The dangerous teaching of modern christianity

Not only that but God made a covenant with the United States with our for Fathers before the goverment began to sway from God and do things on their own. This does not in any way make this covenant null or void but GOD is moving and is GIVING US OUR COUTRY BACK.

I will take the words of the Prophets over any one else.
God Bless
Which prophets are you talking about? Also, God made a covenant with the USA? How do you know this? Also, the Old Testament repeatedly shows the nation of Israel being defeated and taken captive by other nations because they turned away from God. If God did this with Israel, what makes you think He wouldn't do it with the USA as well? Even if He made covenant with them.
Which prophets are you talking about? Also, God made a covenant with the USA? How do you know this? Also, the Old Testament repeatedly shows the nation of Israel being defeated and taken captive by other nations because they turned away from God. If God did this with Israel, what makes you think He wouldn't do it with the USA as well? Even if He made covenant with them.

For one I do not bother with all these ideas and notions of men who feel they know the bible.
Mykuhl I do not have time right now to get into all this for we are heading out in a second or two. There are "real Prophets" in this world today. There is a lot of things God has done and is doing in this world but most wont even pay attention.

If you want to learn about the covenant made then do some research for now.
I will talk with you later, they are leaving....
For one I do not bother with all these ideas and notions of men who feel they know the bible.
Mykuhl I do not have time right now to get into all this for we are heading out in a second or two. There are "real Prophets" in this world today. There is a lot of things God has done and is doing in this world but most wont even pay attention.

If you want to learn about the covenant made then do some research for now.
I will talk with you later, they are leaving....
I do believe there are real prophets today. I just wanted to know which prophets you were referring to.

Ok, I will talk to you more about this later.
Take care Jim.
God has blessed the USA in such a profound way that it will take a long time to undo it.
God's punishment and discipline came when things got so bad it was hopeless, or through one person if it was needed. Since Jesus' sacrifice, though, Christianity became a powerful force to fight against all that human pride and idol worship and the evil powers of this world. Christ's example and the Word's teachings spawned freedom through which God blessed this country. There are still many devout Christians in this country and that is a major force for the devil to try to overcome.
Can anyone show me scripture where God extends His Mercy to someone before they accept Him as their Creator and repents of their sins?

Am kinda confused as well with the question…..

Highlighted the quote above, right click , google searh : )

With the exact same question, it must be the same person, and he revised the question.... yeah, the question now makes sense to me....

. said:
The bible says that weapons formed against us will not prosper, it does not say that they cannot or will not hurt us. Islam is part of the judgment that God has called on the nations of this world. Mny have turned so completely away from Him that He has said and is saying ENOUGH!
The church (as a whole) in America has never had so many resources on hand as it does now, and yet very little (comparitively) is being done to serve Jesus and make disciples. The vast majority of the resources that God has given His people are being used by those people to stay comfortable and to elevate themselves.

America as a nation is going to fall soon and the American church is going to burn.

The fire that is coming will bring the revival so many have earnestly prayed for, but that revival will not be what so many envision. There will be no increase in the established churches power. There will be no concerts with well known artists leading. There will be no great publicized crusades.
The revival of the church will come as all of the distractions and petty fights we have embraced are torn away from us and we are left with a bone crushing understanding of our moment by moment need to rely on Jesus’ power and word and not our own power and understanding.
The cost of this revival that we so often long for will be dear.
The weeds and chafe will be destroyed and the glory of Jesus will shine through His purified bride.

This is why Islam is prospering. It is to bring God's people into His embrace. It is here to remove the distractions we have welded into our lives.
Groups such as ISIS will always be a fraction of Islam though. I think the churches are trying their best. I don't see the need to isolate America. If churches are failing there, then churches here are failing too.

I believe the revival is already here. Christians from all denominations are joining together in the struggle against evil being legalized and what is good being called evil.
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I would go with the demons already touched the ISIS lot. After all they worship Baal, now who is Baal?
Want to know what the fruits of their inner man is - steal, murder, destroy.
Sounds familiar, where did I see that.
The devil is definitely at home in their company. But not to be pedantic, my point was simply that the devil wants ISIS members dead and God / us Christians want them alive. ISIS members burn in hell for their evil. They are alive by God's grace.
I do not doubt that you were shown this but I do question who showed you this.
You claim God has shown you that America is going to fall as in be destroyed is this what you are trying to claim ?...
I was shown this in a dream (, Jim, but simple observation also bears out what is happening and what is soon to happen in and to this nation. God has stayed its destruction so far, but He will not do so forever.

...If so I say show me the proof that God is behind your words....You claim this and I ask of you to prove what you claim for it is against what God has given the prophets all across the land to say...
This brings to mind three simple questions:
1 - Just how often in scripture were the messages given to God's people by His prophets welcomed by those who heard them?
2 - What proof would you find acceptable?
3 - By what qualifications do you accept the prophets you cite?
Not only that but God made a covenant with the United States with our for Fathers before the goverment began to sway from God and do things on their own. This does not in any way make this covenant null or void but ....
This nation was founded in contradiction of a basic scriptural teaching (Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-17).
America is a conquered nation and that conquering was not done in obedience to God, but in obedience to the desires of men who wanted more. This nation engaged in biological warfare (infected blankets and materials passed off as help) before the term was ever coined and did so deceptively.
This nation has a history of ignoring its own laws whenever it wants something, and today it even has multiple laws in place that allow all other laws to be set aside at the whim of a few people.
Even without all that (and more), there is no excuse for the slaughter of children that this nation engages in DAILY. Even worse is the fact that our leaders and most of our people will not even face the right or wrong of it (Matt 18:6). It has been made an issue of choice and privacy.
Openly speaking the gospel of Jesus or anything biblical is being increasingly prohibited and in some places is legally punishable.
Racial divides and ignorance are openly encouraged.
This nation does not hold faith in Jesus and the American church spends more time and effort trying to pull this nation into alignment with scripture than it does proclaiming the gospel.
The American church embraces division and combat rather than living out the gospel.

Where is this covenant you hold so dear?

...GOD is moving and is GIVING US OUR COUTRY BACK...
What nation from what time are you referring to, Jim, and why should we want it back?

For those who are members of the Bride of Jesus, this is not our land. This is not our home. We are in this world, but we are no longer of this world.

God has blessed the USA in such a profound way that it will take a long time to undo it. ....
One of the ways that God shows His favor to a nation is in its wealth and resources.
Our economy is past the point of collapse, and if you or I managed our household finances the way this nation manages its resources we would have been imprisoned years ago.

Another major way that God shows His favor to a nation is in its children.
Even without the intentional murder of abortion, still births and spontaneous abortions are at an all time high.

Our children are required to learn things that defy what scripture and sometimes even common sense and observable science dictate.

This nations insistence on requiring that the rest of the world do things our way has earned the hatred of nearly every nation on the planet, and those nations that have followed our example are themselves failing.

No. It will not take long.
Make no mistake, God will save any who turn away from themselves and to Him, but they have to turn to Him wholly and freely and of their own will.

As a nation, America is to proud to do this. That pride must be first be abandoned or broken.
Groups such as ISIS will always be a fraction of Islam though. I think the churches are trying their best. I don't see the need to isolate America. If churches are failing there, then churches here are failing too...
Indeed they are, but the task I have been given so far regards this nation.

...I believe the revival is already here. Christians from all denominations are joining together in the struggle against evil being legalized and what is good being called evil.
The battle would fair far better if the denominational and carnal divisions were dropped and the gospel was proclaimed. The Holy Spirit can do far more to reach our leaders than any church or combination of churches can do with political pressure.
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This nation does not hold faith in Jesus and the American church spends more time and effort trying to pull this nation into alignment with scripture than it does proclaiming the gospel.
The American church embraces division and combat rather than living out the gospel.

You certainly have some compelling things to say, eric!

I must speak to this, however, and remind people that truly, there is no "American church" just as there is no other national church, but there is one Church of Jesus Christ, and in America, in Canada, in China, in Australia, and in every other nation, that Body of Christ is marching forward, and will continue until Jesus calls for her. There are churches, though, and you are referring to them as a whole---but that is not the Church.
...I must speak to this, however, and remind people that truly, there is no "American church" just as there is no other national church, but there is one Church of Jesus Christ, and in America, in Canada, in China, in Australia, and in every other nation, that Body of Christ is marching forward, and will continue until Jesus calls for her. There are churches, though, and you are referring to them as a whole---but that is not the Church.
That is most definately true.
It is one of the reasons I find myself referring more and more to the Bride and less to the church.
As sad as it is, the world (and many of God's people), has lost the ability to distinguish between the Bride of Jesus and the organization. To them the word church refers to both and there is no difference.
There is very much a difference, and that is why I speak of the American church as a seperate thing.
The Bride will endure the fire, be further purified by it, and remain pleasing to God, the organization will not. The organization and the tarres that hide in it will burn like the chaffe scripture speaks of.

Those who are only members of the church (organization) need to be sure that they are members of the Bride. They need to understand that there is a difference and that the difference is eternal.
I was shown this in a dream (, Jim, but simple observation also bears out what is happening and what is soon to happen in and to this nation. God has stayed its destruction so far, but He will not do so forever.

This brings to mind three simple questions:
1 - Just how often in scripture were the messages given to God's people by His prophets welcomed by those who heard them?
2 - What proof would you find acceptable?
3 - By what qualifications do you accept the prophets you cite?

This nation was founded in contradiction of a basic scriptural teaching (Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-17).
America is a conquered nation and that conquering was not done in obedience to God, but in obedience to the desires of men who wanted more. This nation engaged in biological warfare (infected blankets and materials passed off as help) before the term was ever coined and did so deceptively.
This nation has a history of ignoring its own laws whenever it wants something, and today it even has multiple laws in place that allow all other laws to be set aside at the whim of a few people.
Even without all that (and more), there is no excuse for the slaughter of children that this nation engages in DAILY. Even worse is the fact that our leaders and most of our people will not even face the right or wrong of it (Matt 18:6). It has been made an issue of choice and privacy.
Openly speaking the gospel of Jesus or anything biblical is being increasingly prohibited and in some places is legally punishable.
Racial divides and ignorance are openly encouraged.
This nation does not hold faith in Jesus and the American church spends more time and effort trying to pull this nation into alignment with scripture than it does proclaiming the gospel.
The American church embraces division and combat rather than living out the gospel.

Where is this covenant you hold so dear?

What nation from what time are you referring to, Jim, and why should we want it back?

For those who are members of the Bride of Jesus, this is not our land. This is not our home. We are in this world, but we are no longer of this world.

One of the ways that God shows His favor to a nation is in its wealth and resources.
Our economy is past the point of collapse, and if you or I managed our household finances the way this nation manages its resources we would have been imprisoned years ago.

Another major way that God shows His favor to a nation is in its children.
Even without the intentional murder of abortion, still births and spontaneous abortions are at an all time high.

Our children are required to learn things that defy what scripture and sometimes even common sense and observable science dictate.

This nations insistence on requiring that the rest of the world do things our way has earned the hatred of nearly every nation on the planet, and those nations that have followed our example are themselves failing.

No. It will not take long.

I was shown this in a dream (, Jim, but simple observation also bears out what is happening and what is soon to happen in and to this nation. God has stayed its destruction so far, but He will not do so forever.

This brings to mind three simple questions:
1 - Just how often in scripture were the messages given to God's people by His prophets welcomed by those who heard them?
2 - What proof would you find acceptable?
3 - By what qualifications do you accept the prophets you cite?

This nation was founded in contradiction of a basic scriptural teaching (Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-17).
America is a conquered nation and that conquering was not done in obedience to God, but in obedience to the desires of men who wanted more. This nation engaged in biological warfare (infected blankets and materials passed off as help) before the term was ever coined and did so deceptively.
This nation has a history of ignoring its own laws whenever it wants something, and today it even has multiple laws in place that allow all other laws to be set aside at the whim of a few people.
Even without all that (and more), there is no excuse for the slaughter of children that this nation engages in DAILY. Even worse is the fact that our leaders and most of our people will not even face the right or wrong of it (Matt 18:6). It has been made an issue of choice and privacy.
Openly speaking the gospel of Jesus or anything biblical is being increasingly prohibited and in some places is legally punishable.
Racial divides and ignorance are openly encouraged.
This nation does not hold faith in Jesus and the American church spends more time and effort trying to pull this nation into alignment with scripture than it does proclaiming the gospel.
The American church embraces division and combat rather than living out the gospel.

Where is this covenant you hold so dear?

What nation from what time are you referring to, Jim, and why should we want it back?

For those who are members of the Bride of Jesus, this is not our land. This is not our home. We are in this world, but we are no longer of this world.

One of the ways that God shows His favor to a nation is in its wealth and resources.
Our economy is past the point of collapse, and if you or I managed our household finances the way this nation manages its resources we would have been imprisoned years ago.

Another major way that God shows His favor to a nation is in its children.
Even without the intentional murder of abortion, still births and spontaneous abortions are at an all time high.

Our children are required to learn things that defy what scripture and sometimes even common sense and observable science dictate.

This nations insistence on requiring that the rest of the world do things our way has earned the hatred of nearly every nation on the planet, and those nations that have followed our example are themselves failing.

No. It will not take long.

With all this said I still find that what you say does not line up with what God has given so many others. This does not make me correct either but it does make me question this all the more.
Thanks Eric