If I were to commit suicide, would I go to hell?

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So then........what do you understand that "sin unto death is"?
Sin that causes spiritual death.
as stated above Mortal Sin is “sin causing spiritual death,” and Venial Sin is “sin that can be forgiven".
I don't believe anyone is ignoring that passage. It is a passage whose meaning is not fully comprehended by even the best of us.
It would be more honest for you to say that the meaning well understood by others is refused by you.
People who would go so far as to end their own life would have a mental illness.

My dear mother was extremely bi-polar. She lived with my wife and I her last 10 years and when she was in the "down" cycle, even with meds, she always had the urge to do away with herself. She was as good a Christian as any one on this web site or any others for that matter.
Sin that causes spiritual death.
as stated above Mortal Sin is “sin causing spiritual death,” and Venial Sin is “sin that can be forgiven".

All sin can be forgiven. The only sin causing spiritual death is rejection of Jesus Christ, our salvation.
My dear mother was extremely bi-polar. She lived with my wife and I her last 10 years and when she was in the "down" cycle, even with meds, she always had the urge to do away with herself. She was as good a Christian as any one on this web site or any others for that matter.

That is sad, Major, and I am certain that you know that a sickness or disease doesn't negate someone's salvation. Those that think so have a lot to learn, yet.
You are all ignoring this.

"If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death," (1 John 5:16-17).

These verses in 1 John 5:16-17 do not support the distinction that Catholic dogma places on venial and mortal sin although it may seem that way superficially. These verses in context of the entire bible can be broken down as such: in the bible there is only one type of sin that does not lead to death for a Christian believer only, and that is the sin that Jesus atones for through His sacrifice at the cross. This includes every sin known to humanity with the exception of one, that is the one unforgivable sin which is also known as the unpardonable sin. The unpardonable sin will always lead to death. Our Lord says it best:
28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation." Mark 3:28-29

And if we understand what blaspheming the Holy Spirit means, and I can elaborate on that if anyone cares to know, you can truly understand why that sin cannot be forgiven nor should you pray that such a sin is forgiven.

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These verses in 1 John 5:16-17 do not support the distinction that Catholic dogma places on venial and mortal sin although it may seem that way superficially. These verses in context of the entire bible can be broken down as such: in the bible there is only one type of sin that does not lead to death for a Christian believer only, and that is the sin that Jesus atones for through His sacrifice at the cross. This includes every sin known to humanity with the exception of one, that is the one unforgivable sin which is also known as the unpardonable sin. The unpardonable sin will always lead to death. Our Lord says it best:
28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation." Mark 3:28-29

And if we understand what blaspheming the Holy Spirit means, and I can elaborate on that if anyone cares to know, you can truly understand why that sin cannot be forgiven nor should you pray that such a sin is forgiven.

All that is cute, but wrong.
Here is my thought on it: if Jesus Himself actually told us there is only one unpardonable sin, how in the world can we still be debating this? It doesn't get much more straightforward (considering this wasn't even in a parable!) then a direct quote from the Lord himself. :eek:

Of course that brings up the next question: how in the world does someone actually do -that- so we can all -avoid- it? I've heard tons of theories throughout my life. Everything from it reflecting anyone who has not yet accepted Jesus (which would indeed prevent them from faith but which would make this sound a tad too mellow-dramatic for Jesus) to anyone who has ever been in a church, thought they believed, and walked away from a time. (i.e. that "knock at the door" is a one time only offer; this seems to contradict the amount of effort we are told that God puts forth to find us, and the idea that he will keep looking.)

In the context of this thread, is anyone going to try and say that suicide is essentially giving the Holy Spirit the boot? I certainly hope that interpretation is not what Jesus meant, and I think of it was a sin which was this straight forward (to name, not to understand / treat / analyze / etc. obviously!) that he would've spelled it out for us. (Further, I stand by what I said earlier with regard to this topic.)

I'm not sure if looking at this will risk derailing the thread, but it is definitely something I looked at and went "Huh?" over when I was reading the gospels last month.
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1. The bible does NOT say anything about mortal or venial sins. That is a merely religious teaching. All unforgiven sin is mortal if you really want to insist on it.

2. Suicide is no different than any other killing, but a believer who commits it has been forgiven of it already.
1. You are not discerning properly. There were two states in death OT. ONE in Hades and ONE in Abrahams bosom.

Continue in mortal sin OT or NT and your home is Hell.

2. It is very different. As I have already explained.
1. You are not discerning properly. There were two states in death OT. ONE in Hades and ONE in Abrahams bosom.

Continue in mortal sin OT or NT and your home is Hell.

2. It is very different. As I have already explained.
The only ticket to hell kj is not ACCEPTING Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Nothing else will land you a ticket to hell. This is the only way to end up in hell - not having the Blood of Christ covering us....For the record kj - God never sends any one to hell - people do that on their own and we are with out excuse
God Bless
The only ticket to hell kj is not ACCEPTING Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Nothing else will land you a ticket to hell.
Of course I agree with that Jim. It is as though you are just not grasping what accepting and rejecting Jesus involves. We don't reject Jesus by not hearing the gospel or saying 'I reject Jesus'. We reject Jesus by loving what is evil. Mortal sins = loving what is evil. Paul explains this properly and urges us to discern better then the world in 1 Cor 5 and 6.

Then we don't accept Jesus as though its some magical lines we recite. Jesus only comes in when we open the door to Him. We open the door to Him when we repent. We only repent because we hate our evil / what is evil. Ie continue in mortal sin and you were either not a Christian or have shipwrecked your Christianity.

God never sends any one to hell - people do that on their own and we are with out excuse
Yes. God created a home for wolves. Venial sinners are not wolves. Adam and Eve deserved death but not hell for their disobedience. Cain thought many evil thoughts but it was only when he murdered that God paid him a visit.
Of course I agree with that Jim. It is as though you are just not grasping what accepting and rejecting Jesus involves. We don't reject Jesus by not hearing the gospel or saying 'I reject Jesus'. We reject Jesus by loving what is evil. Mortal sins = loving what is evil. Paul explains this properly and urges us to discern better then the world in 1 Cor 5 and 6.

Then we don't accept Jesus as though its some magical lines we recite. Jesus only comes in when we open the door to Him. We open the door to Him when we repent. We only repent because we hate our evil / what is evil. Ie continue in mortal sin and you were either not a Christian or have shipwrecked your Christianity.

Yes. God created a home for wolves. Venial sinners are not wolves. Adam and Eve deserved death but not hell for their disobedience. Cain thought many evil thoughts but it was only when he murdered that God paid him a visit.

Dude get a grip here. rofl:ROFLMAO:
You do NOT have to love what is evil to reject Christ.
The church is full of people who have not accepted Christ but do good and do good in His name and believe it is enough. Where does the evil play in here bud ? They still will not bypass hell if they do not ask Christ into their hearts.....

It is not that hard to see this - it is simple really.
1. So then........what do YOU understand that "sin unto death is"?

2. I for one do not believe this passage is about spiritual at all. It refers to the physical. The child of God has eternal life at the moment he professes faith in Christ. I believe that John is saying that believers can commit a sin for which their heavenly Father will remove them from this life physically.

Maybe because they are disgracing Him, or will not obey Him or will not answer His call to them for a certain purpose.

I for one believe Moses falls into that category.
I also think Aaron does as well.
I would say the same thing of Ananias and Sapphira.
Absalom would fit in here also.
1. That sin we commit right before we die :p.

2. I believe it is inline with all Paul's warnings to us Christians. Paul never singled out Christian X as saved and Christian Y as unsaved. Paul was being respectful. That is why we will forever debate OSAS :giggle:. A human cannot see the depths of a heart, only works. But God knows who is His and who isn't. So the sin unto death is clearly rejection of Him. Rejection of Him is full measure when our sin is full measure. The Amorites were not destroyed because their sin was not full measure Gen 15:16. Sodom was because their sin was full measure.

Ananias and Sapphira should be compared with Judas. A single action that reflects a state of the heart being so lost / a depth of evil intent that causes our love of sin / evil to be '''full measure'''.
kj that is not always going to be the case. How about those God says I never knew you and they say but I did this and that in your name and was in church every week ? Truth is brother the church is full of "religious people" who have not ever made Jesus their Lord and do not love what is evil.
God Bless

Jim you need to discern better. On the one hand we have the verse you referring to Matt 7:22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles.

On the other we have James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Now look at those verses properly. Matt 7:22 = I prophesied....I drove out demons.....I performed great miracles....= all works that appeal to pride / push our vanity = I am God's man of the hour = I am prophet so and so = I am doctor so and so...

Jesus would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION GAZILLION years say ''I never knew you' to the Christian that has a testimony of helping orphans, widows and is keeping himself unspotted from the world.
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Here is my thought on it: if Jesus Himself actually told us there is only one unpardonable sin, how in the world can we still be debating this? It doesn't get much more straightforward (considering this wasn't even in a parable!) then a direct quote from the Lord himself. :eek:

Of course that brings up the next question: how in the world does someone actually do -that- so we can all -avoid- it? I've heard tons of theories throughout my life. Everything from it reflecting anyone who has not yet accepted Jesus (which would indeed prevent them from faith but which would make this sound a tad too mellow-dramatic for Jesus) to anyone who has ever been in a church, thought they believed, and walked away from a time. (i.e. that "knock at the door" is a one time only offer; this seems to contradict the amount of effort we are told that God puts forth to find us, and the idea that he will keep looking.)

In the context of this thread, is anyone going to try and say certainly hope that interpretation is not what Jesus meant, and I think of it was a sin which was this straight forward (to name, not to understand / treat / analyze / etc. obviously!) that he would've spelled it out for us. (Further, I stand by what I said earlier with regard to this topic.)

I'm not sure if looking at this will risk derailing the thread, but it is definitely something I looked at and went "Huh?" over when I was reading the gospels last month.

Great question! The unforgivable sin is in Mark 3:29, blaspheming the Holy Spirit. To understand why that is unpardonable, you need to understand the function of the Holy Spirit (or Comforter.)

The Holy Spirit:

1.) Helps us understand prophecy and guides us unto all truth(John 16:13)
2.) He teaches (Luke 12:12)
3.) He comforts (John 14:16)
4.) He bears witness of Jesus (John 15:26)
5.) He convicts the world of sin (John 16:8)
6.) He dwells within us that we may live a Holy Life (Romans 8:9)
7.) He seals us (Eph 4:30)

Therefore, to blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to reject His influence, thereby also rejecting truth and ultimately Christ and salvation. If you do not want to commit the unpardonable sin, do not reject the truth when He brings conviction to your heart. The devils job is to get you to do just that and he does that often though professed believers or the ideas of men.

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That is sad, Major, and I am certain that you know that a sickness or disease doesn't negate someone's salvation. Those that think so have a lot to learn, yet.

Of course that is true. My point was that even the very best Christian can and will have health issues that cam cause them to want to kill themselves.
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