Pick and choose from each religion

The Koran says the Judeo/Christian Bible is the truth:

Sura 5:43: "But why do they (the Jews) come to thee for decision, when they have the Torah in which is the command of God."
5:46 "We sent Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), confirming the Taurat (Torah) that had come before him, and We gave him the Injeel (Gospel), in which was guidance and light and confirmation of the Taurat (Torah) that had come before it,"
Sura 5:50 "And let the People of the Gospel judge by what God has revealed in it. If any fail to judge by what God has revealed, they are licentious."
Sura 6:154 Then, We gave Moosa (Moses) the Book [the Tauraat (Torah)], to complete upon those who would do right, and explaining all things in detail and a guidance and a mercy that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.
Sura 10:94 "If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt."
Sura 32:23: "We did indeed aforetime give the Book to Moses: Be not then in doubt of its REACHING (THEE): And we made it a guide to the Children of Israel."

Hope that helps.

Interesting-thanks Ginger!
A high school student I was substituting yesterday said something like "I take all the good things from each religion. name a religion". A girl named Islam, and he admitted he didn't know much about Islam, then the bell rang.

Could we please dicuss why this view, "pot luck religion"- choose the good, leave out the bad (or in essence, choose what you want), is not the way to go about it. Thx a ton!

Because who defines good? You see, if YOU are going to pick what YOU see as good, YOU are defining what good is and YOU have now made yourself God.

It is true--many religions may, by works, practice various things that are good. However, unless you are perfect... who are you to determine what good is and is not?

If you simply pick and choose what you see as, or feel as good... you will inevitibly arrive at a mirror of yourself (your own opinions)--not what is actually good.

Edit: And of course, we as Christians know that it is not be works anyhow. It is by God's grace. :) Picking and doing what you see as good is nothing but a works based relgion, working to earn favor.
You cannot mix the truth with a lie and still have truth. Religion is man's effory to reach God. Christianity is God's effort to reach man and He prescribes only one way for a sinner to stand in His holy presence:

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Hi Bo,
You're exactly correct Bo. No man cometh unto the Father but by Jesus. So how is it that Jesus will allow a man to 'cometh' to the Father?

You shall love your Lord your God and love your fellow man as you love yourself.

The whole key is love. When Jesus looks at you He will know how much love you have. If He thinks you're deserving of 'coming' to the Father, then so be it.

Because who defines good? You see, if YOU are going to pick what YOU see as good, YOU are defining what good is and YOU have now made yourself God.

It is true--many religions may, by works, practice various things that are good. However, unless you are perfect... who are you to determine what good is and is not?

If you simply pick and choose what you see as, or feel as good... you will inevitibly arrive at a mirror of yourself (your own opinions)--not what is actually good.

Edit: And of course, we as Christians know that it is not be works anyhow. It is by God's grace. :) Picking and doing what you see as good is nothing but a works based relgion, working to earn favor.

You are absolutely correct Daniel. If a robber and a murderer did a good work, say donate to a church, or give a loaf of bread to a poor man, their good deed would be as filthy rags. However, if that man be a man of God, his good work would count for grace.

Abraham, by all estimations was a good and Godly man. God told him to offer his son on the alter. Abraham's Faith cooperated with his works. By works his Faith was made perfect. By his works Abraham was justified, and not by Faith only

Rahab the harlot was justified by works, receiving the messengers, and sending them out another way.

James 2:21-24