Satan and his angels in Hell.

Hello James

I did not say we are not in a battle or at war so to speak as soldier not as civilians as Paul put it .

But the PRIMARY purpose of prayer is "thy kingdom come ..........thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

If that was the be all and end all . as in "ye young men the word of God dwells in you richly or abides in you and ye have overcome the wicked one"
But it is not .
For we are to go on "Ye fathers ye know Him who is from the beginning"
When the Lord walked this earth .he had the primary temptations of the flesh at all points in the wilderness .He overcame the devils temptations by the Word of God and the Spirit of God and putting the scriptures quoted by the devil in context .
But his primary objective was not to fight the devil all day long and all his life. But to declare the name of the father and to manifest the kingdom of God and to show that all things are subject to God .
It was when he was opposed that he fought as and when necersary . If there was any battles fought it was always in prayer and nearly always on the mountains . But primarily who for?Himself or for the ones he came to seek and to save?
In that the devil only" left him for a season" and up until his dying day but now by the mouths of men "if thou be the Son of God......" he was tempted . Is a secondary matter .
His prime purpose was the salvation of men and that the prince of this world would be cast down and trodden under foot even as the promise was given in the garden of Eden.
If we resist the devil and submit ourselves under the mighty hand of God the devil will flee from us. That is for us .
But the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds ....." where? In the mind . and primarily for others .
For it is assumed that we are not at warfare with ourselves?
Though clearly the teachings of Paul were also to pull down the errors and misconceptions of some in the church.

Gerald, the Christian armour is made to be worn; and there is no putting off our armour till we have done our warfare, and finished our course. The combat is not against human enemies, nor against our own corrupt nature only; we have to do with an enemy who has a thousand ways of beguiling unstable souls.

Just as the cause of Christ was to seek and save the lost, the cause of Satan is to keep the Lost ---Lost!

Satan will assault us in the things that belong to our souls, and work to deface the heavenly image in our hearts. We must resolve by God's grace, not to yield to Satan. Resist him, and he will flee. If we give way, he will get ground. If we distrust either our cause, or our Leader, or our armour, we give him advantage. When Satan then gains an advantage, more people will reject the Lord Jesus and harm the cause of Christ there by Satan wins.

The different parts of the armour of heavy-armed soldiers, who had to sustain the fiercest assaults of the enemy, are described in Ephesians 6. Do you think that Paul gave us those weapons to NOT BE USED in the battle against Satan?????

Notice when you read about the weapons we are given in Ephesians 6 that there is none for the back; nothing to defend those who turn back in the Christian warfare. Truth, or sincerity, is the girdle. This girds on all the other pieces of our armour, and is first mentioned. There can be no religion without sincerity my dear brother.
The truth is to me that I will be very surprised if you do not know the answer to your own question and you are posting your question simply as a conversation starter.

But just in case that is not the case, at the moment, Satan is not in hell.

Rather, the Bible tells us that Satan roams the earth, seeking people to tempt into sin and thus separate from God.

1 st Peter 5:8 states...............
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

That doesn't sound like he is in hell to me.

In Jesus called Satan the.............
“prince of this world”.

In the apostle Paul referred to him as the...........
“ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient”.

Satan does not live in hell; he lives and works on the earth and in the heavens circling it.

This is important to know, because soon Jesus will return to earth and collect what belongs to Him. He will defeat the followers of Satan and claim His elect for Himself. Ultimately, Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire and “tormented day and night forever and ever” as we are told in .

Afterward, Jesus will judge unbelievers according to what they have done during their lives. Anyone whose name is not found written in the Book of Life is thrown into the lake of fire where Satan and his minions will be by that time as we see in .

then tells us that Hell and death are also thrown into the lake of fire, so, technically speaking, at no time does Satan reside in hell. But he will be confined permanently in a very hot place that could be called a “hellish” location, to be tormented eternally.
Gerald, the Christian armour is made to be worn; and there is no putting off our armour till we have done our warfare, and finished our course. The combat is not against human enemies, nor against our own corrupt nature only; we have to do with an enemy who has a thousand ways of beguiling unstable souls.

Just as the cause of Christ was to seek and save the lost, the cause of Satan is to keep the Lost ---Lost!

Satan will assault us in the things that belong to our souls, and work to deface the heavenly image in our hearts. We must resolve by God's grace, not to yield to Satan. Resist him, and he will flee. If we give way, he will get ground. If we distrust either our cause, or our Leader, or our armour, we give him advantage. When Satan then gains an advantage, more people will reject the Lord Jesus and harm the cause of Christ there by Satan wins.

The different parts of the armour of heavy-armed soldiers, who had to sustain the fiercest assaults of the enemy, are described in Ephesians 6. Do you think that Paul gave us those weapons to NOT BE USED in the battle against Satan?????

Notice when you read about the weapons we are given in Ephesians 6 that there is none for the back; nothing to defend those who turn back in the Christian warfare. Truth, or sincerity, is the girdle. This girds on all the other pieces of our armour, and is first mentioned. There can be no religion without sincerity my dear brother.

I did not say we are not in a battle .
I simply say that our PRIMARY objective AND PURPOSE is not battling satan the world the flesh and the devil.
But rather to do the works of God " preordained form before the foundations of the world "
and to be a light to them that are still in darkness.
I would by that suggest if the devil can keep us focused on our battles with him he will keep us from our primary purpose.
I would also suggest that we need the "eyes of our understanding opened ( or much more) to see what is the exceedign greatnss of his power that is towards us who believe .............."
and that "thanks be unto God who GIVETH us the victory through Jesus Christ ............"
Do we labour yes . Do we fight , well yes .
But in what way are we fighting?

You speak of the whole armour of God .
and what armour is that?
Sauls? or Gods?
and who is it that is in us? who is greater than he who si in the world.
I do not see Jesus ever struggling or fighting .
The ONLY time we see the battle was in the garden of Gethsemane . But that was at the most critical point in all of mans history and of all time .
But even then it was not a battle NOT to do Gods will but a battle to ensure the will of God was done!
For even as Daniel by the scriptures knew that the time of Israels deliverance from BABYlon had come he began to pray in the light of scripture and prevailed till he knew that hsi prayr was answered .
The Lord know he was not to die that night but on the morrow "according to the scriptures " so he prayed in the light of the Word of God and prevailed with" great groanings and tears " till he was heard " and strengthened by the angels.
Moreover even though his will was to do the will of God .He as a man of flesh could not endure what had to eb endured and so prayed that it was Gods will that was done in him not his own.
Thus it was God that worked within him both to will and to do His will.
The battle then must be on Gods ground not ours .
and in truth the battle is not our own but the Lords .
and we must learn to pray according to the light of the Word of God .
ALL temptations are designed to get us actign or moving in the flesh and by our own reasoning and perceptions .
We need to learn to walk by faith and take our feet of the bottom and learn to swim trustign the Lord to bear us up as on eagles wings .
There was a case durign WW2 of a bomber flying on a mission and during the flight rats were found on the plane and due to the danger of them chewign through the cables it was suggested to the captain they turn back .
He replied no .everyone put their oxygen masks on were are going to fly higher to a place the rats cant live .
The battle is not the primary mission.
It is th objective that God says it is "Thy Kingdom come they will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
and by another "seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness ........."
So I do not deny the battles nor the amour .
I simply say that is NOT the primary thing.

in Christ
You think brother. This was our first "discussion" and we both know where that led. You're wrong and it's just that simple. Everyone before Calvin believed they mated, period. You all don't realize how Calvinistic you are. Stick with the word of God. P.S. Obedient angels don't mate... those that did were thrown into hell where they are still today. You guys all pick and choose and explain away the plain written truth with some man's logic. Moving on...

What I think is not the question here my brother. Yes, I remember the conversation and you are just as wrong now as you were then about the idea of demons spawning children through human females.

Speculation and opinion is one thing, but we should all give way to the truth presented to us in the Word, the written word of God.

This false teaching we are discussing again, actually downgrades the accomplishment of our Savior and of the plan of Salvation put in motion by our Heavenly Father. No can say that they do not see the ramifications of having demons mate with humans with the birth line of Messiah in view. We can go into "Giants in the land" and "Sons of God" and the "daughters of men" but there is no need to go beyond that fact that if a demon produced a child through a human, then there is a demonic presence in the blood line of the Messiah!!!!!

Actually, all one has to do is to consult the myths of the ancients to find the idea of gods having sex with flesh and blood women giving birth to bastard half-breeds, half god, half man is rampant in pagan religions.

Men enjoy calling themselves "sons of god" or even "children of God", except for when it comes to Genesis 6, then these false teachers say they are angels -- absurd.
Brother, is not casting out devils, healing the sick and such not considered manifesting the Kingdom?
If that is the case I do not see anywhere He's us 'battling ' the devil at all. He simply spoke with authority and power.
That is the demonstration and manifestation of the Kingdom of God. In part anyway.
In truth did he not go about"doing good"?
He never publicly prayed for the sick.He never put on a performance of doing so.
He never performed at all!
But in quietness and confidence was his strength.

In christ
If that is the case I do not see anywhere He's us 'battling ' the devil at all. He simply spoke with authority and power.
That is the demonstration and manifestation of the Kingdom of God. In part anyway.
In truth did he not go about"doing good"?
He never publicly prayed for the sick.He never put on a performance of doing so.
He never performed at all!
But in quietness and confidence was his strength.

In christ
I can not see how you can heal the sick since sickness is being oppressed of the devil or cast of devils without dealing with them. Do we not "wrestle" against principalities,and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places? Jesus is our perfect example so he surely had to.
All these things are called "doing good".
I can not see how you can heal the sick since sickness is being oppressed of the devil or cast of devils without dealing with them. Do we not "wrestle" against principalities,and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places? Jesus is our perfect example so he surely had to.
All these things are called "doing good".

Then please show me scriptures where he did anything else than simply command .

Please show me where he prayed for the sick? or where he did anything but command ?

I would argue that when he prayed in secret ,The Father rewarded him openly.

Where do you think those high places are?

The battles you(?) seem to be talking about is where a christian is on the back foot and pressured by the enemy .
When Jesus said he would build his church and it is hell that is on the back foot and the devil who is under pressure .
The unclean spirit in the man in the tabernacle in Capernium . How often and for how long do you think was it quite at home every 'sunday' in the tabernacle?
Where it was hidden and unknown through out all the preaching week by week.
It was not till Jesus came in the annointing that the pressure came upon the unclean spirit but the Holy Spirit that it cried out and was revealed and the man was delivered.

The account of the woman caught "in the very act " of adultery did not start with verse 1 of John chpater 8.
It began with the last couple of verses of the previous chapter .
Where every one went to their house that evening or the end of the day and Jesus went up to the mountain to pray.
You spoke of the full armour of God .
What do you think" the shoes of the PREPERATION of the gospel of peace are?"
i would suggest that ahd he not gone up to the mountain to pray he would not have been prepared fro what transpired the following day.
I would also argue that what i mean is the primary objective is the prayer and intercession for others and battling for THEM than it is or should be battlign for ourselves .
Indeed when the <Lord taught his disciples to pray it was not 'My father who art in heaven.
But rather OUR father who art in heaven.
For when we pray we should be more awake to and aware of the needs of the body of Christ than of our own needs.
Thus in our praying and battles it is for teh sake of the body and the battle for others .that we should be praying primarily for .
In Christ
I did not say we are not in a battle .
I simply say that our PRIMARY objective AND PURPOSE is not battling satan the world the flesh and the devil.
But rather to do the works of God " preordained form before the foundations of the world "
and to be a light to them that are still in darkness.
I would by that suggest if the devil can keep us focused on our battles with him he will keep us from our primary purpose.
I would also suggest that we need the "eyes of our understanding opened ( or much more) to see what is the exceedign greatnss of his power that is towards us who believe .............."
and that "thanks be unto God who GIVETH us the victory through Jesus Christ ............"
Do we labour yes . Do we fight , well yes .
But in what way are we fighting?

You speak of the whole armour of God .
and what armour is that?
Sauls? or Gods?
and who is it that is in us? who is greater than he who si in the world.
I do not see Jesus ever struggling or fighting .
The ONLY time we see the battle was in the garden of Gethsemane . But that was at the most critical point in all of mans history and of all time .
But even then it was not a battle NOT to do Gods will but a battle to ensure the will of God was done!
For even as Daniel by the scriptures knew that the time of Israels deliverance from BABYlon had come he began to pray in the light of scripture and prevailed till he knew that hsi prayr was answered .
The Lord know he was not to die that night but on the morrow "according to the scriptures " so he prayed in the light of the Word of God and prevailed with" great groanings and tears " till he was heard " and strengthened by the angels.
Moreover even though his will was to do the will of God .He as a man of flesh could not endure what had to eb endured and so prayed that it was Gods will that was done in him not his own.
Thus it was God that worked within him both to will and to do His will.
The battle then must be on Gods ground not ours .
and in truth the battle is not our own but the Lords .
and we must learn to pray according to the light of the Word of God .
ALL temptations are designed to get us actign or moving in the flesh and by our own reasoning and perceptions .
We need to learn to walk by faith and take our feet of the bottom and learn to swim trustign the Lord to bear us up as on eagles wings .
There was a case durign WW2 of a bomber flying on a mission and during the flight rats were found on the plane and due to the danger of them chewign through the cables it was suggested to the captain they turn back .
He replied no .everyone put their oxygen masks on were are going to fly higher to a place the rats cant live .
The battle is not the primary mission.
It is th objective that God says it is "Thy Kingdom come they will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
and by another "seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness ........."
So I do not deny the battles nor the amour .
I simply say that is NOT the primary thing.

in Christ

You actually said.............
"We are not built up for spiritual warfare but to manifest the kingdom of God".

That tends to mean that we are not fighting a spiritual battle IMO. At least that is the way I took it.

Is English your original language my brother?
You actually said.............
"We are not built up for spiritual warfare but to manifest the kingdom of God".

That tends to mean that we are not fighting a spiritual battle IMO. At least that is the way I took it.

Is English your original language my brother?

Which I expanded on in another answer to a post.
What spiritual batttle and to what end do you think you are fighting?
and what do you think the rest of faith is?

in Christ
From what I understand Satan and his angels are not in Hell yet.
For now they roam the earth (invisible... or not so invisible) tempting people and leading them astray.

That is Satan's primary motivation IMO: despair, spite, and envy.

He is so bitter about his eternal fate in Hell, that he is determined to drag everyone else down with him
Which I expanded on in another answer to a post.
What spiritual batttle and to what end do you think you are fighting?
and what do you think the rest of faith is?

in Christ

The two Spiritual attacks that come to mind seem to most frequently occur at times of personal growth in the believer, when a Christian is overcoming a major sin or addiction.

Then there is when they are witnessing and sharing their faith in Christ with others.

What is rest in the faith?

According to Strongs concordance rest means to cause or permit one to cease from any movement or labor in order to recover and collect his strength.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

You did not specify so I am having to assume that is what you are concerned about.

Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, everything that God has done towards man is to return him to a place of complete rest. Man brought toil and hard labor on himself. Jesus came to take that burden and labor so we can find rest again. Jesus did not come to fix anything. He came to introduce man to His kingdom in which there is no toil, labor or heavy laden. He did not say that man would not work. He said that He would bare the burden and labor. There will be no more toil.
If that is the case I do not see anywhere He's us 'battling ' the devil at all. He simply spoke with authority and power.
That is the demonstration and manifestation of the Kingdom of God. In part anyway.
In truth did he not go about"doing good"?
He never publicly prayed for the sick.He never put on a performance of doing so.
He never performed at all!
But in quietness and confidence was his strength.

In christ

We do the works of Christ.

Mark 6:12-13
So the disciples went out, telling everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God. 13 And they cast out many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with olive oil.

Mark 16:17-18
These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. 18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”

What I think is not the question here my brother. Yes, I remember the conversation and you are just as wrong now as you were then about the idea of demons spawning children through human females.

Speculation and opinion is one thing, but we should all give way to the truth presented to us in the Word, the written word of God.

This false teaching we are discussing again, actually downgrades the accomplishment of our Savior and of the plan of Salvation put in motion by our Heavenly Father. No can say that they do not see the ramifications of having demons mate with humans with the birth line of Messiah in view. We can go into "Giants in the land" and "Sons of God" and the "daughters of men" but there is no need to go beyond that fact that if a demon produced a child through a human, then there is a demonic presence in the blood line of the Messiah!!!!!

Actually, all one has to do is to consult the myths of the ancients to find the idea of gods having sex with flesh and blood women giving birth to bastard half-breeds, half god, half man is rampant in pagan religions.

Men enjoy calling themselves "sons of god" or even "children of God", except for when it comes to Genesis 6, then these false teachers say they are angels -- absurd.
Well major, not that I think you need further instruction on the heresies that you have been combating, however I found an article that seems to touch on the historicity of a certain error and its subsequent rejection by many of the early church fathers (pre Calvin....John). I submit the link to it having checked that the linked site makes no effort to solicit money.
The area that seems most germane can be read by all interested persons by scrolling down to '#5 The Question of Early Church Belief.' in that article.
Enjoy the read.
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What I think is not the question here my brother. Yes, I remember the conversation and you are just as wrong now as you were then about the idea of demons spawning children through human females.

Speculation and opinion is one thing, but we should all give way to the truth presented to us in the Word, the written word of God.

This false teaching we are discussing again, actually downgrades the accomplishment of our Savior and of the plan of Salvation put in motion by our Heavenly Father. No can say that they do not see the ramifications of having demons mate with humans with the birth line of Messiah in view. We can go into "Giants in the land" and "Sons of God" and the "daughters of men" but there is no need to go beyond that fact that if a demon produced a child through a human, then there is a demonic presence in the blood line of the Messiah!!!!!

Actually, all one has to do is to consult the myths of the ancients to find the idea of gods having sex with flesh and blood women giving birth to bastard half-breeds, half god, half man is rampant in pagan religions.

Men enjoy calling themselves "sons of god" or even "children of God", except for when it comes to Genesis 6, then these false teachers say they are angels -- absurd.
Funny you should say that, but that is EXACTLY what the devil is trying to do and why Noah was called perfect in his generations - his DNA was still 100% human, as well as his boys and their wives. Everyone else was modified. The VERY goal of the devil since Gen 3:15, to pollute the blood line of the Messiah and corrupt all flesh, and it's happening again just like in the days of Noah. These are the angels in chains until the end. It's all in the scriptures, but again, you can't get past your dogma and replace the scriptures. Sorry bother, but you're more Calvinist than you know. Still God bless. I'm done on this subject. Believe don't believe, it's no sweat off my nose.
Then please show me scriptures where he did anything else than simply command .
Mat 4:10.. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Mat 4:11.. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

If Jesus was just commanding why do you suppose "angels" came to minister to him? Wrestling with demonic spirits happens in the mind, which is why we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers, and wicked spirits in the heavenly realm. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of fortress, and castles, and we bring EVERY THOUGHT into the obedience of Christ (the Anointing)
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Who are the rulers of "darkness"? Is Hell a place of darkness? Jesus said it was.

Mat 8:12.. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Mat 22:13.. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Mat 25:30.. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Where is this place of darkness? Who is it's ruler?

Who did Jesus say would not prevail against his Church?
"The gates of Hell"
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Funny you should say that, but that is EXACTLY what the devil is trying to do and why Noah was called perfect in his generations - his DNA was still 100% human, as well as his boys and their wives. Everyone else was modified. The VERY goal of the devil since , to pollute the blood line of the Messiah and corrupt all flesh, and it's happening again just like in the days of Noah. These are the angels in chains until the end. It's all in the scriptures, but again, you can't get past your dogma and replace the scriptures. Sorry bother, but you're more Calvinist than you know. Still God bless. I'm done on this subject. Believe don't believe, it's no sweat off my nose.

Perfection has nothing to do with DNA.

The body has been redeemed of those whos faith is in Jesus Christ . But that redemption has "yet to be revealed"
The body of flesh then is
Mat 4:10.. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Mat 4:11.. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

If Jesus was just commanding why do you suppose "angels" came to minister to him? Wrestling with demonic spirits happens in the mind, which is why we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers, and wicked spirits in the heavenly realm. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of fortress, and castles, and we bring EVERY THOUGHT into the obedience of Christ (the Anointing)

Did he not command ?
and did not the angels minister to him strength even as they did in the garden of Gethsemene ?
For he had been fasting for 40 days .
and again as the devil used part scripture to tempt Jesus by the Spirit rebuked him by the sword of the Spirit .
In the garden of Eden what was the battle about?
In the garden of Gethsemane what was the battle about?
The first whos will will they do?
In the last whos will, will be done .
There will always be battles . But battling the devil is NOT the primary objective . It is to do the will of God.
Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness .
if all we are defending is our own we wont get far or be succesful.
If all we are doing is fighting the world the flesh and the devil as it were we wont get far either or do much.
"those that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the lusts thereof "
if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh .
We are crucified WITH Christ.
Buried WITH Christ
Raised together WITH Christ .
In the world ye will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.
"I am crucified to the world and the world crucified unto me " said Paul.
If you dead what can the world the flesh or the devil do to you?
But if you are raised from the dead or know "the power of His ressurection " then the battle is of another order entirely .
The devil was defeated even from before the foundations of the world .I see nowhere were he was not in time defeated also .
"I will bild my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"
I dont knwo all that that means.
But it does mean beyond all reasonable doubt that it is not the church or a child of God who is having a hard time and on the back foot. as it were.
But the gates of hell are having the hard time and are on the back foot at the very least!
What is MORE than a conquerer?

In Christ
Funny you should say that, but that is EXACTLY what the devil is trying to do and why Noah was called perfect in his generations - his DNA was still 100% human, as well as his boys and their wives. Everyone else was modified. The VERY goal of the devil since Gen 3:15, to pollute the blood line of the Messiah and corrupt all flesh, and it's happening again just like in the days of Noah. These are the angels in chains until the end. It's all in the scriptures, but again, you can't get past your dogma and replace the scriptures. Sorry bother, but you're more Calvinist than you know. Still God bless. I'm done on this subject. Believe don't believe, it's no sweat off my nose.

I choose a long time ago to NOT believe the myth of demons having sex with humans. The whole world is full of people who want conspiracy thoughts.

You have said that "You are more Calvinist than you know" and you may be right. But to me that is not a bad thing.

You say that like Calvin was some kind of dirt on the bottom of your shoe. I am not a Calvinist at all, however many of the things he believed in are Biblically true and I for accept them as such.

Did he not believe and preach the Total depravity of man? This is the belief that all human beings are sinful and are born with an inherent sin-nature. Every human is completely sinful from the moment of birth. Is that not what the Scriptures teach?

Did he not also believe and preach Perseverance of the saints, or as some say, Once Saved Always Saved?
This is the belief that once an individual is saved, he or she can never lose his or her salvation because he or she is eternally bound to Christ. Is that not what the Scriptures teach?

Did he not also preach Irresistible grace???

Did he not also preach the from the beginning of his life to the end the centrality and supremacy and majesty of the glory of God.

I do not accept some of his teachings on predestination and limited atonement, but in the same way I do not scourge him and demean him and his work as a reformist.
Well major, not that I think you need further instruction on the heresies that you have been combating, however I found an article that seems to touch on the historicity of a certain error and its subsequent rejection by many of the early church fathers (pre Calvin....John). I submit the link to it having checked that the linked site makes no effort to solicit money.
The area that seems most germane can be read by all interested persons by scrolling down to '#5 The Question of Early Church Belief.' in that article.
Enjoy the read.

First of all.........I am glad to see you back. I thought that maybe you went to heaven before I did. I have missed your insights.

Second..............That is a well put together article based in the truth of God's Word with speculation and the thought of conspiracy,

Thank you for the address and web site and I would encourage all who are interested to know the Biblical truth on this to read the information you provided.