If A Young Child Dies, will He/She Go To Heaven?

="Cosmicwaffle, post: 395463, member: 13393"]How does anyone go to "Heaven"? They need to be as perfect, holy, and spotless as God himself. That righteousness comes from Jesus Christ, and anyone who does not have him will not be in God's kingdom.
How about "Enoch" whom the Lord just took? Was he perfect, Holy, and spotless? What of "Elisha" was he also spotless, Holy, and perfect? These two people were "translated" to he Kingdom of God.
How does anyone go to "Heaven"? They need to be as perfect, holy, and spotless as God himself. That righteousness comes from Jesus Christ, and anyone who does not have him will not be in God's kingdom.

1 John 5:12
Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

I know this is a very emotional subject because as parents we love our children. But, loving someone does not neccessarily mean they will be in God's kingdom. It is determined by whoever God loves. If he loves your child then your child will not see death. But, if God has decided to leave your child in their sins then that is his call. The day of the Lord will reveal these things because scripture is not entirely clear on the subject.

At what age do you think God would do this?

Certainly at 2 years old, or even 4 years old a child even when told they are sinning doesn't understand the concept of sin. I think I was around 7 years old when I could understand that I was sinning and that was bad, but I still didn't understand why that was bad. I knew of God, but couldn't make the connection.

It was around 9 that the connection was made, but still doesn't know that I needed a Savior. That didn't happen till I was 34 years old when I gave my life to Christ.

So, I do not think that a child who cannot understand that they have need of a Savior will not end up I he'll. Yes, w have a just and holy God, but he is also loving and merciful too.
How about "Enoch" whom the Lord just took? Was he perfect, Holy, and spotless? What of "Elisha" was he also spotless, Holy, and perfect? These two people were "translated" to he Kingdom of God.
They weren't Holy and Perfect on their own, they had Christ's righteousness by faith. Christ not only made atonement for the sins of people who were yet to be born, but also for people who had already died.
Matthew 19:14 (AMP)
But He said, Leave the children alone! Allow the little ones to come to Me, and do not forbid or restrain or hinder them, for of such [as these] is the kingdom of heaven composed.
At what age do you think God would do this?

Certainly at 2 years old, or even 4 years old a child even when told they are sinning doesn't understand the concept of sin. I think I was around 7 years old when I could understand that I was sinning and that was bad, but I still didn't understand why that was bad. I knew of God, but couldn't make the connection.

It was around 9 that the connection was made, but still doesn't know that I needed a Savior. That didn't happen till I was 34 years old when I gave my life to Christ.

So, I do not think that a child who cannot understand that they have need of a Savior will not end up I he'll. Yes, w have a just and holy God, but he is also loving and merciful too.
His love and mercy do not nullify his justice. The soul that sins shall die. If one wants to be in his kingdom they need to be perfect, no exceptions. So either we say children under a certain age are perfect, or Jesus needed to pay their debt too.
His love and mercy do not nullify his justice. The soul that sins shall die. If one wants to be in his kingdom they need to be perfect, no exceptions. So either we say children under a certain age are perfect, or Jesus needed to pay their debt too.

Children under the age where they can account for themselves as sinners are considered INNOCENT, and will not undergo judgment, so should they die, their spirits are safe with Jesus Christ.
Children under the age where they can account for themselves as sinners are considered INNOCENT, and will not undergo judgment, so should they die, their spirits are safe with Jesus Christ.
If this is the case then why is abortion wrong? If their souls automatically go to be with the Lord, why not kill them and save them from the possibility of hell? Surely that would be better than allowing them to sin, no?
It seems to me as we get older, from being a "child", we become more sinful in our lives. We need to revert back as a child who has complete trust in their parents.

Mat 18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
Mat 18:2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
Mat 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (KJV)

John 1:12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, (ESV)
I don't care how wonderful his plans are, if I can remove the possibility of my children going to hell, I would gladly do so.

Don't be ridiculous. Your children will be given every opportunity to know Jesus Christ, just as all people are. In utero infants are not. God has them safely in hand.
If salvation from sin and death were by premature death, then I would gladly have every baby aborted. But, we know salvation is not by premature death, but by Jesus Christ. I want children to live and see the salvation of their souls, and for those who are not saved to be used for God's purposes.
If salvation from sin and death were by premature death, then I would gladly have every baby aborted. But, we know salvation is not by premature death, but by Jesus Christ. I want children to live and see the salvation of their souls, and for those who are not saved to be used for God's purposes.

Babies, born and unborn are innocent and sin is not imputed to them as they have no knowledge or understanding or knowledge of what sin is. Until a child grows into that ability to discern that they are sinners in need of a Saviour, then should they die, their spirits go to God--just as David's infant son went to God.
Babies, born and unborn are innocent and sin is not imputed to them as they have no knowledge or understanding or knowledge of what sin is. Until a child grows into that ability to discern that they are sinners in need of a Saviour, then should they die, their spirits go to God--just as David's infant son went to God.
So why would you keep your children alive when killing them would guaruntee heaven? I am not a murderer I am just taking your beliefs to their logical conlusions.
Children under the age where they can account for themselves as sinners are considered INNOCENT, and will not undergo judgment, so should they die, their spirits are safe with Jesus Christ.

When my son was 3 years old he knew that there where thing he couldn't do, because I told him so. If he did something wrong, he always denied it. Even when I told him that lying made it worse. So he knew that he was a sinner although I didn't call him that.

Children of every age knows rules and they know when they break them. Why is there a difference in breaking Gods rules and we are called a sinner and breaking parents rules and we are suddenly not sinners but just young children who are innocent? Why can a child lie till he is 12 and 2 days later he is bearing false witness?
1 Corinthians 15:22
For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.

People are either in Adam or in Christ. If a child is in Adam they will die. If a child is in Christ they will be made alive.

When a child dies we cannot know for certain that they were in Adam or in Christ, we can only have faith that God bought them into his family. That was the faith David had, and it is the faith I will have too.

We all would like to believe every premature death of a child guaruntees them heaven, but that leads to hideous practices.
So why would you keep your children alive when killing them would guaruntee heaven? I am not a murderer I am just taking your beliefs to their logical conlusions.

Duh! Killing a child is murder, right? You cannot make a logical conclusion when snuffing out a life on purpose is not an option, and it is directly interfering with God's plan.
When my son was 3 years old he knew that there where thing he couldn't do, because I told him so. If he did something wrong, he always denied it. Even when I told him that lying made it worse. So he knew that he was a sinner although I didn't call him that.

Children of every age knows rules and they know when they break them. Why is there a difference in breaking Gods rules and we are called a sinner and breaking parents rules and we are suddenly not sinners but just young children who are innocent? Why can a child lie till he is 12 and 2 days later he is bearing false witness?

Tthere is no magical age or level at which a child will become cognizant of his spiritual need.
A child below the "age of reason" cannot commit personal sin, so they get a free pass.
Same goes for the retarded and those with certain psychological disabilities.
God would that none should perish, and thus give a free ride to all those He can without offending Justice.

Thank you for reminding me of those who are mentally challenged. Of course they will go to be with Jesus when they die. That reminds me of when I candidated for the first full time position of pastor of a small country Baptist Church. After the service, a woman approached me with a similar situation.

A young woman, age 22, who had Down Syndrome was a member of the church of which I hadn't met. The lady asked me if a Down person would go to heaven when she died. I said yes! That test was her only question. I later learned that the young woman with Down was the daughter of the head deacon.