My Gods bigger than that!

It’s like…

It all started with a thought,
A distraction flashing across my mind…l
How I wish it kept going,
But I paid it a little more attention than I should…
The thought slowed down
And didn’t move on…
Should have dismissed it
Out of hand!
Sending it back,
to where it belongs…
Back to the pit of hell

But I allowed to grow
Like an ear worm
It’s infected my brain!
My head is spinning
Going round and round…
How can a random thought
Seed such destruction ?
Taking over
Like I’m out of control!

I’m like,
walking in treacle
Climbing up a down escalator
Getting nowhere fast,
Going up stream without a paddle…
Sucked into a vortex,
Pulled down in the quicksand
of worldly thought

It’s like, I’m backed up in a corner
one leg over the fence
Waiting for the big dog to bite!
But hang on a moment
Why am I rolling over and accepting it?
My God is bigger than that!!!

Stand up and be counted
Take back control
This battle is in the heavenlys
See Philippians 4:8
Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

Wise counsel. Sometimes the mind runs amok and we need a guidepost to focus on to calm the storm.