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I was wondering if I was allowed to share my books in the Book, TV section? Or would that be too much of self promotion? Or how can I tell people that read my poems on here that there now available in books? Thanks
Just through Amazon and local bookstores like on any other book recommendations, I only take special requests locally because of not having the money to take orders . My goal is for the books to be known for the Holy Spirit to lead people to make their own decisions in getting the poems they liked in reading when posted.
I’m just a simple man living with Parents out in the country Living for Jesus writing what the Holy Spirit gives with headphones on my head listening to music in my room asking the Holy Spirit to use me and the little I get Put into self publishing books every 6months to a year to 2 years when I hear the Holy Spirit saying it’s time To ask my friend in helping to format manuscripts and to make a book cover And submitting for kindle publishing. I don’t know how to sell, just say here it is and ask God what’s next?

its what gets me through the pain that I go through and the feedback that I do get from people gives me hope of doing something more.

I know this is more that was asked, just wanted to give more of a background story, that telling people about these books isn’t about money even if it does come with being known and hopefully read. Thanks for reading and considering.
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