Sabbath 6/3/17 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater, FL Minister Norm sermon “Worth Studying Again”

Sabbath 6/3/17 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater, FL Minister Norm sermon “Worth Studying Again” John 3:16-17, Revelations 20:15

In our text, the definition of the word “world” also means full of inhabitants. God sent His only son Jesus. Whosoever believeth- Believeth means have faith and reliance on Jesus. The people in the Book of Life believe in Jesus. Those who are not found in the Book of Life, will be thrown into Hell. These people are condemned and found guilty. Those who believe shall not perish. Perish means to be destroyed.

We are to fear God, who is able to both destroy body and soul in hell. We are to worship God in love and not just for fear of Him. God’s love is that no one goes to hell. That is why He sent Jesus. You are not to be a Christian because we are scared of going to hell but you are to be a Christian because you love God.

God sent Jesus not to condemn the world but that thru Him, the world might be saved. Through Jesus the world “might” be saved. Might means it’s either going happen or not going to happen depending on if you decide yes or no. We need to make the decision. Jesus wants our choice to be believing in Him and us going to Heaven.

To summarize, our scriptures mean that God gave Jesus as a gift of salvation to anyone… no matter race, creed, age or gender. They have salvation if they choose to accept Jesus as their savior. Works don’t get you to Heaven! Only Jesus Christ gets you to Heaven! So we should be the “whosoever” in John 16 and accept the Gift of Life in Jesus!
