Letting A Demon Go?

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What in the world... No. I am not saying being Christian is unteresting, but I don't watch reality shows and movies about Christian families doing things WITHOUT any interesting "what-will-happen-and-what-will-they-do" plot is so boring. I like it when movies have adventures and some fantasy plots. And I also like comedy. My favorite movie genres are fantasy, drama WITH interesting adventure-like plots, and comedy. I liked Perks of Being a Wallflower too but because it's a movie about teenagers and I am a teenager too.
Not all Christian stuff is boring. Watch Lord of the Rings. That's full of Christian themes.

Stop talking hoax about me! I don't idolize Harry Potter anymore and I AM NOT LYING! Goodness!

Talking hoax about you? You're just lying to yourself.
Wait, WHAT? Why do you say that? You don't want to be Christian anymore? :(

I can't help being Christian - I love God. I was referring to the phrase uninteresting Christians. I have been called alot of things in my life, but never uninteresting. 'Course, I wasn't always a "good Christian" (sighs and re-adjusts halo). You need to choose interests that are in your soul's best interest.
Not all Christian stuff is boring. Watch Lord of the Rings. That's full of Christian themes.

Talking hoax about you? You're just lying to yourself.
Lord of the Rings is pretty Pagan to be honest. And I would think Lord of the Rings is worse than Harry Potter because Lord of the Rings is very Pagan. Also, Lord of the Rings is not interesting to me because it's a bit too masculine for me... I don't like masculine movies so much...

And no, I am not lying to myself. You are talking about hoax. You say that I idolize Harry Potter still even though I stopped idolizing Harry Potter.
Why do you think being a Christian is uninteresting? What do you imagine Heaven will be like?
And I believe that there will be computers in Heaven so we can watch and listen the good secular things without any sinful things... Like anime, Lorde music, anime music, cartoons like Phineas and Ferb, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Rugrats, and Disney...
Polly, I'm not sure if you are more confused or confusing.
There is very little that is pagan in the Lord of the Rings. As others have mentioned it is filled to the gills with Christian symbolism.

There are no technical gadgets in Heaven, as there is absolutely no need for them (or purpose for them there).
You will be able to remember every song you ever heard in perfect detail, and sing on key (the on key part is an issue for me, I can't carry a tune in a bucket).
Computer? What on earth would you use it for? You have billions of people to see and chat with and bazillions of square miles
of landscape to explore, cities the size of small planets, etc.
There will be more than a plenty to do.

Disney? speaking of pagans...
I read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings in the 6th grade and loved it. One of the few series of books I have re-read. I started with the Borrowers. Again, we are talking good versus evil and I agree there is alot of Christian symbology in it. The author loved linguistics and tried to weave all of this into his stories, as well as principles he believed.

Unfortunately, Polly is correct. The book has been twisted wholesale by pagans and become sort of a warped bible.
Polly, I'm not sure if you are more confused or confusing.
There is very little that is pagan in the Lord of the Rings. As others have mentioned it is filled to the gills with Christian symbolism.

There are no technical gadgets in Heaven, as there is absolutely no need for them (or purpose for them there).
You will be able to remember every song you ever heard in perfect detail, and sing on key (the on key part is an issue for me, I can't carry a tune in a bucket).
Computer? What on earth would you use it for? You have billions of people to see and chat with and bazillions of square miles
of landscape to explore, cities the size of small planets, etc.
There will be more than a plenty to do.

Disney? speaking of pagans...
But I like to listen to secular music, not to sing them. But I have created a lot of secular songs though...
But I like to listen to secular music, not to sing them. But I have created a lot of secular songs though...

What are you talking about? I don't think anyone is saying that you can't watch/listen/read secular stuff, just that you can't watch or read Harry Potter because you are obsessed with it.
And I believe that there will be computers in Heaven so we can watch and listen the good secular things without any sinful things... Like anime, Lorde music, anime music, cartoons like Phineas and Ferb, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Rugrats, and Disney...
Are you for real? This is going too far.
What are you talking about? I don't think anyone is saying that you can't watch/listen/read secular stuff, just that you can't watch or read Harry Potter because you are obsessed with it.
Oh please... Just because I used to idolize Harry Potter doesn't mean I can't watch it ever again... >.>
Oh please... Just because I used to idolize Harry Potter doesn't mean I can't watch it ever again... >.>
It isn't my life. I don't care what you do, but you are going to be sorely disappointed if you miss out on eternal life for a few DVDs.
It isn't my life. I don't care what you do, but you are going to be sorely disappointed if you miss out on eternal life for a few DVDs.
You really think that I will end up in Hell for not throwing Harry Potter stuff away? That sounds like a fundamentalist's talk... And why don't you believe me that I don't freaking idolize HP anymore? Goodness dang it.
And I believe that there will be computers in Heaven so we can watch and listen the good secular things without any sinful things... Like anime, Lorde music, anime music, cartoons like Phineas and Ferb, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Rugrats, and Disney...
Once again, are you for real? If you truly believe this, then you are lost.
You really think that I will end up in Hell for not throwing Harry Potter stuff away? That sounds like a fundamentalist's talk... And why don't you believe me that I don't freaking idolize HP anymore? Goodness dang it.
I think that if you refuse to get rid of things that cause you to stumble then you may very well end up in hell. You say you don't want to give up memories, but your memories are in your head, not in the TV stand with other DVDs. Besides, they aren't good memories. They are memories of you spitting in God's face and all over some stupid fictional character. You can hold onto it all you want, but you will never be closer to God without getting rid of it. Call me a fundamentalist all you like. If you read anything else on this site other than your own disturbing posts you'd know that I'm not.
I think that if you refuse to get rid of things that cause you to stumble then you may very well end up in hell. You say you don't want to give up memories, but your memories are in your head, not in the TV stand with other DVDs. Besides, they aren't good memories. They are memories of you spitting in God's face and all over some stupid fictional character. You can hold onto it all you want, but you will never be closer to God without getting rid of it. Call me a fundamentalist all you like. If you read anything else on this site other than your own disturbing posts you'd know that I'm not.
Ask God about me and my Harry Potter stuff.
If you fill your life with junk, junk is what you'll have.

Matthew 6:24 (KJV)
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Just because I USED TO idolize Harry Potter doesn't mean I have to completely stop having Harry Potter stuff...
Yes it does, Polly. It would be one thing if you just idolized it, but you let demons into your life through Harry Potter and they are just going to keep coming until you throw that stuff away. I honestly think that you like the demons, if you do in fact have any. You could jus be lying for attention because you're young and young people do things like that. Then I guess you'd have to explain your lies on judgement day instead of why you love Harry Potter more than God.
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