Resurrection - the rising of the dead

I dont know about those being born.
I think in our glorified bodies nobody will be having children...?
That would just be weird. I could be wrong though.

Unbelievers outside the gate perhaps, but not us believers.

The only people who will be reproducing will be the mortal people who have survived the Tribulation to enter the Millennium.
Based on what I understand of all scripture that I have read on this topic....I believe it will be much more than just this. I believe we will be able to step out of space and time the way God does. Those that live and are born during the coming millennium will be in a different state than those that have already received their final resurrected glorified bodies.
I don't know about that.. When I say that, I really don't know about that :D Because in Revelation we see a new Jerusalem being created. It does not say we would let to roam around freely across universes.. I just haven't done enough study on this..
I don't know about that.. When I say that, I really don't know about that :D Because in Revelation we see a new Jerusalem being created. It does not say we would let to roam around freely across universes.. I just haven't done enough study on this..
I don't know either or even have a strong belief about it. It is just an assumption I have based I what I have learned so far.
Yea I don't know about that either...that sounds a bit like what mormons believe.
Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit because the devil steals truths so you reject everything anyone says just because they believe something contrary to the word of God. To reject meditation because the Hindi teach it, is a grave error. Learn what's the truth and discard the rest.
I think we will be able to move from place to place in an instant like Jesus did in His glorified body. I also think the reason there is no mention of blood is because since the bible says the life is in the blood of a mortal body then we will no longer need it since God is our life.
We can "teleport" already... it happened to Philip in the flesh!
Every time the question on resurrection comes up, I always go back to Genesis. I firmly believe things will be restored back to the way it was before fall of mankind. Adam was in the same flesh body before and after fall. The difference was, sin. Which brought in all kind of sickness and eventually death itself. When we are resurrected, things will be just like how it was before fall. Still in flesh, but without the implications of fallen world..
Adam was limited. We'll be like Jesus. In fact, as He is right now, so are we in this earth, right now. :)
Abdicate, nobody said anything about meditation.

People are just saying they dont know, they are not rejecting anything. If you want to believe we we can instantly travel to Mars, thats fine. I dont know that will happen, but, Revelation does not describe heaven that way. Just saying.
I think the chariot thing with angels And riding winged creatures would be our modes of transportation, aside from teleporting.

In the new heaven and earth, there is no time, just eternity. But that can only start after the final judgement day after the millenium. So..who knows what that will be like.
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Abdicate, nobody said anything about meditation.

People are just saying they dont know, they are not rejecting anything. If you want to believe we we can instantly travel to Mars, thats fine. I dont know that will happen, but, Revelation does not describe heaven that way. Just saying.
And you need to read the word of God. We are just as Jesus is right now. And don't you know when an example is given for the sake of conversation?
(Again I ask you to use the reply button)
Now do you know the amazing thing about the caterpillars. AS caterpillars all the do is eat and grow, they then hang themselves, shed their skin and become a thingy for which I do not have a word right now. But here is when it gets amazing, everything inside the thingy turns to goo. All it's organs, everything becomes a snotty goo. One to two weeks later, this beautiful butterfly comes out, complete with four amazing wings, legs, new organs the kitchen sink man, I tell you.
Now it's a creature that eats nectar, polonaise flowers and is capable to fly thousands of miles. All out of snotty goo. And compare that to the caterpillar it was before.
Tell this story to an evolutionist, and they tend to mumble afterwards. Here evolution happened in a few weeks - where is your million years mister.
I call it intelligent design - plus I know who did the design.:D

The thingy is called a cocoon silly :) thanks for the analgy though. You can tell you have kids to say snotty goo :) blessings!
I agree, it will be like paradise again. We will be clothed in white garments - Gods glory. We will also be able to eat from the tree of life. The leaves that are for the healing of nations...I believe when Jesus returns hes going to restore the earth back to original design. I always wondered why 1000 years...I guess thats how long it would take. And then everything will be perfect.

I kind of think that as it describes God in Revelation....He is a fire from the loins up and from the loons down. That is how Adam and Eve were in the garden, and possibly how we will be after the rapture, in the new heaven and the new earth.
Well God said it was good. When he created man, he said it was VERY good. Then all that other stuff happened in between. Then Jesus came to show us the way.
Its going to be GREAT.

Haha snotty goo. Well caterpillars cant really do much. They kinda crawl around at eat and eat. Like humans...look what we do to Gods earth. We just use and use. Everythings kinda running out. We cant seem to live without destroying stuff!

Then theres butterflies. They just go round all the flowers, they dont eat leaves and they fertilise and pollinate. They dont kill the flowers either! And they look gorgeous.