Who's coming over for dinner? :)

So for me not being entirely clear how NY would generally be taken (as opposed to NYC in this post) are you in the state or the city these days?

Either way, the Atlantic would probably be my own biggest obstacle in coming to dinner. But maybe I could do a St Brendan and set sail.
90% of people I talk to that are out of state assume that everyone from NY lives in NYC :) So it's not biggie. But I live in the country :)
I seriously want to cook for people. So, in all reality, if you guys were closer to me, I would totally throw a CFS party.

But that just might be weird since I've never met any of you and it'll be the awkward question of when my roommate asks me, "So, how do you know these people?"

I thought people only met on the interweb these days...? We mostly normal, it would be a blast, we should give a CFS party more thought / pick a location. How about AFRICA??