Praying for carrie fisher

Dan, our real Father is in heaven. He is my God and your God.
Thats why He stopped you from nearly posting a lie.
Yes. The verse the Lord led me to when I was young for another young man in a youth group meeting, "I will be his Father and he shall be My son", applied and applies to me as well. It applies to all who give their lives to God.
Nevertheless, I would like to know who my biological father is/was as anyone would. No one will tell me and my siblings have been ordered to deny me any requests for DNA testing.
my "sister" is a priest(ess) in the Episcopal Church. I'm sure it would not help her career if my story ever makes the light of day. She's been having an affair with her mentor from back when she attended Cambridge. She and my mother were prepping the family for a divorce from my sister's then husband when I found out about the affair. My neice, her daughter, told me everything. My neice was an emotional shambles.
All of this has to stay very hush, hush. The church is as powerful and every much a cult as mormons, JWs, Christian Science or any other. The Episcopal Church teaches, though not openly, that they have progressed past the literal meaning of the bible and take license to interpret as they will. The Word is merely a guideline for them, to be loosely followed. That is why my sister had no problem offering me the book by wikkens for getting out of life things you feel you deserve. A priest offers witchcraft instead of Christ????
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Oh dear.
Nominal churches are very dangerous cos they give the semblence of christianity and respectability for those who are relgiously inclined and also authority, but that means they are strongholds of deception.

The book I read about the episcopalian church (am i correct in saying thats the american version of anglicanism? ) called the Bishops Daughter was all about that. I will try and find the authors name. Remember it was Honor...something.
Anglican church in nz is very loose...there are gay friendly churches.
Many people go to them out of tradition, rather than genuine faith. They teach a lot of things that are unbiblical but they would call it spiritual. some are into new age meditation and experimenting with different approaches to God. Well, there is only one way and thats through Jesus.
I had a colleague I found out was adopted, sadly he was killed in a hit and run, only 40 something.
I met his adoptive parents at his funeral. They said he once tried to find his biological parents and managed to trace them to nz, but he found out how his bio mum lived, and then saw that he was priveliged to be adopted.

I dont know all your circumstances but consider it a privelige to be adopted by the most High, as I do. I can see a lot of my faults stemming from my own biological dad simply cause he passed on beahviour and certain traits to me, and these are the things I struggle with at times.
I thought I might have been adopted. But even an adoptive dad doesn't take out a large life insurance policy on their new member then place them under an airconditioner until they develope double pneumonia. Then when that fails, try giving the child away. Then when that fails just quit coming home. No. I was never wanted in that house. I wasn't supposed to be born at all. I can't donate blood because I show exposure to TB. I wasn't even vaccinated. Besides why would my "dad" curse my mom when he found out she was pregnant with me?
I wasn't supposed to be born at all.

This is a lie of the enemy that you are believing. God knew you before the foundation of the world! He brought you into this world and His plan is to redeem you from the curse, and in your case, the hardship of the sinful family you were brought into. God has had His mighty hand on you, and to reveal His glory, He has brought you through so that you will know Him and stand up and attest to His glory and grace. Be His hands and feet---be His mouthpiece, and spread the good news that Jesus saves, not just from sin, but from the effects of one's sin and the effects of the sin perpetrated on us by abuse! Holy Spirit has come to deliver us from all chains!

Matthew 11:28-30
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
I don't know but be thankful your mum kept you even though she was afraid, she loved you enough to not let that get in the way..I don't know about the dad situation, had you asked her about it and what did she say? He may not be around anymore...

I have a few friends and know several who don't really know their bio dads at all.
I have a cousin-in-law who was adopted. Sorry it is not the same as your situation but she did not know her bio dad either. She found out much later and turned out her mum couldn't keep her as she was really young, they were mixed race, and the dad was a womanizer.

thankfully the mum did not have an abortion.
I think sometimes parents would place pressure on an unmarried daughter to have one when they find out, or they do it in secret to avoid the shame.

Jesus of course was in same situation as yours, his earthly dad Joseph was NOT his biological dad. Now Joseph didn't curse Mary out but he was considering divorcing her.
My cousin-in-law happily now married to my cousin. They don't have children (she can't) but she belongs to her husband now.
This is a lie of the enemy that you are believing. God knew you before the foundation of the world! He brought you into this world and His plan is to redeem you from the curse, and in your case, the hardship of the sinful family you were brought into. God has had His mighty hand on you, and to reveal His glory, He has brought you through so that you will know Him and stand up and attest to His glory and grace. Be His hands and feet---be His mouthpiece, and spread the good news that Jesus saves, not just from sin, but from the effects of one's sin and the effects of the sin perpetrated on us by abuse! Holy Spirit has come to deliver us from all chains!
Thank you. What I meant to say is that by my parents' and the Episcopal Churches' viewpoint I wasn't supposed to ever be born. If abortion had been readily available back in that time, I think I most assuredly would've been aborted.
I know there must be some purpose to me being here. God makes no mistakes. I know part of that reason involves my wife and my youngest son. Maybe I need to write my autobiography. I would have such an easier time if I had a biographer. No attorney nor anyone I've met wants to touch my story so I'll have to find a way to write it myself.
Maybe I can save some kids I dunno.

Matthew 11:28-30
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Maybe He wants you to write it out first and then publish it at the right time.
Its better to write an autobiogrpahy than have one written after you gone maybe. Or a biographer write and and then get the facts wrong.

I just want to encourage you, if you have a testimony, write it to edify others.
I think I was encouraged by Carries book in which she was honest about her life, even while she could see the funny side, because living with bipolar is not easy. Lots of people suffer from it, to know that they not alone and can talk about such things is freeing.

But it also made me want to pray for her as it seem like a cry for help and to be understood. Many people think mental illness something to be ashamed of and hidden away and then dont get help or support. Many people suffering dont know that Jesus is there to deliver them, and he can. nothing impossible for Him. Its not instant but there is a way to be free. Many people dont believe thats why meds and other therapies can only do so much.