In G.B this Sunday is Mothering Sunday Written to extol all women

(Please feel free to use in any way you want to bless God’s handmaidens)

Woman, Gods best Creation… Probably?

Don’t get lost in being a wife, mother, daughter, sister,
God made you,
Like a beautiful flower
Perfumed like no other…
Heavenly fragrance
wafting in the breeze
Each bloom uniquely
Like no other…

That’s you!

Made in the likeness of God
A masterpiece of The Creator
Individual as a snow flake
No two the same
There will never be
another like you


That’s you!

Created in Gods image
You’re unique, special,
Loved by God .
Even when you were still in the womb…
your life was planned…
To grow , bloom, blossom
into the woman
God destined you to be

Created by the Master
Made by Gods own hand
A masterpiece of Creation

That’s you 🥰
That is beautiful Alan.
Thank you ,Alan. Few men view women in a spiritually unique way..... they want us to be silent as Corinthians 14 gets mis- interpreted....women KEEP silent in the church,when in fact it describes the marital relation of man and wife juxtaposed with Christ as the head of the body his church but hey.... thats a whole other can of worms.

Thank you for using your gift to bless us and others. ❤