Speaking the truth

Some very interesting and challenging posts here. How does one reply to the question
"how are you this morning"? Now, I ache badly in several joints, and have a slight headache,nothing to worry about. My op. scar is itching and I need to see a dentist with a bothersome tooth. My blood sugar is a little high, but nothing to worry about. How do I answer truthfully the question "How are you this morning"?

My general answer to friends who know me would be "About 6 on a scale of 1-10. I have a lot to thank the Lord for". To acquaintances I would just answer "Improving - things are going fairly well".

It is very difficult to answer this question honestly without boring people with a litany of aches and pains, or on the other hand appearing sanctimonious. Perhaps someone has a better method of replying truthfully.

I think you have found a good method of reply. I think i will start to use it.

Currenly i feel about ummm 7.3 physicaly speaking :) :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days