten out of jail and my life has done a complete 180. I have to get rides everywhere I go which makes life very difficult. Getting groceries and getting Mom's medicine is also difficult. I have a lot of difficulties now, and pains in my hip knee and back aren't getting any better. I have to meet with my probation officer once a month. I racked up a pretty hefty fine that I have to pay back. I'm on probation for 18 months and can't have any firearms in my possession. Since I can't drive, I can't go and see my kids like I used to. They have to come down here which is very difficult. Life is quite a bit more difficult now.

Or is it?

Not in the least. I mean yes, life is difficult. But it has only gotten so much better. Knowing that ultimately everything is going to turn out okay is, well.....wonderful. I have a peace in my soul now that I wouldn't trade for anything in this world. I know, I mean I really really know that one day I will see my dad and son again. And meet Jesus, which is still hard to imagine. I know I would fall at His feet, still not feeling worthy enough to look Him in the eyes. Scripture is helping me with that though. I have a ways to go.

There are plenty of other people that I want to meet as well. I am so looking forward to that day. It's almost to the point to where I'm ready to go. I love reading the Bible and I love studying the Bible. I have various study guides that I'm reading and I can't get enough. Worship through music is so vital to me now. I love bluegrass, but now I can't get enough gospel bluegrass. "When He Reached Down His Hand for Me" by The Stanley Brothers (also 3rd Tyme Out does a fantastic cover) is so special, it speaks of God pulling us sinners out of the gutter. There are some others that I can't get enough of.

I wrote most of the above shortly after my release. Things are still great, but now I know I have a real 'battle' on my hands. I was on such a 'high' (the honeymoon phase) that I didn't think it would end. I honestly didn't. Well, it ended. I've been battling the flesh lately, with anger and impatience still a problem. I struggle in my prayer life. There's been more than a few times I didn't have confidence that God was listening. I love to come to God with a humble heart and soul, but I find it difficult to do sometimes. What I want more than anything in the world now is to be used of God in whatever way He chooses. I'm just not sure which way He is leading. That's pretty much where I'm at now. God bless whoever reads this. I have more to say, but I'll leave it for now.
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Hello drequeen;

Your post was a great start. Thank you for your honesty and important testimony. I'm not sharp with acronyms so please bear with me.

What is a DWI and RLS? I could Google it but I'd rather hear it from you out of respect to your testimony.

I'm very sorry for the passing of your precious son Ryan at only 3 weeks. We lost our son during my wife's 6 month pregnancy back in October 1985. He died in her womb so the hospital had to induce the labor. It was horrible to see my wife shaking uncontrollably during the inducement because she was only 27, had just immigrated to America by herself and it was our first child. To this day we both still miss our son. I have all the faith you and I will see our sons one day in Heaven.

I'm going to chew on everything you shared for now, and would like to respond more this weekend.

God bless you, brother, and we all look forward to fellowship with you.


Hello drequeen;

Your post was a great start. Thank you for your honesty and important testimony. I'm not sharp with acronyms so please bear with me.

What is a DWI and RLS? I could Google it but I'd rather hear it from you out of respect to your testimony.

I'm very sorry for the passing of your precious son Ryan at only 3 weeks. We lost our son during my wife's 6 month pregnancy back in October 1985. He died in her womb so the hospital had to induce the labor. It was horrible to see my wife shaking uncontrollably during the inducement because she was only 27, had just immigrated to America by herself and it was our first child. To this day we both still miss our son. I have all the faith you and I will see our sons one day in Heaven.

I'm going to chew on everything you shared for now, and would like to respond more this weekend.

God bless you, brother, and we all look forward to fellowship with you.

Hey Bob, DWI means driving while impaired (usually either drunk or high for most people. But any type of impairment could apply). I was drunk both times.

RLS means restless leg syndrome. Hard to describe, you'd just have to look it up. I don't think there's a known cause yet, but it is definitely hereditary. It affects people differently.

Thanks for the kind words. Sorry for your loss. I look forward to hearing from you.
Hello drequeen
My dear brother, thank you for sharing your
Wonderful Testimony, so sincerely given.

I felt your pain and frustration as I read your post, with tears in my eyes.
please stay with us and keep reading your bible.

God Bless You
Hello drequeen, thank you for sharing your testimony with the forum.

I identified personally with several parts, and your testimony gives me much to reflect on once again in my own walk. I am sure that others will profit from your testimony.

God bless you and those you love.
Thank you so much, blueskies. I've been struggling a little lately and you guys have lifted me up. Look forward to learning from you guys.
Hello drequeen
My dear brother, thank you for sharing your
Wonderful Testimony, so sincerely given.

I felt your pain and frustration as I read your post, with tears in my eyes.
please stay with us and keep reading your bible.

God Bless You
Thank you, Cosia. I feel I do have an important testimony to give (important insomuch that I think it can relate to a lot of people, not ME being important). I listened to quite a few of Billy Graham's sermons a few weeks back and noticed something. Who was his target audience? Was it young people? Old people? Drug addicts? No, it was church members. Guys and gals like me who got their name on the membership roll at their church. To many, that's all it takes. I thought it was interesting.
I'm Southern Baptist by the way, so I identify pretty much down the line with their beliefs. I don't reckon it matters, but sometimes it gives a little context when you read others' posts.
I rarely communicate online socially other than texting, so I'm sure it's obvious I'm not obeying certain etiquette for sites like this. Please keep me in check. Thanks again, looking forward to learning with you guys. At some point, I want to discuss what you mentioned, reading my Bible. It's been fairly erratic. Thanks, God bless.
Hi drequeen
I don't see a problem with the way you posted at all
There are some rules and also topics we don't discuss on the forum. Reason being that some topics always lead to arguments, hurt feelings and sometimes insults, which CFS is strongly against.
you are Southern Baptist and will find many of our members are..
You should find a link to the rules and topics not discussed in your welcome page.

You can of course discuss banned topics in a pm and invite who you like to the pm.

If you have any problems you are free to contact any of the moderators who will be only too pleased to assist.

I agree with you that your testimony is very important. It could save lives, save souls and we are very grateful to you for joining.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need any help with forum navigation.

Yes reading the Bible is important, we keep on learning and growing all our lives.

You are in my prayers drequeen
God Bless You
Hey drequeen;

While I was enjoying my good morning coffee I thought about your post and remember what Joseph endured in Genesis 37 - 50, and how Paul was flogged and jailed in the Pauline epistles of the New Testament.

I also remembered why I love the members on this site.

No matter whether a suffering new believer or seasoned Christian, we all have a story to tell. Jesus had a story to tell. Some members had/have awful experiences, choices we made, relationship breakdown, illness and loss of life. But our Lord and Savior has been there the whole time. We may not see or feel it, but He is there to the end according to His promise in Matthew 28:20b.

I have to believe that where you and we are today, it has hurt and it was tough but we're still standing, praise God. There will be other setbacks and successes in our daily walk with Christ, but when the world wide public reads our stories may encourage them to go beyond their keyboards, get out and share their story with others.

God bless you, drequeen, and I'm praying for your children, and that you'll get your driver's license back timely.

Hey drequeen;

While I was enjoying my good morning coffee I thought about your post and remember what Joseph endured in Genesis 37 - 50, and how Paul was flogged and jailed in the Pauline epistles of the New Testament.

I also remembered why I love the members on this site.

No matter whether a suffering new believer or seasoned Christian, we all have a story to tell. Jesus had a story to tell. Some members had/have awful experiences, choices we made, relationship breakdown, illness and loss of life. But our Lord and Savior has been there the whole time. We may not see or feel it, but He is there to the end according to His promise in Matthew 28:20b.

I have to believe that where you and we are today, it has hurt and it was tough but we're still standing, praise God. There will be other setbacks and successes in our daily walk with Christ, but when the world wide public reads our stories may encourage them to go beyond their keyboards, get out and share their story with others.

God bless you, drequeen, and I'm praying for your children, and that you'll get your driver's license back timely.

Thanks for those words Bob. I have been encouraged over the weekend, thanks partly to you guys.
Most of my time on here will be spent on weekends. Because of my driving problems I have to get up earlier and I get home later. Plus, my mom's health is deteriorating so I'm spending more time with her. That's part of the reason I'm having trouble getting into a regular daily Bible study (that's my excuse anyway).
For questions about specific verses, where would be the proper location here to post? For example, I'm at Mark 6:48. Jesus was walking on the water and "would have passed them by". I could Google it and whatnot, but would it be OK to post on here?
God bless you guys, I'll be praying for you too. My prayer list is getting longer, which really isn't a bad thing 🙂
Thanks for those words Bob. I have been encouraged over the weekend, thanks partly to you guys. Most of my time on here will be spent on weekends. Because of my driving problems I have to get up earlier and I get home later. Plus, my mom's health is deteriorating so I'm spending more time with her. That's part of the reason I'm having trouble getting into a regular daily Bible study (that's my excuse anyway). For questions about specific verses, where would be the proper location here to post? For example, I'm at Mark 6:48. Jesus was walking on the water and "would have passed them by". I could Google it and whatnot, but would it be OK to post on here? God bless you guys, I'll be praying for you too. My prayer list is getting longer, which really isn't a bad thing 🙂

Hey drequeen;

If I understand your question, please use Bible Gateway where you can input a Bible chapter to post your Bible subject.

On our homepage at Christian Forum Site, please scroll down until you see Bible Study and click this link.

I hope this helps, brother.

WOW.... Just WOW.... I am blown away... I can't even find the words to speak.... drequeen ... what a profoundly beautiful testimony.
One... that I'm certain as Cosia expressed... will touch the hearts of many.

Your transparency and brutal honesty... not to mention COURAGE to share is truly deeply heart touching.

I don't know where I was to have missed this thread... I need to read more... I get in my little routine of responding to whatever I see on the board.

God bless you drequeen... I truly hope you make your presence known here.
WOW.... Just WOW.... I am blown away... I can't even find the words to speak.... drequeen ... what a profoundly beautiful testimony.
One... that I'm certain as Cosia expressed... will touch the hearts of many.

Your transparency and brutal honesty... not to mention COURAGE to share is truly deeply heart touching.

I don't know where I was to have missed this thread... I need to read more... I get in my little routine of responding to whatever I see on the board.

God bless you drequeen... I truly hope you make your presence known here.
Thanks so much, In Awe. I'm not on here much, my mom is in poor health and I don't sleep complaining, I probably need to manage my time better. I'm probably going to post a little more often. Looking forward to spending more time with you guys.
Thanks so much, In Awe. I'm not on here much, my mom is in poor health and I don't sleep complaining, I probably need to manage my time better. I'm probably going to post a little more often. Looking forward to spending more time with you guys.

Hello drequeen;

I hear you and am praying for your Mom. I hope you both can enjoy as much time together. By the way, I remember traveling from South Carolina to Winston Salem back in the day for a little league all star tournament. Beautiful part of the country.

I look forward to fellowship with you and everyone here.

God bless
you, brother.

Thank you for the prayers. Yes, I enjoy living where I live. I live a little SW of Winston-Salem, pretty far back in the country. Pretty decent place to be in case times get rough; and I believe that's certainly possible.