Poem#46 Action Upon Jesus

Poem#46 Action Upon Jesus

Romans 10:17, James 2:14-26, James 1

Living by Faith isn’t easy, Living by Faith isn’t hard either

Because if we got any faith at all even a mustard seed

Means we’re hearing Jesus And that’s what Faith is

Leaping in Faith trusting the Lord will be there to catch us

Now that’s hard, yet it’s what’s needed in order for our Faith

Not to Die before we’ve learned what it means to walk on water

Whether we’re in a storm, in a war, in a famine Our Listening

Our Hearing Jesus will be tested to draw us closer to Him

Because the closer we get the more will hear beyond fear

Be Still the Heart to Listen to the Still Voice saying to Remember

The time that Jesus calmed the Storm, the Time He fed the 5,000

Whatever the need that arises Jesus will have already provided

Despite the fear, the anxiety pounding in our hearts, do we hear Him?

Learning to Trust begins with the First step, taking His helping Hand

Or Jumping over fear like Peter on water, even if we lose faith by pride

Jesus will always be there to catch us, to lift us back up to Him

Helping us to be Trusting Him, to be Acting upon our Faith in Him

Learning to have Action Upon Jesus , Hearing and obeying Jesus