Lets discuss LOVE

Love songs..what's your favourites?
Psalms are love songs.
Also, I really like Bee Gees 'how deep is your love' and so did my cat. He LOVED that song.
interesting thing is KJV translation is 'charity' why you think they describe love in this way. You can't say I charity you - but you can be charitable.
other translations just use the word love.

I suppose it means loving others. I mean you can love just yourself, but thats not having charity

1 Corinthians 13 King James Version (KJV)
13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
I suppose cos love is more than a feeling, it's an action. Thats why they use that specific word I guess, the closest english translation - agape love.
The following is from

  • EROS: this Greek word was not used in the New Testament. It refers to sexual love and probably derived its name from the mythical god of love.
  • STORGE: This is the type of love signifying the natural affection between kinfolk. This word appears only occasionally in the New Testament and only in compound form.
  • PHILEO: This Greek word for love signifies, “…spontaneous natural affection, with more feeling than reason” (Elwell, p. 1357). Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance defines phileo as, “to be a friend to…fond of an individual or object; having affection for (as denoting attachment); a matter of sentiment or feeling”.
  • AGAPE: This Greek word for love is by far the one that appears most frequently in the New Testament. It is, “…generally assumed to mean moral goodwill which proceeds from esteem, principle, or duty, rather than attraction or charm… [it] means to love the undeserving, despite disappointment and rejection…Though agape has more to do with moral principle than with inclination or liking, it never means the cold religious kindness shown from duty alone, as scriptural examples abundantly prove”.

What I termed love of country is here called love of kinfolk.
oh ok, that's good to know.
love of kinfolk--- like the sheep?
or you mean your blood family? Or just the people in your nation? Or tribe or whatever.
ok where is storge mentioned in the Bible? I suppose in Jesus time the Israelites, only loved their own people. They didn't love outsiders or strangers, many didn't care for the samaritans for example, cos they were different.
Hmm. I think Jesus was asking Peter if he loved HIM. Peter kept thinking literally that Jesus was asking if Peter loved JESUS. But Jesus kept asking him again and again saying if he REALLY loved him, Lord Jesus, he would love his sheep, cos in a sense, JESUS is IN the sheep.

He wasnt asking about the different types of love. There is only ONE TRUE LOVE.

Basically if you love God, you will love and care for his children.

There is no need to translate love into different kinds when Peter was being just a bit thick. Lol. Got to love Peter!

I'll have to disagree here. Peter was excitable and impulsive, but he was not dumb. I think that Jesus was challenging Peter, and Peter had learned something about himself. He realized that his impulse to affirm love for his master was premature.

Agape can be difficult. It is demanding. It is something that does not come naturally to man, and is built increment by increment as the result of trusting God more and more. It is the result of maturity, which always requires growth to produce. Peter needed to grow a little in Christ. God is patient and does not require us to be perfect tools.

Knowing something of the original text (even though I do not have multilingual capability) can provide insight into the meaning of scripture. I have tried to learn, but I do not have the aptitude.

By the way, I REALLY appreciate your posts. You have a wonderful approach to faith and the scriptures. Please do not take my difference of opinion as any indication that I do not love reading your thoughts.
ok where is storge mentioned in the Bible? I suppose in Jesus time the Israelites, only loved their own people. They didn't love outsiders or strangers, many didn't care for the samaritans for example, cos they were different.

Romans 12:10
Be kindly affectionedG5387 one to anotherG240 G1519 with brotherly love;G5360 in honourG5092 preferringG4285 one another;G240

From G5384 and στοργή storgē (cherishing one’s kindred, especially parents or children); fond of natural relatives, that is, fraternal towards fellow Christians: - kindly affectioned.
oh I love reading yours too. I tend to take things face value, i.e. literally.
Someone once thought I had aspergers because of this. lol
I'm sure even a child can understand what Jesus meant...I mean...I think Peter sometimes was a bit simple. Not dumb..but you know his name was Simon before it was Peter.
I suppose its hard to picture it but you imagine Jesus talking with Peter. Put yourself in Peters place and do the dialogue with Jesus. Don't you think Jesus was talking with his hands then..? He wasn't being difficult and trying to teach Peter anything new or give love a new meaning. He just meant if you love me you will look after my sheep (meaning fellow believers).
sometimes I think we can overanalyse...if you know what love is why would you keep it for yourself. Its meant to be shared with other people.
oh I love reading yours too. I tend to take things face value, i.e. literally.

A simple, straightforward approach to Biblical interpretation is usually best. Usually, if interpretstion is difficult, it is better to look at other related passages to arrive at an understanding that reflects all of God's word than pick at individual words. I do like to view scripture in several versions although I usually use KJV or NIV for general reading. Modern Bible apps are great for flipping back & forth between versions.

There are certain words that I particularly like to know which original word was used. Love is one of those words. Lord, and other related references to God is another. I like to know if the original is Adoni/Adonai, or YHWH (sometimes rendered Jehovah).

Getting back to Love...

I must admit that I often get so excited about the thoughts that I have going in my head that I have trouble listening. I accepted Christ 45+ years ago and in that time I have heard many wonderful presentations about many Christian issues. There is not an original thought in my brain. Sometimes I need to shut-up and listen to
A simple, straightforward approach to Biblical interpretation is usually best. Usually, if interpretstion is difficult, it is better to look at other related passages to arrive at an understanding that reflects all of God's word than pick at individual words. I do like to view scripture in several versions although I usually use KJV or NIV for general reading. Modern Bible apps are great for flipping back & forth between versions.

There are certain words that I particularly like to know which original word was used. Love is one of those words. Lord, and other related references to God is another. I like to know if the original is Adoni/Adonai, or YHWH (sometimes rendered Jehovah).

Getting back to Love...

I must admit that I often get so excited about the thoughts that I have going in my head that I have trouble listening. I accepted Christ 45+ years ago and in that time I have heard many wonderful presentations about many Christian issues. There is not an original thought in me brain. Sometimes I need to shut-up and listen with consideration to something new.

So, I confess that I am lacking in Love, and I do ask the Lord to help me control my emotions. There has to be a virtuous middle ground that allows me to contribute and still accept the contributions of others.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (‭Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ NIV)

God showed His love for us by having Jesus die in our place. We didn't deserve this, but since God loved us He saved us from sin and death. Love is committed to the well-being of its object. God could not let us burn in hell, for He loved us with a love that could never keep us separate from Him.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭38-39‬ NIV)

Nothing can separate us from God's love because unlike our love His never fails. God's love never quits. He went to the grave and back to save us from His own justice.

True Love is a connection that cannot be broken.
well..I think the hebrew is Adonai meaning Lord.
I don't say Yaweh or jhvh or g-d. Other ppl do though..Jehovah Jireh - etc
I prefer saying Heavenly Father. Or dear Lord.

I don't know what the hebrew word for love is, but know the greek is agape.
Beulah means beloved.
Somebody know?
Hebrew for love is "ahavah", or "ahabah"

Feminine of H158 and meaning the same: - love.
I once read a book called 'women who love too much' and it was saying that if love causes you pain, you love too much.

I think its really not wise to love someone who doesnt respond and hurts you back. But Jesus says to love your enemies too.
I know gods word says love your neighbour and Jesus explained who is your neighbour...and what being a neighbour is..but how do you love an enemy without being hurt and abused? Who is your enemy? How do you pour hot coals on their head?

Maybe you just say, when they being really mean, 'i love you too'? I dont know. How do you disarm someone who is trying to attack you?
I once read a book called 'women who love too much' and it was saying that if love causes you pain, you love too much.

I think its really not wise to love someone who doesnt respond and hurts you back. But Jesus says to love your enemies too.
I know gods word says love your neighbour and Jesus explained who is your neighbour...and what being a neighbour is..but how do you love an enemy without being hurt and abused? Who is your enemy? How do you pour hot coals on their head?

Maybe you just say, when they being really mean, 'i love you too'? I dont know. How do you disarm someone who is trying to attack you?
In this life, real love will cause you pain. Think of the pain Jesus had to endure to purchase us for himself! He did it because we needed to be saved. In the same way when we love someone we want their good so much it might hurt us.

Loving your enemies is being kind and generous even to those who mistreat you. You heap burning coals on their heads by doing this because you deserve no wrong for loving them, yet they mistreat you anyways. It brings a greater judgement on them.
In this life, real love will cause you pain. Think of the pain Jesus had to endure to purchase us for himself! He did it because we needed to be saved. In the same way when we love someone we want their good so much it might hurt us.

Loving your enemies is being kind and generous even to those who mistreat you. You heap burning coals on their heads by doing this because you deserve no wrong for loving them, yet they mistreat you anyways. It brings a greater judgement on them.
So true.
Many times it's same with disciplining a child - you can see it hurts them now and so doing hurts you back, but you know the benefit in the long run and stand strong in that discipline. That means your love presses through in spite of that hurt.
Yes, Jesus said even sinners love their own ppl. Like ppl do favours for other ppl if they can expect something back next time.
But jesus challenges us to love having no expectation of any love in return. He wants us to love at all times, cos if we dont, we act just like sinners and no different from them.

I suppose it would be like a parent being childish back to their own child. I have seen this happen on tv in that nanny show. The children then take over the house with their tantrums. The parents dont know how to apply tough love. All things work together for those that love God, who are the called according to his purpose. They let their kids run wild and do not treat them like lambs, by leading them to greener pastures with their staff and safe from wolves.