The Privilege of Prayer

I spent most of my working life in Washington DC and its surrounding area, the last 10 years of which a couple of blocks away from Capital Hill and the Mall.

People came from all over the country to talk to their senators and representatives. While many are happy to talk to their voters, most of the issues that were brought to them by their people were handled (if at all) by staff rather than the actual office holder. Even then, it would be not usually be high priority unless it was from a BIG donor. I would often see congressmen and their staff walking around The Mall on their cell phones "dialing for dollars" (congressmen are not supposed to use their offices or govt supplied equipment for campaigning, and particularly not for fund raising). Home district visitors need to schedule in-person visits well in advance.

But when we have an issue in our lives, or even just wanting to praise or Lord for blessings or a feeling of happiness we can have an immediate and personal conversation with our Lord and thus our advocate before The Father.

We have a personal relationship with our sovereign that far outclasses any relationship we may have with all others around us!