
maybe its the youths pastors at fault for not training the young to look after the youngest in their flock. They don't delegate...Moses delegated.
I don't think you should look for someone to blame, if a parent is weak in faith pray for them. Ask God to send the child godly aunties and uncles to surround them if a parent is stumbling in that respect.
Parents ought to be trained or go on parenting courses. I agree its a big responsibility raising children. The Bible ought to be our guidebook, bedtime story, instruction manual, songbook, prayerbook, history, dream journal...and where we write our family members in.
If parents neglect this task, if they neglect to provide for their family, spiritual food as well, they are worse than an unbeliever.

this what it says in 1 Timothy 5:8
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

and that issue goes directly to the core - they are not saved.
If parents think earning money, having a career and name, running a business and having big house or keeping up with everyone else is more important than loving their children to the extent they are neglected and not given discipline, boundaries, or the gospel in their actions everyday, they have denied the faith...children need parents who are around, if both at work...or ones absent all the's not going to work.
They have abidcated their responsibility. If they know God He can call them on it, but if they don't, and this is where Jesus was especially stern - they ought to have millstones strung around their necks and thrown into the sea because they cause their little ones to stumble and fall into sin.
...I don't think you should look for someone to blame...

Its not about throwing blame. A problem exists. Finding and openly identifying the source of a problem goes a long way to getting it fixed.

we do best what we are gifted for...we not meant to take on everything.
Agreed. That is pretty much my point about placing the responsibility for discipling many with one or even a few people. That is not how the body is suppossed to work.

and that issue goes directly to the core - they are not saved.
Now that is a needlessly judgmental statement.
Have you considered that in some cases, these parents are simply doing what they have been taught to do?
In practice the government, many other parents, and many churches dump responsibility off on others. That is the only parenting some people learn until they let the Holy Spirit take over.
I guess I can speak to this topic as a father of two younger children. One 2 1/2 years old and the other 4 months old.

We do bring our oldest into the church service, however, after the third reading and eight around the time of the sermon she gets ants in her pants and she must move around. She is a toddler and we can not expect a toddler to sit still and quiet for 90 minutes or so of a full service, especially when she doesn't do it for Sesame Street which is her favorite TV show.

It looks like she will be going into Sunday school next Sunday (my wife set it up as I wasn't in church yesterday).

As for discipling, I know I can only speak for me, but I was never discipled when I became a Christian in '09. I got a congrats, you made the right decision, read your Bible everyday, pray and be in church every Sunday. No one came along side me to personally disciple me. I have asked God to send someone, but I am still waiting going on 6 years now. So I haven't the slightest clue how to disciple my children. So I am grateful for someone who can fill in what I may miss.

*it wasn't the church that we're in now that didn't come along side me, but a different one that we were attending. The church we're in now, a Lutheran Church doesn't disciple either, but I will not leave this church as I finally found a church that both my wife and I agree on.
Our kids are 16, 13, and 11. I make no claim on perfection, but I can tell you that our kids are respectful (even when we aren't with them), know right from wrong, and they know the gospel.
If you have any questions at any time, I will gladly offer any help that I can.

I started praying for our kids when Kim first became pregnant, I pray that God will keep them and fill them with a hunger for Him. I have since included their future wives and husband in that request.

On the day our oldest was born, I made a simple decision that has affected my parenting immensley.
If my children get nothing else from me, I want them to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and what it means to follow Him as fully as I can possibly ensure.
I don't know how long I will have to teach them and that is the most important thing for them to learn, but I will not leave that in anyone else's hands.
Saying they not saved is not a damning judgement it just means they need to hear the gospel so they can be saved! Before its too late!
Naomanos, if the church you in now is not Jesus church, the one he called you to be in, you as the husband, and head of your household can make the final desicions on what church to attend. you wife, out of love for you, will respect your decision, if shes a believer.
I dont know but there seems to be some unequal yoking from what youve shared, and thats disturbing.
Sunday school and regular church services are not separate, they all part of the same body, just in different rooms. In my church it is only a portion of the service, everyone is still together for the main part, prayer time and sharing and the first few songs and hymns.
Naomanos, if the church you in now is not Jesus church, the one he called you to be in, you as the husband, and head of your household can make the final desicions on what church to attend. you wife, out of love for you, will respect your decision, if shes a believer.
I dont know but there seems to be some unequal yoking from what youve shared, and thats disturbing.
Sunday school and regular church services are not separate, they all part of the same body, just in different rooms. In my church it is only a portion of the service, everyone is still together for the main part, prayer time and sharing and the first few songs and hymns.

It is a Lutheran church, so most certainly a Jesus church.

As for my wife, she is tired of going from church to church while I find something. So this church is the first one that we both have agreed on together to be a part of. As for me making final decisions, no, we make the final decision together. I do not have veto power, nor does she. If we cannot agree, it doesn't happen.
So..whats the problem?
You seem to always have an issue with something...if its a Jesus church why you still looking?
Sorry i dont know about naming churches after people..Paul said not to do this, saying i am of Paul, I am of apollos etc.

We all meant to be in Christ Jesus, not elevate one name over the other....
So..whats the problem?
You seem to always have an issue with something...if its a Jesus church why you still looking?

Did I say I was still looking? I don't remember saying that at all.

However, before this church it was 5+ years of going from church to church and denomination to denomination or non-denominational.
Sorry i dont know about naming churches after people..Paul said not to do this, saying i am of Paul, I am of apollos etc.

We all meant to be in Christ Jesus, not elevate one name over the other....

The name of the church is Abiding Savior Lutheran Church.
You kinda complaining you not being discipled? But we all disciples of Christ here.

It is hard to explain.

I would like to be physically discipled by a man. I do better when it is shown to me on how to do something. I need to physically see it. I learn by seeing and doing, not really by reading.
It is hard to explain.

I would like to be physically discipled by a man. I do better when it is shown to me on how to do something. I need to physically see it. I learn by seeing and doing, not really by reading.
That's the way the monks do it, works well for them. Each novice is assigned to an elder for personal tutelage.
Among the Orthodox, those who have an interest in the spiritual usually have a father confessor that helps teach them and keep them on the straight and narrow.