OT law & New Testament giving

Yeah, and I agree.
I have no clue why we as in the four of us have been debating and disecting the tithe so much as we have been. It bothers me because I know God said in His word to not get in foolish arguments and such over His word....Some times I wonder if in these post we go a little too far ?

Any way I hope things are well with you
Well in the OT, He in His generosity desired three 10%'s as well as other mandatory giving. Where is the scripture that shows that He started desiring only 10%?

Tithing is one tenth, and always has been, and the storehouse tithe is one tenth of one's increase, which today is considered our gross income. Check out and see what God thinks about it, and how He feels about what He considers stealing. Then remember that God never changes.
I have no clue why we as in the four of us have been debating and disecting the tithe so much as we have been. It bothers me because I know God said in His word to not get in foolish arguments and such over His word....Some times I wonder if in these post we go a little too far ?

Any way I hope things are well with you
We are fired up about things we believe.

I pray everything is well with you, too!
Tithing is one tenth, and always has been, and the storehouse tithe is one tenth of one's increase, which today is considered our gross income. Check out and see what God thinks about it, and how He feels about what He considers stealing. Then remember that God never changes.

Have a look at the the OT references to tithing I've posted.
I have no clue why we as in the four of us have been debating and disecting the tithe so much as we have been.

I had hoped the questions I've asked would come around to my point sooner, which is that "10% of your income belongs to God, and the way that God wants us to give to him is by giving cash to your local church" is a very difficult position to support from scripture, and not the lesson I think we're meant to take away from OT giving. It is my belief that studying scriptures about tithing and its purpose in the OT will ultimately motivate Christians to actually go out themselves to do the work of the Church, and to be the Church in the place God has put them, instead of effectively paying a salaried person to be the Church on their behalf. If anyone in this discussion is doing that, then I have no particular issue with them, and what they do or don't refer to as their "tithe" is ultimately an issue of semantics more than anything else.
We are fired up about things we believe.

I pray everything is well with you, too!
Thank You !! It is well here with us !!
Seems God has been placing on my heart how we should be lifting each other up and building each other up in His word but we are found too much of the time in these senseless debates and frustrating each other. That my friend says alot to me for how can His word bless and allow growth when it is being passed back and fourth and causing frustration ?

I believe we as His children should regroup and rethink how we act or react in these forumsother wise all we are doing is alloowing strife into our lives andf that can not ever be a good thing...Just what has been on my heart.
Blessings Brother !!
I had hoped the questions I've asked would come around to my point sooner, which is that "10% of your income belongs to God, and the way that God wants us to give to him is by giving cash to your local church" is a very difficult position to support from scripture, and not the lesson I think we're meant to take away from OT giving. It is my belief that studying scriptures about tithing and its purpose in the OT will ultimately motivate Christians to actually go out themselves to do the work of the Church, and to be the Church in the place God has put them, instead of effectively paying a salaried person to be the Church on their behalf. If anyone in this discussion is doing that, then I have no particular issue with them, and what they do or don't refer to as their "tithe" is ultimately an issue of semantics more than anything else.

God does say to bring meat into His house. These days we do not trade with furs and material and such but eartn a paycheck. So our tithe would naturally be with money from our income or increase. By placing this into the house of God we are placing revenue into His house which still has bills and overhead to keep up.
By placing this into the house of God we are placing revenue into His house which still has bills and overhead to keep up.

Well I won't get into it too much because I'm not sure how much it will benefit, but they earned a paycheck then as well, and provision for these particular costs in the OT is accounted for by mandatory giving outside of the tithes, specifically, through the temple tax, which was a monetary payment. These costs are not what is meant by "meat into His house," which specifically refers to material food for the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows. My main concern is that in many churches, we seem to have a tendency of robbing God by ignoring His heart of compassion and a means of provision for particular persons, and using those funds for ourselves instead on an increasingly slippery slope of justification.
Well I won't get into it too much because I'm not sure how much it will benefit, but they earned a paycheck then as well, and provision for these particular costs in the OT is accounted for by mandatory giving outside of the tithes, specifically, through the temple tax, which was a monetary payment. These costs are not what is meant by "meat into His house," which specifically refers to material food for the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows. My main concern is that in many churches, we seem to have a tendency of robbing God by ignoring His heart of compassion and a means of provision for particular persons, and using those funds for ourselves instead on an increasingly slippery slope of justification.

Spirit-filled and Spirit-led churches take the tithe and administer it in the ways God leads. It is not for us to have any say as to who our leaders use the tithe for, for it is God's and He will multiply it and disperse it. Once it has left our hands, He does what He desires.
I dont tithe, and Jesus has never sued me for not doing this.
He knows my financal situation.
I give alms, but I dont announce to the world how much I give. God wants me to give cheerfully when I do have something he wants me to give, and often its not money.
In those OT days the israelites were in a theocracy and the tithe for them was like our govts tax.
I do pay tax cos I cant avoid it, even the bank takes it from me and shops GST every time I buy something.
I file a tax return each year. That money is meant to go to widows, orphans, the poor, health care.
It is not meant for politicians to spend on overseas trips or grandoise building projects.
Most times I actually get a refund cos I been paying too much. Rich ppl often avoid paying tax, cos they pay considerably more and resent doing so.
What Jesus asks is that we give freely out of our own heart, that is why many wealthy people donate large amounts to charity, but they dont make a big song anddance about it, to show off how much they give.
Ppl here seem to confuse church with earthly govt. it is not. Flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the kingdom. Rememeber, if you give all you have to the poor but lack love, you have nothing. 1 corinthians 13

And its abomination to beg even on behalf of others. We give our needs to God, and he provides.
There are many so called charities that make a cut from peoples kind hearted donations to spend on 'admin' costs.
Ppl here seem to confuse church with earthly govt. it is not. Flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the kingdom. Rememeber, if you give all you have to the poor but lack love, you have nothing. 1 corinthians 13

And its abomination to beg even on behalf of others. We give our needs to God, and he provides.
There are many so called charities that make a cut from peoples kind hearted donations to spend on 'admin' costs.

We pay what is due Caesar and we also pay what is due God.

Luke 20:25
“Well then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”
We talk and discuss about tithing. I know that the subject has caused problems with weaker brothers and with those coming close to making a decision. I know because I have been both of those persons.

I know that many times Christian giving is reduced, in the eyes of some, to a matter of monetary donations.

My original post was partly a discussion of OT law hold on us, and I won't tarnish this discussion with some of the other Old Laws that no one seems to worry about following, and partly a discussion about how those of us that have been greatly blessed in a material way need to be forthcoming and return a greater portion, both monetarily and in time and effort.

If we are under OT Law, then we are under all of it. We can't pick and choose. If we are under Love instead, then we are to use the OT Law to understand the meaning of Love and duty to God and not presume that the Old Law has been repealed.

I believe that all we have belongs to God through us, but that does not relieve those of us that has received material blessings from returning a greater portion of that for the Lord to do as He wills.

I believe that we cannot just put our offerings into the collection plate and say, in effect, "go and show that I am a Christian".

It is important to support the local Church, but that is not the total of Christian giving.

One of my greatest blessings has been to have my career cut short and to have the opportunity to volunteer in a variety of manners to help my community. Some of these are Christian organized, some of them are secular in organization, but all are to benefit the community, particularly those with greater struggles.

I have noticed that participating in volunteer activities has causes me to more notice the needs of those around me and to become personally involved, many times in small ways, sometimes in larger ways. I believe that this has been a greater blessing to me than to those I have served. You cannot out give God.

I often allude to scriptures as I write, but I do not claim authority. I truly appreciate hearing and considering other points of view. I have no purpose of convincing others. I do not feel threatened if another brother feels I am incorrect. I leave it up to the Spirit to direct thoughts as He sees fit, including my thoughts.

Which way would you be meaning this brother ? Antonyms or perhaps synonyms ?
:whistle: I mean one way would be a very blessed statement and the other well not so good dont you think. Just wondering ? ;)

It is my effort to deliver the greatest of complements.

For your “example” of Christ's love is:

Paramount – of the highest importance, rank, or order
Exemplary - Worthy of imitation; commendable, and is a model for behavior
Spirit-filled and Spirit-led churches take the tithe and administer it in the ways God leads. It is not for us to have any say as to who our leaders use the tithe for, for it is God's and He will multiply it and disperse it. Once it has left our hands, He does what He desires.

Have a look at the OT references to tithing I've posted.
Not to confuse the point (and to go off point a little) did you ever consider that from a standpoint of the Law, all the happenings related in the Gospels up and until the Cross were Old Testament times? Until Christ's sacrifice, His fulfillment of the sin sacrifice was in the future.

In fact the reference to the most ancient relationship is in the New Testament?

John 1:1 precedes Genesis 1:1.
I only read the 1st page so forgive me if this has already been said, but I noticed that no one said anything about how Tithing PREDATES the Law and POSTDATES it.
Hebrews 7:8 says that Jesus is in Heaven right NOW as our High Priest, after the order of Melchizedek (Melchizedek only did 2 things: receive the tithe and bless) and He is receiving our tithes right now.

Question: what is Jesus doing as our High Priest in Heaven receiving our tithes right now if according to some people, we aren't supposed to tithe?

Also, Abraham tithed 100s of years before the Law. If tithing was only under the Law then why did he tithe and why did God accept his tithes? Why didn't God say, "Oh Abraham, thou are a fool, it's more just about your heart, remember I put you under My grace - I don't want you giving Me the tithe..." Yet that is not what we find: we find that God received his tithes and poured out THE blessing on him in answer.

What else should we say? That under the Law we could only worship the Lord, so now, should we worship whatever and whoever? Why didn't Abraham? After all, he was under the grace of God just as we are...with no sin consciousness whatsoever...

To sum up all of this: God has always wanted us tithing and Jesus being in Heaven as our High Priest and receiving our tithes in the present infinitive tense proves it. Hebrews 7:8.