How does God speak to you?

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Have you gone to your pastor and asked to be baptized? As for Holy Spirit baptism, that is another occasion...and topic!

Just know that while it is commendable that we have the Lord Jesus on our minds, it is most imperative that we develop an intimate relationship with God, which includes conversing with Him and reading His word and obeying Him when He speaks to us through it.
I am not certain yet. Maybe I am overthinking it too much so I miss hearing him completely. I can't say for certain how he speaks to me.Sometimes I think I feel it,I just know when i get this deep gut feeling. Maybe i need to learn to listen to that deep gut feeling more. Most times I don't because the gut feeling is going against what I want to do. So maybe I have ignored it so much that I silenced it a bit. I don't know. I haven't been hearing from him so maybe that's my fault.It would be a lot easier if he just calls me :D
Have you gone to your pastor and asked to be baptized? As for Holy Spirit baptism, that is another occasion...and topic!

Just know that while it is commendable that we have the Lord Jesus on our minds, it is most imperative that we develop an intimate relationship with God, which includes conversing with Him and reading His word and obeying Him when He speaks to us through it.
Yes, I understand.
No I haven't been formally baptised, for a couple reasons, firstly, I do not want to be baptised into a particular denomination of Christianity, secondly, Jesus told me to tell people I was a Jew and I'd seen Jesus Christ and that I was a Jew and I'd been taken by Jesus Christ, I can't do that if I'm not a Jew.
I meantioned it to a catholic priest (by accident, I thought all priests/pastors wore a collar) and he told me that the shower was baptism and it does make sense to me as I saw Jesus in the shower when he spoke to me.
What is Holy Spirit baptism and why is it important to have a human baptise you as well?
Yes, I understand.
No I haven't been formally baptised, for a couple reasons, firstly, I do not want to be baptised into a particular denomination of Christianity, secondly, Jesus told me to tell people I was a Jew and I'd seen Jesus Christ and that I was a Jew and I'd been taken by Jesus Christ, I can't do that if I'm not a Jew.
I meantioned it to a catholic priest (by accident, I thought all priests/pastors wore a collar) and he told me that the shower was baptism and it does make sense to me as I saw Jesus in the shower when he spoke to me.
What is Holy Spirit baptism and why is it important to have a human baptise you as well?

Baptism is not an initiation rite into a church group or denomination. Ask your pastor to explain it to you. All Jews who receive Jesus Christ are Christians and as such, submit to baptism---have done so since the very beginning. You've also received a false "teaching" from a priest. So, right there, you've gotten some false impressions. We cannot build our faith on a vision or visitation. I implore you to seek out a strong Christian and find out about faith, salvation and the Person of Jesus Christ. Read the gospel of John and learn about Jesus and His walk with us on earth, and why He came.

Baptizing and being baptized are two parts of the same command God has given us, that we need to obey.
God talks to me by His words, through other people but usually through dreams and visions. I usually dream when I am about to wake up. Most of my dreams are symbolic and I can't understand what it means. Some of my dreams I know weren't from God. And I rebuke that kind of dream in Jesus name.
You know that our enemy satan knows these things and is the great counterfitter to everything of God and dreams are right there. Not everything the devil says or does is evil or bad or looks wrong to be wrong. Dont rely on vissions and dreams.
God speaks through His word and does this by our reading it and studying it and He speaks through others speaking His word and His still small voice inside us especially through prayer. Now God can use anything to get something to you, I mean after all He used a donky to correct a deranged Prophet.
Baptism is not an initiation rite into a church group or denomination. Ask your pastor to explain it to you. All Jews who receive Jesus Christ are Christians and as such, submit to baptism---have done so since the very beginning. You've also received a false "teaching" from a priest. So, right there, you've gotten some false impressions. We cannot build our faith on a vision or visitation. I implore you to seek out a strong Christian and find out about faith, salvation and the Person of Jesus Christ. Read the gospel of John and learn about Jesus and His walk with us on earth, and why He came.

Baptizing and being baptized are two parts of the same command God has given us, that we need to obey.
Thanks, I was getting confused and have many questions... I almost gave up understanding all the differences in the absolute knowledge in each denomination and how they all see the right way a different way... And would rather read the bible and am actually reading the gospel of John now :)
To me, personally, all you need is God and his book, not the divisions and immorality of humanity. God knows what is in the heart and soul of each person. I trust the word of God over 'men'. I feel I can ask my naive questions here, without being judged, by good honest people who choose to be here and want to share their knowledge and learn from each other, grow personally, and help as best they can, for the love of Jesus and each other. I hope my attitude doesn't offend anyone.
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I speak to God in prayer and He speaks to me through His written Word. It is the only thing that we can be sure of.
Dreams and visions and thoughts can be and have been used by the enemy to influence all people.

Dreams and visions are NOT to be understood as coming from God. Today we have the written Word of God and it is inspired and has the ability to speak to us.

Major, like you, most churches reject dreams and visions as valid today, along perhaps with all the other revelatory gifts.
Like you, the majority insist that the only source of God's will are the written scriptures.

That being the case, with only the bible for direction, how is it that so many churches manage to pervert the scriptures and teach doctrines of demons?
How is it with only the bible for direction that there are countless different denominations all claiming to be the right one.

You correctly stated, -
"Dreams and visions and thoughts can be and have been used by the enemy to influence all people."
But you are willfully blind to the demonstrable fact that scripture and the teaching ministry have been used by the enemy to influence all people.

Just because there are counterfeits, should we ban the real thing? That being the case, perhaps we should ban the teaching ministry.
Thanks, I was getting confused and have many questions... I almost gave up understanding all the differences in the absolute knowledge in each denomination and how they all see the right way a different way... And would rather read the bible and am actually reading the gospel of John now :)
To me, personally, all you need is God and his book, not the divisions and immorality of humanity. God knows what is in the heart and soul of each person. I trust the word of God over 'men'. I feel I can ask my naive questions here, without being judged, by good honest people who choose to be here and want to share their knowledge and learn from each other, grow personally, and help as best they can, for the love of Jesus and each other. I hope my attitude doesn't offend anyone.

You are right! We are not interested in judging you, but rather in helping you in your understanding about the Lord Jesus Christ, His word, and our faith and to assist you in any way in your walk with Jesus. You do not offend!
God has always spoken to me in various ways, starting when I was a child and I met the presence of God in my bedroom. His love was so overwhelming, and I simply asked him, "Please God, don't forget me." He never did.
My parents were not christian at that time, nor did I understand what a christian was.

Some time later in my early teens, God spoke to me so incredibly deeply and directly, it was like a blanket of truth had enfolded and covered me.
There had been an argument amongst some friends that only good people go to heaven. As I listened to them, God said that everybody was bad including me, but that he, God, had made the way to heaven, and that he didn't live in church buildings, but in my heart. All of which is scriptural truth, although I didn't know till I read a bible years later.

I didn't actually hear the christian gospel till over 10 years later in my mid 20s. I resisted the evangelist's efforts because I didn't want anything to do with religions after what God had said. I finally realised they were talking about the God I already knew, when one of them said that the Lord told her that I had been with God since childhood.
Since then, God has spoken many times through dreams visions words of knowledge prophecies scriptures etc.
All these revelatory gifts have been of great value in directing my path.
Major, like you, most churches reject dreams and visions as valid today, along perhaps with all the other revelatory gifts.
Like you, the majority insist that the only source of God's will are the written scriptures.

That being the case, with only the bible for direction, how is it that so many churches manage to pervert the scriptures and teach doctrines of demons?
How is it with only the bible for direction that there are countless different denominations all claiming to be the right one.

You correctly stated, -
"Dreams and visions and thoughts can be and have been used by the enemy to influence all people."
But you are willfully blind to the demonstrable fact that scripture and the teaching ministry have been used by the enemy to influence all people.

Just because there are counterfeits, should we ban the real thing? That being the case, perhaps we should ban the teaching ministry.

Because ALL men are sinners my friend and many men look for a way to make MONEY. Churches do not pervert the Scriptures.......Men do that. Men with arterial motives and not to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is because men are influenced by Satan and therefore mens dreams and visions can not be trusted. IT is for that reason that signs and wonders have in been in fact easy to fake.

I reject your claim of ALL people have been used by the enemy. I also reject you comment of "That being the case, perhaps we should ban the teaching ministry".

That is your opinion and it is just as invalid as are the dreams of men.

The real thing IS THE WORD OF GOD.

My friends........You can have religion without knowing God. Satan loves religion!! He has invented most all of it. Too often in today's religion there seems to be more interest in the GIFTS above the FRUITS of the Holy SPirit and the pursuit of miracles
and "New Revelations" leaves little time to know the Creator and what He has already said in His Word.

YOU do not have to agree with me, no one does, but IMO Christianity is very quickly becoming just another "religion" which like all the rest is practiced for the selfish benefits of healing and prosperity. Then when someone does in fact stand up and question what is going on all around us we get a question framed like.......................
"That being the case, perhaps we should ban the teaching ministry".
God has always spoken to me in various ways, starting when I was a child and I met the presence of God in my bedroom. His love was so overwhelming, and I simply asked him, "Please God, don't forget me." He never did.
My parents were not christian at that time, nor did I understand what a christian was.

Some time later in my early teens, God spoke to me so incredibly deeply and directly, it was like a blanket of truth had enfolded and covered me.
There had been an argument amongst some friends that only good people go to heaven. As I listened to them, God said that everybody was bad including me, but that he, God, had made the way to heaven, and that he didn't live in church buildings, but in my heart. All of which is scriptural truth, although I didn't know till I read a bible years later.

I didn't actually hear the christian gospel till over 10 years later in my mid 20s. I resisted the evangelist's efforts because I didn't want anything to do with religions after what God had said. I finally realised they were talking about the God I already knew, when one of them said that the Lord told her that I had been with God since childhood.
Since then, God has spoken many times through dreams visions words of knowledge prophecies scriptures etc.
All these revelatory gifts have been of great value in directing my path.

I am sure you mean well, I hope that any rebuke or correction or comment made will not lead to a very contentious comment. I will choose my words carefully as I do not want to create a hostile situation.

I can only say in a spirit of concern and love that those same kind of thoughts I am sure were with Mary Baker Eddy, Herbert W. Armstrong and Joseph Smith who were convinced that their thoughts and dreams and revelations were more important than was the actual written Word of God.

There is a very subtle and dangerous belief concerning "revelational knowledge". It comes in 2 ways.

1. A proper understanding of Scripture does not come through "interpretation" but instead through "revelation".
2. These prophets who receive revelations supplement the Bible and must be accepted by the church as a move of God and can not be questioned.

Bless you.
Because ALL men are sinners my friend and many men look for a way to make MONEY. Churches do not pervert the Scriptures.......Men do that. Men with arterial motives and not to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Took me a while to make sense. I suspect you mean "ulterior" motives.
It's beside the point whether churches or men pervert the scriptures, or whether churches or men pervert dreams and visions. The same indictment applies for either. Teachers or prophets are of equal guilt.
It is because men are influenced by Satan and therefore mens dreams and visions can not be trusted. IT is for that reason that signs and wonders have in been in fact easy to fake.
You really are blind aren't you? Every accusation you aim at those who receive dreams and visions can be directly applied to you yourself, Major! So here it is in your own words.

"It is because men are influenced by Satan and therefore mens bible scholarship can not be trusted. IT is for that reason that theology has in been in fact easy to fake."

These are your own words applied directly back to you!
Remember what Jesus said, "Judge not that you be not judged."
Major, you really do need to take that plank out of your eye!
I reject your claim of ALL people have been used by the enemy. I also reject you comment of "That being the case, perhaps we should ban the teaching ministry".

That is your opinion and it is just as invalid as are the dreams of men.
Hilarious Major. You really don't do tongue in cheek do you?
Just to help you.-

My comment about banning the teaching ministry was tongue in cheek, but obviously it sailed right over your head. Anyway you are most welcome to reject that comment as indeed I also would reject such a daft idea. It was merely written to expose the daftness of your own boasts.
The real thing IS THE WORD OF GOD.
No Major, that's completely wrong, the real thing is the Spirit of of the Living God, without which bible teachers are just purveyors of religious information, as indeed many are.
My friends........You can have religion without knowing God. Satan loves religion!! He has invented most all of it. Too often in today's religion there seems to be more interest in the GIFTS above the FRUITS of the Holy SPirit and the pursuit of miracles.
Of course you can have religion without knowing God, tell me something new or useful.
However, like all bible academics, you insist that people are more interested in the gifts than the fruit. Sadly the fruit of the spirit is equally missing in your type of church as it can be amongst those who follow the Spirit. The fruit of the spirit is found in a person, Jesus Christ, not in the pages of a book.
and "New Revelations" leaves little time to know the Creator and what He has already said in His Word.
Major, it sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with a book. Personally, I prefer to have a relationship with the writer of that book, and that means taking time out to listen to what he says in the spirit. To believe that the Spirit of God is limited to words in that book alone is naive to say the least.
YOU do not have to agree with me, no one does, but IMO Christianity is very quickly becoming just another "religion" which like all the rest is practiced for the selfish benefits of healing and prosperity. Then when someone does in fact stand up and question what is going on all around us we get a question framed like.......................
"That being the case, perhaps we should ban the teaching ministry".

I shall leave your last words to speak for themselves.

For those who come on this discussion late, please note that I love the scriptures and have been learning and teaching from them since the 70s. However I utterly reject the way they are constantly being used to crush the movement of the Holy Spirit and the use of the spiritual gifts in the church.
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I am sure you mean well, I hope that any rebuke or correction or comment made will not lead to a very contentious comment. I will choose my words carefully as I do not want to create a hostile situation.

I can only say in a spirit of concern and love that those same kind of thoughts I am sure were with Mary Baker Eddy, Herbert W. Armstrong and Joseph Smith who were convinced that their thoughts and dreams and revelations were more important than was the actual written Word of God.

There is a very subtle and dangerous belief concerning "revelational knowledge". It comes in 2 ways.

1. A proper understanding of Scripture does not come through "interpretation" but instead through "revelation".
2. These prophets who receive revelations supplement the Bible and must be accepted by the church as a move of God and can not be questioned.

Bless you.
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.

You ignore what I said and try to smear me by association with known false teachers. Shame.


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Took me a while to make sense. I suspect you mean "ulterior" motives.
It's beside the point whether churches or men pervert the scriptures, or whether churches or men pervert dreams and visions. The same indictment applies for either. Teachers or prophets are of equal guilt.

You really are blind aren't you? Every accusation you aim at those who receive dreams and visions can be directly applied to you yourself, Major! So here it is in your own words.

"It is because men are influenced by Satan and therefore mens bible scholarship can not be trusted. IT is for that reason that theology has in been in fact easy to fake."

These are your own words applied directly back to you!
Remember what Jesus said, "Judge not that you be not judged."
Major, you really do need to take that plank out of your eye!

Hilarious Major. You really don't do tongue in cheek do you?
Just to help you.-

My comment about banning the teaching ministry was tongue in cheek, but obviously it sailed right over your head. Anyway you are most welcome to reject that comment as indeed I also would reject such a daft idea. It was merely written to expose the daftness of your own boasts.

No Major, that's completely wrong, the real thing is the Spirit of of the Living God, without which bible teachers are just purveyors of religious information, as indeed many are.

Of course you can have religion without knowing God, tell me something new or useful.
However, like all bible academics, you insist that people are more interested in the gifts than the fruit. Sadly the fruit of the spirit is equally missing in your type of church as it can be amongst those who follow the Spirit. The fruit of the spirit is found in a person, Jesus Christ, not in the pages of a book.

Major, it sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with a book. Personally, I prefer to have a relationship with the writer of that book, and that means taking time out to listen to what he says in the spirit. To believe that the Spirit of God is limited to words in that book alone is naive to say the least.

I shall leave your last words to speak for themselves.

Is there any chance that you can talk with me on higher plane of communication? You speech is very rude in nature which is why I hesitated in replying to your comments. I already knew from your past comments that you would be hostile and I am just not going to get down there in the mud with you. If you want to communicate in such a manner, feel free to do so.

Implicit in the need and desire that we all return to Biblical Christianity is the belief that the Bible itself is our only and final authority in all spiritual matters.

1 Sam. 15:21-23 says to us...........
"And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king."

As Paul told us in Galatians 1:8 that we are not to give heed even to "an angel from heaven" who brings a message that contradicts what God has already spoken to us in His Word.

Because the gospel of Jesus presented in the Bible is essential to human life and hold the key to eternal destiny of all men, anyone, whether man or angel who teaches "any other gospel" is to be accursed. The Greek term used here..."accursed" is "eternally dammed".

The Holy Spirit could not have used any stronger language that that. These new revelations which you seem to be espousing that come to men by dreams and visions are said to come to a class of prophets who are never to be judged or questioned.
Only these self appointed prophets who claim to hear from God can decide who they are for no one who is not on their level is competent to make that judgment.

As I stated, this dangerous and destructive idea contradicts many Scriptures.

1 Corth. 14:29 tells us that all prophets must be judged. Otherwise the church will follow the leader blindly into false teaching and cultish behavior.

Acts 17:11 encourages everyone to be like the Bereans and search the Scriptures daily.
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.

You ignore what I said and try to smear me by association with known false teachers. Shame.

Wrong! Your own words made you guilty by association and it was no shame on my part to tell you that others have said exactly the same thing thinking that they were doing good also. I am sure you think that is the case and so be it. I disagree with you and believe that it is the Word of God that demands our attention and not dreams, visions and revelations of prophecy.

You said...........
"God has spoken many times through dreams visions words of knowledge prophecies scriptures etc.
All these revelatory gifts have been of great value in directing my path."

Be well and God bless you.
Jim.......If Mr. Drake had spoken to YOU as he did me, and as he has done to others, how would YOU react? What would YOU do?

I know you Jim!!!! I will wait for your advice.
Major it is not about my advice or what I might have or have not done. It is about how others seem to have a nack for getting others in an up roar then complain and get others into trouble. Did not want to see either of you get a time out or ban.

Scripture tells us love does not seek it's own way and we are to love and forgive.
Just trying to head something off before it got the attention of some one who could simply say thats it your gone.... ;)
Major it is not about my advice or what I might have or have not done. It is about how others seem to have a nack for getting others in an up roar then complain and get others into trouble. Did not want to see either of you get a time out or ban.

Scripture tells us love does not seek it's own way and we are to love and forgive.
Just trying to head something off before it got the attention of some one who could simply say thats it your gone.... ;)

A good None answer Jim. But I know what you would do my brother!
My thought would be to ask you to read the posts #32, 33 34 & 35 again and then tell me who is in an uproar.
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