New World Order, Environmentalism, Conspiracy theory etc.

Silk, this is patently not true and contradicts scripture. Daniel's empires even at that time controlled far more than Israel, and the words of both Daniel and Revelation make it clear that these empires were of world scale.

What I posted does not contradict scripture and I never typed that these empires only controlled Israeli land. Israel was God's first elect/chosen people and God no more renigs on promises to them as to Christians. Or hadn't you noticed both OT & NT prophecy includes the Jews and their land? What scriptures are you reading?
What I posted does not contradict scripture and I never typed that these empires only controlled Israeli land. Israel was God's first elect/chosen people and God no more renigs on promises to them as to Christians. Or hadn't you noticed both OT & NT prophecy includes the Jews and their land? What scriptures are you reading?
Keep yer shirt on Silk, specially if its silk.
This is what you said.-
"Not to put too fine a line on it, but Daniel's empires are about those that would control Israel for a time. I think the Ottoman Empire holds the record for control of the land."

To me this still reads and sounds like the only concern of the dream was with Israel, even if that is not what you meant to say.
If you check, you will see that Nebuchadnezzar's dream and Daniel's interpretation is all about world empires and never mentions a single word about Israel, so neither did I.
Nothing in any of my comments implied God had abandoned his covenant with Israel and her land, nor do I believe such stuff.
I am sorry if you think otherwise of me.
Do a search in the forum and you will see a thread called "Anyone Else want to study the book of Daniel". I think I have a fair understanding of Daniel. The empires spoken of in Daniel are about the world known to Israel - not the Aztecs, not the Eskimos...the empires are explained as they have to do with God's people. And end times prophecy names the people and empires against these of God's people. As Paul says in Corinthians - prophecy is (expressly) for the believer.
Glad to know you don't hold with replacement theology. My silk didn't fly off from your post in any event. :p
Daniel was taken captive I recall, so the kings he was interpreting dreams for were not interested in israel at all. After King Nebuchadnezzar died, Daniel served under two or three others...cyrus, darius..I very much doubt the dreams king Nebby had were related to Israel since...he was training Daniel to be a babylonian.

God showed him, however, that the kingdom that crushes all the others into a powder was Christs Kingdom..though even Daniel did not know that at the time.
Bilderberg is meeting just this week in Austria, making "The West" vs. Russia. Yet Russia will meet with the BRICS next month with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization making up 45% of the world's population. Hmmm. They set up jamming equipment, perimeter guards, removal of electronics, and a lot more hush-hush stuff...

What's interesting is that in fact Texas just demanded that their $1b worth of gold be returned and passes a law it cannot be confiscated by the federal government!

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law on Friday, June 12 [2015], that will allow Texas to build a gold and silver bullion depository. In addition, Texas will repatriate $1 billion worth of bullion from the Federal Reserve in New York to the new facility once completed.
Governor Greg Abbott today signed House Bill 483 (Capriglione, R-Southlake; Kolkhorst, R-Brenham) to establish a state gold bullion depository administered by the Office of the Comptroller. The law will repatriate $1 billion of gold bullion from the Federal Reserve in New York to Texas. The bullion depository will serve as the custodian, guardian and administrator of bullion that may be transferred to or otherwise acquired by the State of Texas. Governor Abbott issued the following statement:

“Today I signed HB 483 to provide a secure facility for the State of Texas, state agencies and Texas citizens to store gold bullion and other precious metals. With the passage of this bill, the Texas Bullion Depository will become the first state-level facility of its kind in the nation, increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state."

One error in the article I did catch is that it states the Jade Helm starts Monday, but it starts July 15, not June 15.
I'm fairly new to the forum and although I had spent one fifth of my life in the UK I'm posting from Hungary as a genuine Hungarian.
Regarding that meeting; I can confirm the Russian side of that theory. The prime minister of Hungary is indeed a BRICS member and is maintaining a very close connection to Russia. There are so many Chinese here that I've been seriously thinking about learning Mandarine. Something is actively happening here but I just keep waiting for the Lord, my saviour. God Bless!
I'm fairly new to the forum and although I had spent one fifth of my life in the UK I'm posting from Hungary as a genuine Hungarian.
Regarding that meeting; I can confirm the Russian side of that theory. The prime minister of Hungary is indeed a BRICS member and is maintaining a very close connection to Russia. There are so many Chinese here that I've been seriously thinking about learning Mandarine. Something is actively happening here but I just keep waiting for the Lord, my saviour. God Bless!
Welcome @pt6615 :)

If you have not done so as of yet please read CFS forum rules and getting started threads here
And here

Again, Welcome to CFS and thanks for the information :)
I'm fairly new to the forum and although I had spent one fifth of my life in the UK I'm posting from Hungary as a genuine Hungarian.
Regarding that meeting; I can confirm the Russian side of that theory. The prime minister of Hungary is indeed a BRICS member and is maintaining a very close connection to Russia. There are so many Chinese here that I've been seriously thinking about learning Mandarine. Something is actively happening here but I just keep waiting for the Lord, my saviour. God Bless!
Welcome to the thread pt6615, its great to hear it from the other side.
BRICS interests me. The NWO have divided the world into ten regions as can be seen on the map on my post No 50. These ten regions correspond to the ten toes/kingdoms of the image in Nebuchadnezzars dream. However the dream makes it clear that these kingdoms are like iron and clay, they don't mix. Thus we should see the preparation of these kingdoms shuffling boundaries and members, and maybe wars?
The NWO map was drawn many years ago, and they didn't necessarily think about BRICS becoming a region. It will be interesting how that pans out.
Just sayin'
Welcome @pt6615.

I agree that the 10 toes of the statue in Daniel chapter 2 are the 10 zones. It has just occurred to me that all the metals in the statue is "evil" or the demonic and the clay (from dust we were made, etc) is what is left of humanity not mixing all that well?
Welcome @pt6615.

I agree that the 10 toes of the statue in Daniel chapter 2 are the 10 zones. It has just occurred to me that all the metals in the statue is "evil" or the demonic and the clay (from dust we were made, etc) is what is left of humanity not mixing all that well?
Interesting take. Never thought about that. Worth praying over.
Welcome to the thread pt6615, its great to hear it from the other side.
BRICS interests me. The NWO have divided the world into ten regions as can be seen on the map on my post No 50. These ten regions correspond to the ten toes/kingdoms of the image in Nebuchadnezzars dream. However the dream makes it clear that these kingdoms are like iron and clay, they don't mix. Thus we should see the preparation of these kingdoms shuffling boundaries and members, and maybe wars?
The NWO map was drawn many years ago, and they didn't necessarily think about BRICS becoming a region. It will be interesting how that pans out.
Just sayin'
Glad to be here. Orban (prime minister of Hungary) governs the country in a very controversial way. People don't understand a move he makes and there are protests all over the country. As I was shown by the Holy Spirit he is not governing the country but playing his role in this act of division. It's not about Hungary or Britain anymore but the kingdoms or regions to come. Correct me if I'm wrong. [emoji4]
Glad to be here. Orban (prime minister of Hungary) governs the country in a very controversial way. People don't understand a move he makes and there are protests all over the country. As I was shown by the Holy Spirit he is not governing the country but playing his role in this act of division. It's not about Hungary or Britain anymore but the kingdoms or regions to come. Correct me if I'm wrong. [emoji4]

It's not about Hungary or Britain anymore but the kingdoms or regions to come. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You are totally utterly completely right. Is that a loud enough agreement. Lol
All the PMs , presidents, parliamentarians, those in power belong to exclusive elite groups. Their goal is world govt. world parliament. United Nations is one of the many moves towards this union. It is the worlds way of being anti-christ, in attempt to gaining power and control that only God can truly have.

Globalisation has two sides to it. In some ways its great. People moving round, other ways its awful and detrimental. Anyway, could say more, but definitely not a conspiracy if you a believer...its just the way the world operates and becoming increasingly obvious that its winding down to one thing.
The European Union is just the first of the ten kingdoms the New World Order have planned, coinciding with the Ten Kingdoms of the AntiChrist mentioned in scripture.
Don't worry yourself with all this political end times dramas. God has everything planned and under His control.
What we need to be doing is preaching the true gospel of salvation, as espoused and experienced by the Apostles.
And watch and pray. Be ready for the Lord's return.
When the whole world is on fire, being on our knees and praying in tongues will be our only safeguard against nuclear destruction.
All the PMs , presidents, parliamentarians, those in power belong to exclusive elite groups. Their goal is world govt. world parliament. United Nations is one of the many moves towards this union. It is the worlds way of being anti-christ, in attempt to gaining power and control that only God can truly have.
Absolutely right

Globalisation has two sides to it. In some ways its great. People moving round, other ways its awful and detrimental. Anyway, could say more, but definitely not a conspiracy if you a believer...its just the way the world operates and becoming increasingly obvious that its winding down to one thing.
I disagree about conspiracy Lanolin. It is a conspiracy for the simple reason that those who are part of the elite have conspired successfully to completely obscure the objectives of the EU, UN etc.
Typically the very existence of the Bilderberg group was denied for many decades. If a newspaper mention anything, the editor was sacked.
In the UK if anyone dared ask the prime minister in Parliament whether he had attended the Bilderberg meeting, he would never get an answer. MPs got around that by changing the question and forcing the answer to go on record. They simply asked, "when the prime minister attended the Bilderberg meeting, was that at taxpayer's or personal expense?" Under parliamentary rules, the government has no choice but to answer all tax questions! The attendance of the ministers at Bilderberg was no thus longer secret but written in the national archives.
Despite such leaks, the existence of Bilderberg meetings were conducted under complete media blackout until the late 90s.

Edward Heath was the Prime Minister who took Britain into the then Common Market (now the European Union). Again and again when asked, he insisted it was only about trade, and that joining would incur "no loss of sovereignty". He was lying.
When asked on a TV interview in the 90s, whether he knew the original intention had always been to create a United States of Europe, he said "yes of course we knew, but if we had let the people know, they would never have allowed it."
That describes a conspiracy.
I do not want this thread to get bogged down with environmentalism alone, as that is just one strand of their agenda, but I shall open with that. Feel free to add other areas of NWO agenda.

My own awakening to the environmental movement came in 1991/92.
The business I owned was getting ready to exhibit in London's Earls Court Exhibition Centre at the annual Ideal Home Exhibition. This is one of the biggest such events in the UK.

As usual we had just one week to build the stand, an exhausting exercise of hard labour to get ready by the deadline. We were just one of many hundreds of companies racing away to complete on time.
As we were building our stand, right across the gangway to us there was another area cordoned off where someone was in the throes of building a much bigger stand. This had signs all around the screen work that gave it the name of "The Green House". (NB Not the greenhouse!)
The only further information was that it was a project by the UK Govt Department of the Environment.

That's not a particularly notable name except for one thing, my spiritual antennae was going crazy and I could sense that the Holy Spirit was deeply grieved at what was happening. Even now as I write this, my spirit is reacting again.

There was a real demonic atmosphere over the project and I had no clue why. Every day I walked around "The Green House" praying in tongues and listening to the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Over the screening I could see they were building something that looked like a traditional Victorian or Edwardian bay windowed house, although it was actually just fake timber framework clad to look real.

I knew that the Lord was highlighting the whole thing for my priority attention, but I would have to wait till the opening day when all projects would be open to the public.
The start of the exhibition was frenetic for everyone and I could not get free. They also had a line of hundreds of people waiting to walk around the house, but by late morning things had quietened down and I joined the waiting people to view the Green House.

My spirit was doing backflips within me all the time, but finally I squeezed my way through the crowds, examining every detail to try and work out what the Spirit was telling me. I went from room to room where they showed such things as toilets that used no water, high efficiency insulations, high efficiency heaters, lights, solar and wind energy devices etc. None of this in itself offended my spirit, but as I went around I became more and more alert to something.

Finally I entered the front living room and it seemed as if there were neon lights on a book at the far end of the room lying on the table. I strode across and picked the book up. I cannot remember exactly the title, but it was something like "Environmentalism and the Gaia principle" It was by a famous author, but what really riveted me was the bold statement it made inside, again I am remembering over 20 years ago.
"Environmentalism is the highest form of worship of the Goddess Gaia, the earth Goddess"

They had built a temple to the Goddess Gaia, and this was all sponsored by the British Government.

It is my contention that the prime mover behind all of today's environmentalism is demonic, old fashioned paganism.
Behind the Rio and Kyoto conferences is a hidden movement to create a New World Order using fear of the collapse of the earth's environment. That fear is completely cynical and artificially driven to achieve that one agenda.

Good thoughts and comments.

I might add to your comments the practice of "Political Correctness".

I noticed about 5 years ago a news story of a whale in the Artic trapped in the ice flow and had only a small hole to come up and get air. The news media focused on that event for 2 days at the expense of everything else and the stock market dropped 300 points in two days.

WHY???? What di a whale have to do with the economy???? Why spend millions of dollars to show the world ONE of thousands of these events that happen every single day around the world???

It just makes no sense unless there is some kind of agenda pushing the envelope!
I used to be into conspiracy theories and such, and the New World Order was the main one. But recently, I had been convinced that Islam was the antichrist religion. But they might be working together to achieve their goal. I'm not sure about what the Bible says about how they are going to kill us, but I hope that it is not by beheading. They should at least shoot us first. Anyway...

If they shoot you first......that removes the specter of horror of having your head cut off.

IMO the Muslim faith is an anti-Christ religion without a doubt.
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Don't worry yourself with all this political end times dramas. God has everything planned and under His control.
What we need to be doing is preaching the true gospel of salvation, as espoused and experienced by the Apostles.
And watch and pray. Be ready for the Lord's return.
When the whole world is on fire, being on our knees and praying in tongues will be our only safeguard against nuclear destruction.
Sorry Waggles, but this is really naive. Nobody is "worried" about the end times drama. We are called to pray for those in authority, but how do we pray without wisdom ?

This thread is partly to wake people up to the deep deception of our various governments. If you are happy to ignore that then that's fine by me, there are still plenty of believers who know they are called to war in this area and called to be watchmen, even if some prefer blindness.

I imagine you have read Mark13. What do you think Jesus would have said if the disciples had responded with, "Don't worry yourself with all this political end times dramas. God has everything planned and under His control."
Mark13v14“When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 15Let no one on the housetop go down or enter the house to take anything out. 16Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 17How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 18Pray that this will not take place in winter, 19because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again.

Jesus obviously has everything under control, but still makes it clear that it is going to be dreadful for some people. Those who display their faith with naive, "don't worry God's in control" are usually those who suffer the worst.

You cannot claim faith for future events unless you also regularly function at that level of faith today. Thus I presume you never face a single crisis because God's in control, never experience sickness or death in the family because God's in control, are never short of money because God's in control, are never out of work because God's in control, never get frustrated because God's in control, Your car never breaks down because God's in control, etc.

I quoted the scripture in Mark because it illustrates the true level of God's care. Jerusalem was due to be destroyed so Jesus warns them in advance. However they still need to be observant and wise. The warning signs would be there in advance, and only fools would stay till the last moment. Wise people and especially the weak and pregnant would have already vacated the area and found a place in the mountains. You could call them the preppers of that day.
No matter what happened, if someone was heavily pregnant on that day, they would suffer enormously and might die or lose their child. A wise mother would have been long gone.
Simply saying, "don't worry, God is in control" is utterly naive, and not an example of faith.
True faith means listening to where the Holy Spirit leads, then praying and then acting in accordance with it.