Just one donut

Just one donut

Ok, So I’m a diabetic, I don’t want to go banging on about it, but
It affects every part of my body, my life, my very being
Get it wrong and that’s it!
any thing from feeling a bit wobbly to death and a lot more in between,
loss of limbs, heart, liver kidney, bowel problems doesn’t do for good reading does it?
Who would think that just one little donut a hidden temptation, a treat on a special occasion, just once, it’s not pastry, and I’ve shaken off the sugar, and, and it’s the one with a hole, a less fattening centre,
All the excuses used to justify
that light fluffy sugary taste of ‘ heaven’, but to a diabetic the first step on the road to ruin!
It’s all to do with glucose
And the ability to control the levels and once into your body system it, through the blood reaches into every part of the body right into deepest hidden areas
Not visible at first you can go on for years with out being detected and nobody knows
But it is destroying you from the inside doing irreparable damage.
It’s no good wishing if only, but it was only a little donut!
And everybody else was enjoying them and just the occasional one can’t be that bad?
Medication can help but it needs to be a completely new life style a new regime a completely new way of life!
You cannot expect to carry on with orgy of donuts expecting the medication to sort out all the problems
Turning your back on the old life of junk food, cakes, pastries and pork pies mmmm pork pies all donuts by other names
Remembering what goes in your mouth will affect your body immediately and for the rest of your life!

I’m a diabetic I’ve seen the error of my ways
I keep to my diet, no donuts the strait and narrow way,
Guarding what I put in my body through mouth, ears and eyes!
I feel so much better,
I’m clean from the inside
It’s started to shine through my skin
Diabetics is ever present but no longer ruling my life!


Now read the above again
Replacing diabetic with sinner and donuts with sin!
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