Poem#15 The Cross

Poem#15 The Cross

If we’re ever lost in the walk through Scripture, remember this

Look to the Cross of Jesus that is forever present as Our LightHouse

That guides our eyes back Home to Jesus to our Father

Seek First the Kingdom of God then everything will be added

Even as we walkthrough God’s Word that never ends, is constant

Through the Holy Spirit we’re given new Truths each step in time

Let us learn to use the Guide rails throughout the scripture

Through the Headlines that speak of the context to be read

Will grasp a better understanding to the Truth revealed

A Child’s Faith gets us into the Kingdom Jesus said from His Lap

Why would Matthew 18 be different then the Scripture talking of Milk?

Because the flesh is being weaned doesn’t means we give up faith

Why would Jesus tell us to give up the Faith to His Kingdom?

That’s because Jesus isn’t talking about replacing a Child’s Faith

He’s saying Nurture the Child like Faith with the Nutrients of His Word

Prodigal Son’s of the Father return home by the guidance of the Cross

Through focusing on the Gospel of Jesus Christ we’re guided Back Home

Without remembering the Reason of the cross we’re going the wrong Way