Ten Depend on Two

Yes, however with the explanation that I gave, it essentially means this, if you love God with all your heart, mind and soul, you will not break the first four commandments, and if we love our neighbors as we do ourselves, we will not break the last six commandments.

To me at least Jesus summed up the ten into two because if we're not doing the two, then we haven't done the ten.
Yes, I agree and have said the same for years. It's rare to see Christians making this connection between the Two and the Ten, and more often than not, it is argued by many that the Two have replaced the Ten - a weak attempt to escape the penalty of continuing to live contrary to them. "Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Rofl - I know women stray too. (straightens halo). What we don't seem to get is that sin reverberates and spreads out. Walmart doesn't get hurt - it passes the cost on every article in the store to all customers. We live in a world where we all pay for thievery. Straying hurts families. It would be just my luck to get a convertible and like last summer, it seemed to rain every day. :)
Gotta keep that halo straight LOL! I've got mine held in place with Zip Ties and Gorilla Glue.