Is immersion baptism required for slavation?

Okay, so who baptised John the Baptist? what about the thief on the cross? I don't recall the disciples being baptised. We can only guess. I guess the disciples had been baptised since the requirement was put out there. And John was baptised from birth. But what of the thief on the cross? Jesus TOLD him he would be with Him in paradise.
Okay, so who baptised John the Baptist? what about the thief on the cross? I don't recall the disciples being baptised. We can only guess. I guess the disciples had been baptised since the requirement was put out there. And John was baptised from birth. But what of the thief on the cross? Jesus TOLD him he would be with Him in paradise.

I am going to quote something from our precious AmericanAngel.
I don't think she will mind under the circumstances.

he thief on the cross passed away in the old testament. Jesus hung on the cross suspended between heaven and earth, between the old and the new. There was no time to get a blood sacrifice for the thief to roll back his sins. Jesus had already been whipped for our healing and the sins of the world were placed apon Him so that even God looked away. For this moment ONLY could the thief be forgiven."

Now, this makes perfect sense when I think about it!

Another quote ~
It is evident, from the Bible, that all twelve of the disciples were baptized by John the Baptist.
"Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us,
"BEGINNING FROM THE BAPTISM OF JOHN, unto that same day that he was taken from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection."-Acts 1:21, 22

maybe Jesus, John's cousin, baptized John?

1. Those who have repented of their sins and have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ are eligible to be baptized.
2. They should be baptized immediately upon conversion to Christ.
3. By receiving baptism, they are following Jesus' command and the apostolic doctrine and practice.
4. They are baptized into Christ's death, burial, and resurrection for the remission of and release from their sins.
5. Believers are baptized by full immersion in water.
6. Biblical baptism is done in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (which name is) the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Believers who have not been immersed, or who have been immersed but not in the triune name, should be immersed in that name!
Romans 10:8-10 (NLT)
In fact, it says, “The message is very close at hand;
it is on your lips and in your heart.â€
And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.

(The Message)
The word that saves is right here,
as near as the tongue in your mouth,
as close as the heart in your chest.
It's the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us. This is the core of our preaching. Say the welcoming word to God—"Jesus is my Master"—embracing, body and soul, God's work of doing in us what he did in raising Jesus from the dead. That's it. You're not "doing" anything; you're simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That's salvation. With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: "God has set everything right between him and me!"
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT)
God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
Salvation is by faith in Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross.

There is no believe and ...

So I would amend item 1 to read:

1. Those who are saved are eligible to be baptized.

Baptism is an act which follows salvation not a requirement to be saved.
Salvation first, then baptism. Baptism is the symbol, Jesus is the substance. Otherwise it is salvation by works.

I was saved for many years before I was baptized (by immersion, in a lake). I was convicted about being obedient to be baptized because I was saved already. Nothing changed after I was baptized, except that I had completed an act in which I needed to be obedient. I already had my eyes opened to understand Scripture. I already had a fire in my bones. I already had a transformed heart that desired to serve, please, and glorify God.

Nevertheless, I agree that John the Baptist, the Apostles, and Jesus Himself placed great emphasis and value on baptism. So do I. I have no less regard for it than those who believe it is necessary for salvation. I believe no Christian has any excuse not to be baptized once he or she knows anything about it because, whatever your theological angle on it, the inescapable fact is that it was commanded.

The standard and approved method appears to be immersion. I'm not dogmatic about that being the only efficacious method, but with the abundance of pools, bathtubs, rivers, lakes, ponds, stock tanks, baptistries, hot tubs, etc., why deviate from the method we know to be standard Biblical practice?

And, once you've been baptized, the issue is resolved for you either way. :)
Thanks, there are some angles I'd never thought about here...Like Jesus suspended between the Old Testament and the New Convenant... And the Apostles being babtized...

Thats 1 thing I love about this forum, you get Revelations about things you didn't even think about...:dance:

But i do believe If someone got saved tonight, and then died lets say of a heart attack or car accident before they got babtized they would still be saved... Right???
Thanks, there are some angles I'd never thought about here...Like Jesus suspended between the Old Testament and the New Convenant... And the Apostles being babtized...

Thats 1 thing I love about this forum, you get Revelations about things you didn't even think about...:dance:

But i do believe If someone got saved tonight, and then died lets say of a heart attack or car accident before they got babtized they would still be saved... Right???
Yes, I believe that's what is the case.
Thanks, there are some angles I'd never thought about here...Like Jesus suspended between the Old Testament and the New Convenant... And the Apostles being babtized...

Thats 1 thing I love about this forum, you get Revelations about things you didn't even think about...:dance:

But i do believe If someone got saved tonight, and then died lets say of a heart attack or car accident before they got babtized they would still be saved... Right???

I believe water babtism is an act of obedience to God. I do not think it is required for salvation. It is a outward symbol of obedience. I believe that people can come to God on their death beds. If someone comes to God at the last minuite and really believes it in their heart, I believe they are saved by Jesus' grace.
I see it as an outward sign of an inward work!
But Jesus isnt a legalist, unless someone is deliberately saying they wont and is in disobedience, I think God would understand if we couldnt!