I Have Gone Back To My Roots

Ban, nothing was said that cannot be read in history books. Jesus came to bear witness of the truth, and so should Christians. I have Catholic in laws. My wife is an ex-Catholic. I help poor Catholics in my wife's country. Because I love Catholics, I must bear witness to them concerning those things that are true. No one can say I have said anything rude or hateful to anyone on this thread. Catholic and Protestant doctrine concerning salvation are not the same. One can be wrong about many things, but to be wrong on salvation is fatal. No Bible believer can encourage a person down a road of possible soul destroying error. It's your website, not mine, and you are free to do as you deem right. But deleting my post and suppressing truth is wrong.

Thing is though, it's the truth as you have interpreted it to be. There is no need to bear witness to me, I have been Catholic, protestant and now I am back to the Catholic church after 25 years of wandering, including 5 years being protestant.

Those five years of being a protestant, I was adrift, not being able to find my church home, causing my wife much pain because I couldn't find our church home. Now that I have come back to the catholic church, I feel at home, I feel peace and have been given God's peace. I no longer feel adrift. I feel like my roots have finally started to take hold.

I am not wrong on salvation. I have never been so sure of my salvation till this past weekend. To be able to say that and not have any anxiety is amazing.

There should be much rejoicing because I have finally found God, not dismay because of a dislike for a particular denomination.
I think it is a matter of faith…. Catholics prays the same prayer….

“Forgive us of our sins, as we forgive those who sins against us”

Protestants happen to have more faith on “forgive us of our sins”…..

Although hope I have more faith on “give us our daily bread” : )
Naomanos, as a Bible believing Protestant, I have a different take on these things. I know much about Catholicism, having studied it and it's history for 25 years, having Catholic in laws, and being married to an ex- Catholic. I have spent time in one of the most heavily Catholic countries in the world. What I have said is hardly a biased hack job. I would challenge you to read the history. Read it from unbiased secular sources, that are advocating neither a Catholic or Protestant take. Then compare what you see with Biblical teaching. Don't take my word for it.
Naomanos, as a Bible believing Protestant, I have a different take on these things. I know much about Catholicism, having studied it and it's history for 25 years, having Catholic in laws, and being married to an ex- Catholic. I have spent time in one of the most heavily Catholic countries in the world. What I have said is hardly a biased hack job. I would challenge you to read the history. Read it from unbiased secular sources, that are advocating neither a Catholic or Protestant take. Then compare what you see with Biblical teaching. Don't take my word for it.

Please excuse me if I don't take your advice. I have never been so sure of where I am supposed to be as I have been the past week. I have no need to look into whether or not the Catholic church is right for me. I just know that it is!

I am sorry that you can not express joy in the fact that I have finally found God after 25 years of wandering.
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Wondering, ahh ok, I thougth wandering : )
I visit Catholic Churches, Protestant churches, I really "wonder" why people need to make the distinctions.

Nope, it's supposed to be wandering. I am doing tow things at once. Posting pictures for an assignment I just finished for a third party that insurance companies hire to get photos of damaged vehicles and posting here.

Just a small typo...lol.
You should look for evidence of God's will in the Bible, not in hearing a song.

Well, I “see” God when I look at nature. When I listen to music. When I read a book. And so on.

I love music. Sometimes a song takes me so upward that I open my eyes to check if I’m still on Earth. Even songs written by atheists (mostly modern symphonic music) - and I do think that some of their sins will be forgotten (not forgiven, but forgotten) only because those people brought to me (and others) such joy. Because God doesn’t give His gifts only to Jews, or lately Christians. For example, the sun shines on all the people on Earth, not just the believers. And it has done so from the beginning.

We should not look for signs, but seek the Lord's will in his written word and by prayer.

Prayer for what, if we’re not supposed to expect “signs”?

Feelings are subjective. God's word isn't.

Indeed they are. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t true.

And God is a living God. Not a dead one. So we’re supposed to have “signs”. And feelings. That’s how I see it, anyway.
Sola scriptura is unbiblical. For that would leave out the entirety of the New Testament, which as you well know, was not compiled until the Apostles had been dead for centuries.

I don’t want to get into this dispute, I only want to say that it doesn’t matter when the New Testament was compiled. For a believer, it doesn’t even matter when it was written.
Thank you for your concern, but I am resolute in this and God was speaking to me through that song.

I think that too. And remember it’s a Protestant saying this.

I personally listen to Christian music from Protestants, Orthodox and Catholics. And I find those who don’t listen to all Christian music as very strange.

For example, how could one not like this Eastern Orthodox song:

It’s uplifting to a high degree.

I find Adventist songs as requiring you to have previously followed a school in advanced music (canto). Impossible to sing (if you have some respect for music, as I do). Instrumentation: apparently exclusively piano and violin.

I even witnessed a training session where the trainer (in lack of a better term) stopped the session disillusioned that her high expectations were not met. I found that absurd. Singing only to meet a very high artistic standard doesn’t belong in a Church. But ironically, Adventists require the general assembly to sing many of those songs that very, very few can. You can imagine what comes up.

Moreover, I find those songs as lacking joy. They are more appropriate for a funeral (although the words aren’t).

I find Baptist songs as simple and joyful. And therefore engaging - for everybody. Instrumentation: well, in my Church they use a lot of instruments, including blockflute, violins, keyboards, guitars. Fortunately no drums (the keyboard girl has to compensate for that, also some of the guitar players).

I find some Orthodox songs as uplifting as the Catholic ones – but not those actually sang in the Church (I don’t remember ever hearing a beautiful song in an Orthodox Church). You’d have to look for those beautiful songs outside – which I find to be strange.

And the Catholic songs are so beautiful! Even the music derived from or inspired by Catholic songs stays beautiful, for example the musical soundtrack of the movie American History X.

Most, if not all, Orthodox and Catholic songs are without instruments.

As for me, I listen to all of them, and I, as a Protestant, couldn’t care less which song is Protestant or not. Just as I have read many Christian books without caring that the authors are Catholics or Protestant or Orthodox. As long as they speak for God, that’s fine with me.

But I do tend to ignore those authors who bring evolution to the Bible. That’s indeed departure from the Scripture to the highest degree, since evolution is actually the opposite of Creation.

For five years I bounced from church to church looking for a church home. I could never find one

Well, I still haven’t found one. A Church that welcomes anybody with open arms. A Church where one feels welcome. Moreover, when he or she feels at home. A Church where the Priest or the Pastor shines light through his eyes, and warmth through his words.

Still looking, and at this point I’m sure I’ll be looking for the rest of my Earthly days. When I’ll look no more.

I went to the Catholic church and I felt closer to god there then I did in any other church I attended. I felt like I had come home and I had a sense of belonging. Something I never experienced in any other church. I am going to stay at this church.

I think your search is over. Now the fight begins. Your fight as a Christian - mostly with yourself.
Nope, it's supposed to be wandering. I am doing tow things at once. Posting pictures for an assignment I just finished for a third party that insurance companies hire to get photos of damaged vehicles and posting here.

Just a small typo...lol.

ah ok : )

When reading the bible, our teacher, Jesus “lambasted” the “Pharisees”….

And yet, Paul said in front of the synagogue “I am a Pharisee”… not “ I was”….

So I think there is nothing to do with affiliation of what group or Church one belongs…..

It is personal.
Ban, nothing was said that cannot be read in history books. Jesus came to bear witness of the truth, and so should Christians. I have Catholic in laws. My wife is an ex-Catholic. I help poor Catholics in my wife's country. Because I love Catholics, I must bear witness to them concerning those things that are true. No one can say I have said anything rude or hateful to anyone on this thread. Catholic and Protestant doctrine concerning salvation are not the same. One can be wrong about many things, but to be wrong on salvation is fatal. No Bible believer can encourage a person down a road of possible soul destroying error. It's your website, not mine, and you are free to do as you deem right. But deleting my post and suppressing truth is wrong.

It is not a matter of truth or falsehood, it is a matter of the spirit that it is being presented. While it may or may not have been appropriate to point out why you disagree, I just don't see how it is Christian fellowship to basically kick someone who is rejoicing in a decision that has refreshed their faith in Christ. I don't know why people can't understand that. I find it sad that you think I'm "suppressing the truth". That's always the excuse that people who decide to ignore the rules and mission of this site like to use. It's unworthy.