Historic Evidence for Jesus' Resurrection

I would like to share a fantastic video featuring Dr. Gary Habermas. In this video, he outlines his struggle through his thesis on the topic of the resurrection of Christ.

Perhaps many of you have no interest in these scholastic pursuits for evidences of things pertaining to our faith in the Bible, but I will still say that this is worthwhile, giving some historic reasons to believe in an ability to defend the historicity for the resurrection of the Lord who gave to you, those who are born again, the salvation you rest within and that gives to you that assurance for eternal life.

Some of you may have encountered those who are skeptical about there being legitimate evidence. This is a great video to share with others.

This great man speaks in terms and ways that pique the minds of many, whether you be a scholar, a novice, or just what you might describe as being an uneducated and not-so-sophisticated follower of Christ.

Please enjoy this, and let it speak to your mind and heart in that there is plentiful evidence for Christ's resurrection when compared to the plethora of other writings describing other historic figures that the skeptics accept. This portrays the hypocrisy of those Agnostics who do accept the writings of people like Alexander the Great, but not Christ. This video gives more than ample evidences that silences critics who are interested in intellectual honesty.
