Poem#45 Jesus Didn’t

Poem#45 Jesus Didn’t

John 3:17-18

Jesus didn’t get born on earth to conquer Romans & debate Leaders

Sorry to disappoint those that like to debate theology, but it’s not Jesus

The Kingdom that’s Jesus is all about Saving People from Sin

Pharisees had their roll to play in getting Jesus to the Cross

Their hearts were already hardened by self-righteous Sin

They became blind to the God they claimed to serve

Jesus didn’t have time to debate hardened hearts of unbelief

Jesus didn’t come to condemn, but to save the World of Sin

The Perfect Lamb of God had a Sacrificial Passover date

The encounters of Jesus wasn’t by accident it was all planned

From the healing the lame, to plucking of Grain in front of Pharisees

The Lord of the Sabbath didn’t come to play, but to Save

Jesus sent out the 12 with the power of the Holy Spirit to do Jesus

Telling the Kingdom is near & to repent as the Messiah has come

Had them shake the dust from their feet at the unbelief

Jesus didn’t send us the Helper of All Truth to debate Brothers

The Holy Spirit is guiding us with Truth to Love people like Jesus

The Cross of Jesus defends His Self, we’re Called to Love

Sometimes being Called to Love is to hand out bread & fish

Then we move on like the Wind where guided by the Holy Spirit

Seperating the Unbelieving from the Believing with Truth
Hello Kyle;

You and I have known each other for a long time. I thank God for your continued ministry in poetry and published books.

After reading Poem#45 Jesus Didn’t John 3:17-18 I thought about the people during my travels to Japan; they were all polite but some were not personable, if that makes sense. They believe in a god not our God. If I were to share your poem along with Psalm 45 they would not have a clue what I was talking about.

But when it came to their temple, standing in front of it, clapping their hands then holding their hands to pray and then clanging a gong, they could explain to me all about it. By politely observing, listening and conversing to know more about what they believe, they felt respected and then asked what I believe, I shared with them about Christ. When they asked me to distinguish between Jesus and God it gave me to opportunity to witness to them.

They listened! And the seed was planted.

God knows Japan's people's personality culture and because of this they were very cordial when I explained
very simply how God is three persons and Jesus is part of the personhood.

God bless you, Walker, and thank you for sharing.
