The Path We Walk

I do not lie.
I lie, but my lies are small and don't matter.
My lies matter, but they are excusable.
My lies are not excusable, but I deserve mercy.
I hate you!
I love you...
I do not deserve mercy.
I do not lie.
I lie, but my lies are small and don't matter.
My lies matter, but they are excusable.
My lies are not excusable, but I deserve mercy.
I hate you!
I love you...
I do not deserve mercy.
Read the poem "The Collar" by George Herbert. It is a good depiction of what you describe. He wrote it on the eve of his ordination. He really poured out his heart.
Once you accept that you do not deserve mercy yet are given mercy nonetheless if you but look to Jesus and believe, a wonderful thing happens. Your heart, not unlike the dear Grinch, begins to grow and you see yourself finally in your true light: a fallen, wretched creature, loved not because of your arrogance, pettiness and hateful nature but despite it.