Scientists Needed!

God is united with man? We are interconnected beings? Do you have scripture to verify these comments?
God is united to man (or perhaps more accurately understood the other way around) through the hypostatic union in Christ.
The matter of fundamental human relation is perhaps a more philosophical concept, but I find it rather essential.
Relation is ontologically basic. The whole human is inseparable from the Other, we are defined by our relation to others. This is a rejection of the Individualist conception of beings as inherently separate, distinct entities.
God is united to man (or perhaps more accurately understood the other way around) through the hypostatic union in Christ.
The matter of fundamental human relation is perhaps a more philosophical concept, but I find it rather essential.
Relation is ontologically basic. The whole human is inseparable from the Other, we are defined by our relation to others. This is a rejection of the Individualist conception of beings as inherently separate, distinct entities.
Sorry i'm not sure what you're trying to say. Can you explain what you are saying in more basic terms please?
I think ICR has already been mentioned? ( ). I tried posting that the Big Bang theory does not disprove God exists or that He created the all of everything. If you understand that scripture is the truth you understand that faulty theories can't be true but as pointed out in my short video - the math shows that from the perspective of the origin of the big bang - the expansion and time stretch equals 6 days. If you skipped the video - go back and watch. Here's another viewpoint, altho I would say for Christians with doubts more than athiests.

IMO, there are two different types of science. Observable - that can be seen and proven. Also, theoretical - that which is an idea, unproven.

The theoretical would be a science that uses for example fossils. They may say these fossilized beings are a link in evolution; when they can't be proven a certain fossilized being had descendants or offspring. Yet they are proportioned to be fact to evolution.

If no one was there to see it or document it, how can it be construed as fact or truth?

To me the religion of science like to take something true and observable; then put spin on it entering into theory or ideas that can't be proven. That's how the deception of evolution is sold. Scientist like to go from observable facts to adding 'millions' of years as a pretense to deceive and lead people into speculation.

You might try and check out Kent Hovind videos on youtube. He brings a lot to light, but I'm not sure if I believe all he says.

Often times you may find hidden agendas behind stuff you find online, so be careful.

I try to look through things through a childs eyes or an open mind with our Fathers guidance; or if one is naive he or she might be deceived.

With all things we should filter through them with prayer, scripture, and the guidance from the Holy Spirit. ( Even what I post, feel free to test.)

P. S. I'm not a scientist.

P.P.S. Don't let the enemy bring you down.