My Questioned Discussion #1

Question. And I am not being facetious -- I don't know the answer. Mitspa wrote above, "false charismatic groups." Are there "real" and "false" charismatic groups?

When I was among this group, they made sure that we understood that they were Pentecostal, not charismatic. I didn't care enough to learn the difference, other than what occurred in that church. For example, if someone stood in that church and just started speaking using what is commonly called "glossolalia," they were likely to be escorted outside with a firm reprimand. However, at the altar after services during church conventions, the attitude was "anything goes."
Well the term charismatic is the biblical Greek term used to describe the "gifts" of the Spirit and often represents a more modern view to worship

My contacts with charismatics, from back in the later '70s, has not been good. I am sure there are great people out there who are charismatic, and I THINK I have met some here.

One of my latest contacts was with a woman who told me I ought to come to her church so that I could be knocked down. I asked her why. She said, "Because it feels so good." I did not want to say much to that, so I just said, "No, thank you." I admit it: I am just not into emotional demonstrations or into emotional religion, although sometimes, it happens, because of gratefulness, wonder, etc. I love having my feet on the ground and not having my head in the clouds.

My contacts with charismatics, from back in the later '70s, has not been good. I am sure there are great people out there who are charismatic, and I THINK I have met some here.

One of my latest contacts was with a woman who told me I ought to come to her church so that I could be knocked down. I asked her why. She said, "Because it feels so good." I did not want to say much to that, so I just said, "No, thank you." I admit it: I am just not into emotional demonstrations or into emotional religion, although sometimes, it happens, because of gratefulness, wonder, etc. I love having my feet on the ground and not having my head in the clouds.