What does Scripture say about this ?

I wonder though if it is not just yet another way to take man's focus off the Lord and try to take centre stage just as in Eden?

I bet we could write a book on all the things that the devil is doing to try to get people's eyes off the Lord :)

The time is so very short and if he can divert people's attention then it gets them away from walking closer to God, and fulfilling everything God had planned for them. he knows that wood, hay and stubble can be burnt up..and rewards can be less.

It's always good to be aware of the devil's schemes and tricks....that way we can continue to fight the good fight of faith

God bless you
Thank you, friends, for your thought-provoking comments and the help you are giving.

You have brought out for me the differences between mankind and the beasts over which we have dominion. The main difference, of course, is that it is only mankind, made in the image of God, who have any spiritual awareness. No beasts will have a spiritual consciousness, knowing good from evil, and we cannot make comparisons. The six mice used in the experiment and their offspring will not have any connection with the Holy Spirit, and we cannot even make comparisons with what others, produced from an egg, would be like.
We must remember that as far as we believe, The Holy Spirit fathered Jesus, who contained the Father, in the way we have always assumed, and that must be the way chosen by the Creator God.