THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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All glory to God indeed, dear heart! That which we do not deserve He blesses us with anyway. Thankyou so much for adding your joy to ours!!

All our love!!

- BM
How wonderful and excited I am for you and your Beloved. Would have loved to have been there but your description was perfect. So glad you were able to make the Birthday luncheon and while I know you're now worn out I know you feel like you're floating on a cloud. Both of you. Rest well my friends and God bless.

We'd have loved to have you with us, but you were mentioned as an absent friend when we did vows again!

How did you know we'd be worn out but floating on a cloud? - absolutely right, dear friend!! At the end of the day we looked at each other with some surprise, and said, "We did it!" and it was a great feeling. All thanks to praying friends and a wonderful Heavenly Father - because out present state of health would have said, "No way!"

Blessings to you in the Lord Jesus!!

- BM
Whoo Hoo! Congrats Mrs and Bondman! What an exciting day it must have been! I sure pray that the Lord will bring a man of God into my life, of course I rely on Isaiah 54 that the Lord is my maker and husband, but praying that one day here on earth, I will have that awesome man of God to share my life with. I can't wait to see a pic of her eternity ring! that is so awesome and how awesome that the florists were so kind too! May God continue to bless your lives abundantly! Love you both!
Thankyou so much, hon!

It was great day because the Lord is so good to us, and kind people prayed!

We love you too!!

- BM

Blessings to all! We are having such a hard time in our lives and I am rejoicing because He considers us worthy of this!! The last 2 days have been very hard as we are back on our computers and nothing is going right. I have long said - and this may sound strange - that computers persecute us! And always have!! They give us no end of problems and constantly wear us out so badly that we can hardly keep going. Once again we have to pay for help as we cannot solve the latest problems.

Beloved got a call from our Doctor about her latest test results and every one of them were bad, i.e., figures more or less than normal by quite a deal. She's been doing everything she can to live and eat so as to normalise them - but they're all worse! This is serious. Poor Darling, life is SO VERY tough on her!!!

I have a new friend, an Indian pastor who has planted a church in an unreached part of India. They have baptised 300 souls so far, but the needs are so great, and they are doing it ALL by faith! Hearing first hand about life there, the worship of false gods and goddesses, their souls tied down with NO freedom - yet Jesus can release them from it all! This is why I say that we must give our gifts and (so-called) tithes to ministry like this!

PREVIOUS QUESTION: You've repented of all sin committed against God; you've believed in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour; you've been baptised in water and received the Holy Spirit; you know that 'faith without works is dead'; you've committed your whole life to the Lord to love and obey Him forever.

Do all of this and there is still one thing "thou lackest", as Jesus might have said - something very serious concerning your ultimate destination at the Judgement. And very very few seem aware of it - what is it?

You should have got this one as I'm pretty certain I already asked it! Our FAITH must WORK, or we are likely not born again. And our LOVE should work too, or we are likely not born again. Jesus told us that unless we are ministering to the needs of those He called His brothers and sisters, then we will be sent to hell!!! No ifs, no buts!!! Needs like food, water, shelter, and being sick. Most of us have all these needs well and truly met, and piles left over - WHAT are you doing for those who do NOT? Matthew 25:31-46. VERY serious!!!!

This doesn't mean once a month or when you think of it, either. It means A CARING WAY OF LIFE. PROVE to yourself and the Lord that you TRULY LOVE. Are there people in your church in need, or older folk, or ill people? "Minister to them" means to TAKE on the CARE of them and their problems!! If this doesn't COST you, it's likely you're not getting the job done. You can achieve this also by constantly supplying money to those ministering to others who have these needs. Give a pair of chickens or rabbits, as food for a Christian "Untouchable" family. The amount is not the issue, but rather how much it will COST you to supply such love-gifts. Do this and it will help you be less worldly too. Remember, being worldly makes you an enemy of God!! James 4:4.

NEXT QUESTION: What does the 'fellowship of His sufferings' mean to you? Philippians 3:10.

Love, joy, peace!!

- BM

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Greetings in Jesus' precious name!!

A very difficult week for us. Beloved has been mostly in bed for the last few days from one of her blinding headaches that totally wipe her out. I'm sure I've said before that my prayer for her always is for the Lord to keep the level of things she has to cope with at least above the level where she can't.

We're back on computers only to find that hers won't connect with Drive C on mine and Drives A and E also. I can connect to her Drive C, so at least that means that with difficulty we can copy files and data across. But I'm going to have to pay again - this time to get someone here to fix the whole problem so our network is finally working. She has all the worry of this as she has to keep track of everything we're doing seeing my CFS brain won't (i.e., I get 'supervised'!) But it's just one more stress added to all the other things she has. If I didn't trust the Lord like I do, this week I'd have been VERY concerned for her future...

I've had a red and swelled top of left foot this past week. Not getting worse, but not getting better either. No idea what it is - hope Doc does when he sees me.

We have to get the computers done which can only happen when Beloved is up to it and I'm up to it at the same time, which is hard to get to happen. When it does we have to 'kill' ourselves to get as much done as possible. My time is thus constrained and will be for the months and months until the whole job is done (once we finally get mine done, then hers has to be done next!)

So if you find me behind answering EMAILS please know that I'll get to you as soon as I can!!

PREVIOUS QUESTION: What does the 'fellowship of His sufferings' mean to you? Philippians 3:10

There are so many verses which answer this:

20 For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before (to) God. 21 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: 1 Peter 2. Thus if you would FOLLOW Him, you are called to SUFFERING, following Jesus' EXAMPLE, and FOLLOWING in His STEPS.

This is the very LEAST what the 'fellowship of His sufferings' should mean for us. In the Philippians 3:10 verse, as you can see, it's not just suffering, but even unto death!! And many there are who've gone before us who suffered - and right at this moment others also, especially in China. Suffering? Do you know anything at all about suffering like this? If not, then don't say that you are following Jesus, because you're not! Which leads very nicely into our next question about what REWARD you will get when you reach heaven PLUS what may be the ramifications of that. Please DON'T miss it!!!

NEXT QUESTION: Maybe the most major thing for us when we END here and go to be with THE LORD is our reward that He will give us. How much do you know about THAT!! - and how important is it to YOUR personal future?

May His PEACE be deep in your heart!!

- BM

A big hello to you all!

Over here the shops are already peddling the madness of Christmas spending. All that money we spend on ourselves, while those in need in 3rd World or emerging countries are utterly neglected. Out of sight is out of mind... Forgive me please, but that's not even vaguely Christian - but it IS very worldly! What we need is to change our lives to the utter givingness of Jesus' love, and He WILL help you to do this!!

I rejoice and celebrate the babe come from heaven and the God-man on the cross for us all every day. Why would I need special (materialistic) days to remember Him!!! His Presence is constant WITH us, and His work in our heart never stops. Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created [and recreated] in Christ Jesus unto good works.... that we should walk in them.

So each day, no matter how ill we may be, we are in our great God's hands. He always does well. Though our health is deteriorating at an increasing rate, and life appears impossible, He is in control. I firmly believe by faith that we ARE healed, and that we HAVE our ministry funds!! I simply await with great anticipation seeing their appearance!!! In the human realm, our Doc has sent us for even more tests though there are many, many, many things in our bodies that there's no way man can do a single thing about!

Please pray for the Lord to keep all the things that my Beloved struggles with every day at a point above where she can still COPE!! My heart breaks when she has days where life is simply too, too much for her. There is no way I can describe to you how dreadful these times are!

Most days we're still fighting with our computers as they stubbornly resist being fixed. We have made some progress on my PC, tho Beloved's will not connect to my Drive C still. Tomorrow I'm talking to the tech who fixed my network to see if he can suggest what's wrong. After 27 years in computers I can say that they are so dreadful as to software and hardware, that I would NEVER willingly have a computer even near me if this was possible. But it's not, right?!! - so instead I will rejoice in the good things we can do with them!

PREVIOUS QUESTION: Maybe the most major thing for us when we END here and go to be with THE LORD is our reward that He will give us. How much do you know about THAT!! - and how important is it to YOUR personal future?

I suspect most don't even know they'll receive a REWARD from our God. We will be judged concerning our works, whether GOOD or BAD!!! 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive according to the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

What will YOUR works show as before Jesus? IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN, people! GOOD works are those things done for others - and thus for the Lord!! BAD works are things (selfishly) done for ourselves. Those who are true Believers in Jesus and have committed their lives to Him - they DO GOOD WORKS!!! That's the way it is! I simply HAVE to love, care, pray, give, support, and so on - I can't help myself!!!

If you FAIL to CONSTANTLY be DOING good works, you may just make it to heaven by the skin of your teeth - but receive NO reward at all!! 1 Corinthians 3:13 Each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14 If anyone’s work which he has built on, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

Is this SERIOUS? Well it sounds so to me - how does it sound to you? God will give Crowns to some Christians because their lives have been SO righteous and holy, and their deeds and works so GOOD!!! Reward means reward folks, it really DOES!!! Thus others may receive NO reward, or lose a lot of their reward by not caring for and about others. Clearly the Scriptures say that our life HERE is PRECISELY what will determine our LIFE in eternity. Personally I cannot conceive that those who wilfully FAIL with good works and so LOSE their reward will live the SAME in eternity as those with high reward. Could it be that you will "miss out" badly for all eternity just because you didn't bother to live like He says to for a really teensy amount of time down here?

NEXT QUESTION: A very pertinent quote: "The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world. No one has the right to hear the gospel twice until everyone has had an opportunity to hear it at least once. -- J. Oswald Smith, Vital Christianity, June 1979"

What do YOU think?

May His blessed Spirit fill your heart today and always!!

- BM


Blessings to each one of you!!

Thankyou so much for those of you who pray for us! We need much prayer for there's A WHOLE PILE MORE that we have to do for our Lord before leaving the planet!!

We've almost finished fixing my PC, after it cost us $110 to get a tech. to come here and get the computer network finally fixed! Soon as it's done we pull down my Beloved's and start all over again!! *what fun...*

Beloved has been having a little bit better time with all of her health problems, but still struggles each day. I am doing the same as normal - still needing up to 12 hrs per day sleep to keep me going.

We now have an online group of earnest Believers, an online Ekklesia (Gr. for church, fellowship, congregation) of 4 families on 4 continents speaking at least 3 different languages, with a total of 14 souls including adult and teen children. No one organised even one bit of this: it was ALL GOD'S DOING!!! We are very much "together" in the things of God, and living for him, and all approve of and agree with my Messages. Nick is making good progress toward getting them all published in 2 languages on the Net.

PREVIOUS QUESTION: A very pertinent quote: "The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world. No one has the right to hear the gospel twice until everyone has had an opportunity to hear it at least once. -- J. Oswald Smith, Vital Christianity, June 1979"

What do YOU think?

Who in our countries will be able to plaintively say to Jesus at the Judgement, "But but, I never heard!" NO ONE WILL!! There are churches, Christian TV. Christian radio, Books and Book Stores, and more, all over. Anyone who WANTS to find God - He will ensure that they DO!!

Whereas in much of India and other South Asian countries, they have NO WAY to find the Lord!! NO WAY AT ALL!!! God says in Romans 10:14 And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? INDEED!!

Another question will come up at the Judgement when Jesus judges your works, whether good or bad. Good works will include ENSURING that some who otherwise would NOT hear, DO hear. Bad works will include NOT CARING ABOUT THEM!!! It's NOT the church's task to do this - it's personally yours and mine!! J. Oswald Smith was RIGHT!!

NEXT QUESTION: A Christian man has lived a good life until he got caught up in serious adultery. Two weeks into this, he was killed instantly in a car crash - not a milli-second to repent of his sin, nor ask God to forgive Him!!

Does he end up in heaven or hell?

May you know with certainty that He is always WITH you! Love from

- BM with his Lady

NEXT QUESTION: A Christian man has lived a good life until he got caught up in serious adultery. Two weeks into this, he was killed instantly in a car crash - not a milli-second to repent of his sin, nor ask God to forgive Him!!

Does he end up in heaven or hell?

My understanding is that he can end up in hell - Heb 10:29
Hi Bondman, This is a question that has been debated for centuries by theologians.... Can you loose your salvation? I think if you were to put this in the new apologetics section of the forum, many would have various opinions.:)

I can only give my opinion on what I feel to be the case.

If he was a true believer in Christ then I think he would go to heaven, whether he had an affair or had a bad thought about his neighbour before his death. All sin is abominable in God's sight.

Every sin I have commited, or ever will commit, Jesus took the punishment for and paid the price. When we confess our sins to God it is not on the basis of our confession that we are forgiven but on the basis of the blood of Christ.

I believe that the last time God took acount of my sin was at Calvary and any dealings He has had with His children from then, has been on the basis of a Father disciplining His children for their own good.

While the Inner Room has never been place for discussion, but rather a place to read and learn and grow to maturity in Christ, I'm going to comment on the good posts here. It seems to me that Vision1, you've certainly 'got' what the New Testament says!! The debates and arguments about this appear to be by people who do not understand BY THE SPIRIT what God is saying in the NT. I'm know that I'm extremely fortunate with all that God has revealed to me by His Spirit (the ONLY way to understand!) - cos to me it's all clear, and I see NO problem at all!!

Jeff I listened to the video, and didn't pick up anything I disagreed with. Heb 12:14 the Amp. Bible translates as: "Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord." Clear enough: we must pursue consecration and holiness. Absolutely!! Unless we have some holiness we're never going to see the Lord. It doesn't say without PERFECT holiness we won't see God. Rather it's saying to PURSUE holiness/righteousness/godliness - exactly as a sincere Believer will be doing!!

Concerning Heb 10:29 Jeff, v. 26 says: "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left." It's most important to note "deliberately", as well as "keep on" sinning. That is, here's a wilful person who's utterly and COMPLETELY given up living the Gospel of Christ, and has wilfully gone back to sinning over and over and over - and even worse!!

In v. 29 we see the things He's done and is now doing: "How much worse (sterner and heavier) punishment do you suppose he will be judged to deserve who has spurned and [thus] trampled underfoot the Son of God, and who has considered the covenant blood by which he was consecrated common and unhallowed, thus profaning it and insulting and outraging the [Holy] Spirit [Who imparts] grace? (Amp. Bible) He tramples/stomps all over the Son of God showing his total disrespect for Him!! He calls the new Covenant/Testament in Jesus' blood unholy and filthy - thus profaning and insulting God's Spirit. Whoa!!!

I believe it's not all that easy to get 'unsaved' which these passages speak of. But it certainly CAN be done. I personally know someone who has, and she has totally given up the Lord for decades now, and lives a life of sin totally without Him in her life any more - and cares not one iota about this!! Awful!!

Blessings to you precious brothers of mine!

- BM
Thanks brother. There's soooo much I need to learn.

I'll have more when I answer my question in the next "From Bondman" in a few days time.

It's great to have you here, my brother. And regarding, "There's soooo much I need to learn," I would love to be able to 'sign-up' ONE MILLION people minimum who, with some humility, would say the same words - and mean them!! Meantime, I'll continue to pray for more and more folks to read my messages here to learn simply and clearly what the New Testament really says, totally FREE of any Denominationalism, just from the Holy Spirit to my mind over the past couple of decades or so.

Much love in the Lord Jesus!!!

- BM

A big hello from Down Under!

Today my PC went in to our dealer to set it all up from scratch again like when we bought it, AND to test, test, test it, cos there is something wrong with this computer. We've spent countless hours since I last wrote to put on folders, data, and install programs. Now that will all be lost, but we have no choice! *sigh!* Beloved is stressed out and depressed from all she has to do, including the computer. I'm SO glad that the Holy Spirit keeps me on an even keel maybe 98-99% of the time so that I'm able to support her in her troubles.

The health of us both is about the same as last time. Occasionally I can feel like how our good Doc says: that I should have died a couple of years ago. But I AM still here, okay!!

PREVIOUS QUESTION: A Christian man has lived a good life until he got caught up in serious adultery. Two weeks into this, he was killed instantly in a car crash - not a milli-second to repent of his sin, nor ask God to forgive Him!!
Does he end up in heaven or hell?

Please see questions and answers about this above. Now my comments: The simple, important, and mostly not understood fact is that when Jesus spoke His words of VICTORY from the cross: "It is finished!!" and finally died, at that moment you and I were forgiven of ALL of our sin. Why? The Lamb of God had paid the full price of all our sin as the Perfect Sacrifice, and accepted by the Father as such!! For the committed and submitted Christian "All" means all sin - past, present, future. Hallelujah!!

But doesn't that mean I can then sin however I like, because it's already forgiven? The answer to that is actually Yes! But if you truly LOVE Him, then why would you want to go and deliberately sin, just because you can. Paul dealt with this very question in Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? And goes on to answer his question, with: "By no means!!"

The man in our question goes to heaven. Definitely not hell!! Jesus' spilt blood has not lost its POWER. He is FORGIVEN for all of his sin forever, and that it that!! Worth another Hallelujah? I think so!!

NEXT QUESTION: What should a very sincere Believer do if his life seems to be a succession of problems and difficulties - maybe going on and on? Take a stand against the devil to get him to stop perhaps?

All our love, and may His joy abide deep in your heart always!!

- BM
NEXT QUESTION: What should a very sincere Believer do if his life seems to be a succession of problems and difficulties - maybe going on and on? Take a stand against the devil to get him to stop perhaps

Has been awhile since I have stopped by here. But for this question, I would say one would really have to examine their life and how they are living for the Lord, as I can well attest to that. Yes taking a stand against the devil to get him to stop is a key, but also for me what I have found and learned is am I really living the righteous life? am I truly doing all that the Lord requires me of me and what his word says. One of my Christian coworkers told me one time when sharing of another friends problems, she said "there must be sin in the camp". James tells us that we will have tests and trials, but Ican honestly see where I myself can possibly cause some of these.

Life has been a bit of trials lately here, but I have to remember who am I living for? am I living for myself or am I living sold out for the Lord?
He does and will prevail in all situations. It will be 3 years in January that I joined the form. It has been quite the journey. I often get caught up in my own problems and then when I stop and look around, mine are so small compared to others. And when we are living for the Lord and doing his work in the kingdom, yes we can come under attack of the enemy "pig", because that truly does not make him happy.

I continue to volunteer with the street ministry and continue to evangelize for the Lord. We just celebrated the one year anniversary of the Jeremiah House women's group at my home. This past week we had 4 new gals. 3 of them did not have winter coats! and it is cold and lots of snow here. One gal who is not saved and does not really know God, shared that she has done so many bad things like how can God love her? It was an awesome evening and her and i will be having dinner soon to talk more about the Lord, salvation and a life with him.

The Lord is restoring my relationship with my daughter which has been awesome. Next week I will travel to see my parents for the Christmas holiday. Also next week , the ministry will be on the streets for 4 nights sharing the love of Christ. I have missed you guys and am forever thankful for Bondmans' uconditional love. May you all have a very Merry Christmas.
God bless
Blessings to you, hon! Lovely to have you visit.

Thanks for your thoughtful post! I'm way late with it, but am writing my answer to the Previous Question and it should be up tomorrow. I can blame computers for the lateness...

- BM

Oh dear, once again sorry so long since I wrote! Thankyou again Faithwoman for your post and what you shared!!

We're getting inundated with rain many days of the week, including storms, wind, and hail. Our back yard is so sloppy to walk on! It's mostly also very hot with high humidity! HEALTH: our health varies all the time as you know, but is much the same as when I last wrote. In FAITH according to Hebrews 11:1 we are ALREADY healed and HAVE our ministry funds - now just waiting for the manifestation of them!!

The main reason I'm so late with this is our PC's. Tomorrow will be the 4th time we've tried to get them to fix mine, so that we can set it up to actually USE it again. Then Beloved's will be next, as it's in a pretty awful state... All of this has added to life's stresses for us both, and only the prayers of dear ones who love us has kept my Lady, especially, able to keep going. Life is very hard for us!!

After years of searching I believe I've finally found a means of generating extra income that is safe but effective to bring in extra funds for us to give to the Lord, i.e., to those in need who we love and care about (in India - two works there - and saints in Russia). I'm currently learning about trading 'rules' so I can take advantage of this special way of gaining extra money. God has said a very strong 'Yes' to me, so I'm quietly excited about what we can achieve!

PREVIOUS QUESTION: What should a very sincere Believer do if his life seems to be a succession of problems and difficulties - maybe going on and on? Take a stand against the devil to get him to stop perhaps?

My response to such things is pretty clear: I rejoice!! Yes it takes some 'learning' but I've been doing that for a fair amount of time (including because of the past 33 years being FULL of problems and difficulties, and continuing!) Paul in Romans Ch 5:2... [Jesus] through whom also we have access, by faith, into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. We STAND, and we REJOICE in hope! 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, We actually GLORY in them!!! knowing that tribulation produces patience and perseverance; Hardships and difficulties build our patience and teach us how to persevere!

4 and patience brings experience and character; Experience is INVALUABLE to be able to help others AND to know how to stop the devil dead in his tracks, because he is a DEFEATED enemy (more below). and experience gives us hope. Hope is SO wondrous! You don't ever give up. You seldom get 'down'. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. We receive God's love poured into our hearts, via the Holy Spirit, Who lives IN us!!

You know my verse for dealing with satan. James 4:7. I NEVER ever bother to "stand against" the devil. I never speak to him. I simply speak to God Who wrote that verse through James: "Lord, I RESIST the devil according to Your Word, and he WILL flee from me." Please note the prior condition: being SUBMITTED to the Lord (if you're NOT submitted to Jesus then you NEED to be: it's actually possible that unsubmitted people may not even be born again).

NEXT QUESTION: When I sin against someone, what is my necessary course of action?

Relax in the Lord to get you through the Christmas period!! Much love!!

- BM
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