How To Lose Your Salvation.

Great, then I 100% agree...but there is also a difference between forgiveness and a "pardon". The Pope forgave Sirhan Sirhan and did not personally charge him or hold his shooting him against the man, but he was not pardoned, and is still serving the time for his crime. With God, when we come to Christ sincerely, we are forgiven AND pardoned. Anyone can be pardoned from all but a few things (like dying in adamant unrepentant unbelief). Actual I believe genuine Christians (born from above), not by name only (members of the Churchianity club) WILL NOT take the Mark.

Yes there is a difference between "pardoned" and being "forgiven".

"Pardon" means “to let loose” or “set free.” A pardon is the remission of punishment and release from penalty for a legal offense. . In the Greek forgiveness implies “a remission of debt, or sin.”

"To forgive" means to cease to feel resentment and the need for revenge against the offender. It also means to give up claim to restitution and retribution, and set free the offender of guilt.
One gem of evidence of eternal salvation is the truth of Scripture that gross sins were punished, but never with the loss of salvation. For example, I Corinthians 5:1-5 describes a case where a true believer is living with and sleeping with his step-mother. Paul condemned this, telling the church that it must exercise church discipline to deliver such [a person over to] Satan for the destruction of the flesh. Notice that he says the flesh rather than the spirit, because the text goes on to say that the spirit [shall still] be saved. This gross sin was punished by excommunication, but not by loss of salvation.

A second example is I Corinthians 11:29-32, which deals with members of the Corinthian church who were misusing the Lord's Supper. God disciplined them and punished them in several ways: weakness, sickness, and even death; but at no point did He threaten them with the loss of salvation whatsoever. So the biblical example is that gross sins were indeed punished, but never with the loss of salvation
Another area of evidence in favor of eternal security is that the believer is a new creature or creation (II Cor. 5:17). The fact that he is a new creation shows that he cannot suddenly now eternally cease to exist. He is a new creation, a new creature.
A passage that has been dispensationally misapplied is Matthew 18:21-35, in which Yeshua dealt with the issue of forgiving the brother and told the story about the unforgiving steward. He then made the point that if a believer does not forgive others, then he should not expect to be forgiven himself (v. 35). If this means that one way to lose salvation is by not forgiving the brethren, then once again, this ends up making salvation by works.

However, in this context the issue is not salvation forgiveness; instead, it is family forgiveness. Salvation forgiveness is the means by which one enters into God's family, and the only way of receiving salvation forgiveness is by grace through faith apart from works. But once one is in the family, sin in the believer's life; such as, holding a grudge against a brother, can cause a breakup in the relationship within the family of God. And it can break one's fellowship with God the Father. The way a believer receives family forgiveness of sins is by means of confession (I Jn. 1:9). The point of this Matthew account is that confessing sins is not going to gain family forgiveness if the confessor is not willing to forgive people who have wronged him or offended him. Thus, the Matthew 18:21-35 passage deals with family forgiveness rather than salvation forgiveness. This passage, then, has also been misapplied.
Forgiveness is something one does for oneself, not for the sinner or how his/her sin has hurt you. It is for the relief of the bitterness/anger/hatred that harm has caused your walk with God. It can be terribly hard depending...But like everything else, if you trust to leave it in God's hands, it all works out, perfectly.
Another evidence of eternal salvation is that God has paid the highest price for believers: the blood of His Son. That is too high a price to give them up now.
I agree with you all are saying, we are pardoned and forgiven, but let's take it one step further, as new creations in Christ we are, ...exonerated!

Oh happy days!

ok, here is the only example of how to do it.

"commit the unpardonable sin".

well, first you have to figure out what it is, and its not what you think.
you think its..."blasphemy of the Holy Spirit", Matthew 12:27-32ish because you dont understand the context of 12:27, but actually that is not it.

The "unpardonable sin", would be the one that finds you dead and UNFORGIVEN of your Sins.

Hi Kidron - I understand your premise, but all sin is unpardonable without receiving Christ before you die. It's my understanding that one who is truly a Christian, who has the Spirit of God, cannot blaspheme Him. This would mean the Father is not working in him (Phl 2:13), which would only be due to the truth that he "is not His" (Rom 8:9).

Mark 3:29, 30 discloses that blasphemy against the Spirit is the act of acknowledging that the Spirit of God is evil (unclean).

I believe you are forgiven for all your sins, or none of your sins. If an unsaved person willfully blasphemes the Spirit of God, he cannot be forgiven, and I also believe that this person would have to be quite knowledgeable and intentional about it.

This reply is not to refute but to just share "the word of truth."

God's blessings to your Family!
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