" IF"

This tiny little 2 letter word packs a walloping dose of introducing a conditional clause !

God is so gracious and full of mercy to the mankind he created.
I do not think , knowing he had cast Lucifer out of heaven to earth; that he picked here to place his creation for anything except true worship !

The enemy helps sharpen and prove our love of our Master craftsman.
This is recorded by Jesus in John 4: 23 (context 21-24) that a time is coming when TRUE WORSHIPPERS shall worship the Father in Spirit and in TRUTH, for this is God's desire. Ex.34: ( context 12-15) Israel was told one of the first commands God's ppl were to have NO other gods before him. For he is a jealous God.

When we become forgiven and accept the gift of salvation, it is truly an undeserved gift; which was purchased at the greatest of all wealth, Jesus, God's only begotten Son !

This GIFT is freely given, but by free will it MUST be accepted by the recipient.

We can see all throughout the O and N T, that life was contractual in and after Eden. Some of the customs of an agreement then and now were and are bizarre to us. " A shoe, a handshake, a feast, your word, spitting in the hand, ect.ect." but these seal the contract, [ ours was sealed in the blood of the lamb of God] making it unbreakable. We see from the beginning there were conditions,things that had to be done or they might incur penalties or punishments of some kind.

SALVATION is our contract with our creator. Now we can accept and DO NOTHING and this contract will become dusty and unused. Ppl that believe all they have to do is accept salvation and the rest is up to God are MOST UNLEARNED ! It is so like the servant who buried his master talent instead of receiving usury from its use.

We ARE to be HIS WORKMAN that needs not to be ashamed by our ineffectual service!

" IF AND BUT" are two conjunctions that we simply can NOT over look in God's word, even though many do and try to.

God is NOT slack concerning his promises, for that he promises he will fulfill. 2 Peter 3:9 ( context 7-10) This is a clause in the contract with Him, that what he has said from creation to the end will be filled. [ the recompenses of sin]

My advice to us would be that we ALL take heed to every inspired word of God from the acceptance of OUR salvation to the END of our physical lives; all the " ifs, ands, and buts"!

Our Salvation is nearer than we think and today is that day for no one is promised a tomorrow. This contract is one of life or death for all eternity. Be like the thief at Jesus side, be in paradise with all its glory and beauty. IF you do NOT choose, death is your choice ! ...lol no I didn't say that wrong.
No choice is the same as saying " NO"!

GOD IS SO LONGSUFFERING WANTING NONE TO PERISH. IF your contract has been gathering dust and lying dormant, shake it off, re- read the Word, and get busy growing in your service for the Father.
