Sent Home Satisfied


Sent Home Satisfied

Sent Home Satisfied

All the people ate and were full. Then the followers filled
seven baskets with the pieces of food that were not eaten.
There were about 4,000 men that ate. After they ate, Jesus
told them to go home.

-- Mark 8:8-9 (ERV)

Wouldn't it be great if everyone could go home from church satisfied --
both physically and spiritually? That is not going to happen unless we
let Jesus be the center of what we do!

Too many people go home unsatisfied because they go with the attitude of "getting" instead of "giving". I go Sunday morning and other times to sing, praise, and worship my Lord and Saviour. Of course, I'm hoping that I will become closer to the Lord in the process, but my main objective is not what I will get out of it but what I can give to the Lord--as well as the blessing I can give others through my singing.
Amen .... Jon- Mark . That is worshipping in spirit and in truth. And it is so true what you say, some go just to get but we should go with an attitude of gratitude , thanking Him for all He has done for us.