I've always known that large corporations employ consulting firms that specialize in psychological manipulations. One notable segment of this industry is workforce manipulations. I worked for a large manufacturer years ago that paid lots of money to a psychology consulting firm; buying information as to what kinds of things to say in order to sway the unionized workforce to vote in the direction they wanted. That's the only way they could sway the workforce like a puppet connected to the strings under the control of the company, and it works almost 100% of the time.

Politicians and government agencies also shop for and hire such firms to assist them in whatever sway they want to manipulate populations to vote in a certain direction, and how to get populations to fall in lock step with whatever narrative the mass media directs them into. What makes them even more effective is for them to utilize mental manipulations that the unseen enemy can magnify through a force that the average, unequipped soul is not aware is even there.

If you know how to search for such firms that advertise openly online, and read their mission statements, and know how to read between the lines, you begin to see how prolific they are. What this means is that if there were not so many customers out there with wads of money to throw at those firms, they would not exist. They are thriving because of the cash flowing into their pockets from sources that would surprise most.

Without the mind of Christ, and sensitivity to the Spirit of the Lord, the masses are easy prey from the manipulations purchased from those consulting firms. Leftist leaning commoners are easily brainwashed, and therefore swayed to let media liberal sources dictate to them how and what to think about various topics, easily identifiable by those who will protest, and have no idea about the facts behind their cause. Most won't even talk to someone who dares press them with questions they can't answer.

What's even more shocking to some is to learn that some of the most wealthy TV preachers ALSO make use of such firms and demonic forces that apply powerful persuasions to the false doctrines and warped theology they purvey. Oh, yes. No wealthy entity is beyond the desire to purchase information as to how to most effectively sway the minds of the mindless, most of which are products of modern, dumbing-down public education. Yep, the Department of Education pays handsomely for information as to how to best accomplish their social engineering goals through public schools we all pay to support.

So, when one joins in the boycott of businesses that support and promote some immoral group or concept, we ALL, who pay taxes, are supporting the very brainwashing firms and agendas that are doing FAR greater damage to family values and moral absolutes than any one large corporation allowing men to use the women's bathrooms, etc.

THIS is why we must pray, and give ourselves over to letting the Lord fight the battle for us. When we pray for the tearing down of those strongholds of evil and wickedness, THAT is how we fight. We go when and where He directs, and make use of the weapons of spirit and faith...yes, faith can also be weaponized because there is no other means by which the gates of Hell cannot withstand the assaults of the Church.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

So, these are some of the things of which Jesus spoke:

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Do you see it? The Son being with the Father, and His Spirit here within us, THAT is how He, through us, beats down those strongholds, and even the very gates of Hell!

We have weapons, and not using those weapons is why and how the enemy gains ground.

I saw this doco called 'The Corporation' and it was very...machivalliean
I have been part of big organisations where every couple of years or so there was a 'restructure' and 'change management' and a whole lot of brainwashing/numbing meetings to go with it.

Staff would go oh keep our head down, you can't change 'the system'. People wanted to keep their jobs you see because there seemed to be no other way of having a secure job. I think very few people can run their own business and not be exhausted by it - and very few can lead an organisation successfully. Cos it's just man's effort.

But this is why, you must pray about everything first. If the Lord doesn't want you to work for 'the man' and go work for Him instead, then go!