FYI: Word of Faith Statement of Faith

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so without the baptism of the spirit, we cannot live out the calling?

My brother, you DID receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit the moment you accepted Christ.

It is an impossibility for anyone to be a believer in the present time without receiving the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:9 says.......
" ...Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his".

Then, just so that I do not get yelled at allow me to say that is was Dr. Scofield who said...........,
"The Holy Spirit indwells every believer during this dispensation. There is no such thing as a believer who has not received the Holy Spirit."
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My brother, you DID receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit the moment you accepted Christ.

It is an impossibility for anyone to be a believer in the present time without receiving the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:9 says.......
" ...Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his".

Then, just so that I do not get yelled at allow me to say that is was Dr. Scofield who said...........,
"The Holy Spirit indwells every believer during this dispensation. There is no such thing as a believer who has not received the Holy Spirit."

Amen, I guess the point of my post should have better been worded such as
"So what you're saying is without a separate baptism of the Holy Spirit, we cannot live out the calling"

I fully agree in the stance that the holy spirit baptism happens at salvation and that the idea that everyone baptized in the spirit should speak tongues is a form of elitism.
Actually all I am doing is explaining what those Scriptures tell ME. If you do not understand them as I do then wonderful. No Problem what so ever.

1 Corinthians 12:13 says to me........
“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many.”

You can not be a believer and not be baptized by the Spirit. That is what it says to ME.
"For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body."

You need to be aware that he is talking about Christians being kin by their being baptized into Jesus Christ by water, that we share the same faith in Jesus Christ.

So then there is One Spirit and that is the Holy Spirit and Paul is saying that all believers are baptized by the Spirit. You can not be a believer and not be baptized by the Spirit. If you or anyone else disagree then your argument is not with ME.

Paul hasn't said ALL believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit. His baptism is available to all, and all should desire it.

Many Christians today are saved, but have yet to undergo the baptism of the Holy Spirit, either because of ignorance about it, or by rejection of it.

If someone does not have the Holy Spirit of God, they are not the children of God because “those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” which is the Word of God as seen in Romans 8:14.

Then we see in 1 John 3:24..........
And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us”.

What does this all mean????? To ME it means that the Holy Spirit makes us part of the Body of Christ.

Amen He sure does!

If we don’t have the Holy Spirit, we are none of His since “if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ” (Romans 8:9). Indeed, “those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God” (Romans 8:14).

It seems to me that being filled with the Spirit means being controlled by the Holy Spirit. We will have complete fulfillment if we allow the Holy Spirit to control us. To be filled with the Spirit is to be controlled by the Spirit for the Spirit’s presence is revealed in the fruit we produce as said in Galatians 5:22-23.

There is more to being filled with the Holy Spirit above and beyond the indwelling that comes at salvation.

That is ME. If you do not agree, love me and pray for both of us as I will you. :love:

You've merely stepped off the bus a bit before your stop, is all. There is more of Jesus for you. He desires to fill you to overflowing with His anointing and with His empowerment to live out your special callings and work in your giftings with great ease and with amazing success, and without burnout from striving, because of His enabling, beyond your wildest dreams.

I will certainly continue to pray for you that the Lord will grab hold of you with these truths.
so without the baptism of the spirit, we cannot live out the calling?

Sure you can, but not without more opposition and hardship that will serve to set you back at times and will bring you exhaustion as well. The anointing that comes from the baptism of the Holy Spirit serves to usher us into the places where God wants us to function and shine and His spirit just causes things to work out and for us to function for Him like a well-oiled machine! It makes a difference. The work we do is done well, and the results are often exponentially greater than if achieved without His anointing.
My brother, you DID receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit the moment you accepted Christ.

It is an impossibility for anyone to be a believer in the present time without receiving the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:9 says.......
" ...Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his".

Then, just so that I do not get yelled at allow me to say that is was Dr. Scofield who said...........,
"The Holy Spirit indwells every believer during this dispensation. There is no such thing as a believer who has not received the Holy Spirit."

The born again experience is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Let's take the heat out of the debate right now.
Sit back, regain your composure and let's start again.
Some of the posts above have repeated the same point.
Let's move on know the rest.
John 2:1-2.......
"My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world” .

Yes, it is true we are forgiven by Christ’s sacrifice and not our own perfection. However, the forgiveness that we have received motivates us to try to live perfect. We will fall short time and time again, but the ultimate goal of every Christian according to John is to “not sin.

I have talked to several Christians who have lost the hope of salvation because of their continual struggle with sin. To that John would say, don’t worry, hang in there, help is available and His name is Jesus. It is true that we are unrighteous at times, but Jesus is always righteous and He is our advocate and our propitiation. Jesus makes it possible for us in our sinfulness to still be declared sinless and pure. John would later write to these same brethren that he wants them to “know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).

Christians should never approve of sin in their lives. God wants us to stay in the light by constantly turning away from sin. When we do sin, we can still feel confident in our salvation by placing our trust in Jesus as our Advocate and our propitiation.

Hello Major,
First let me start by saying Amen I agree !!
There is one area with me that I have a dificult time saying I am a sinner saved by Grace.
Yes we all know we were a sinner and we were saved by the free (to us) gift of salvation through Gods grace - HOWEVER - it cost some one dearly - Some one paid the ultiment Price for this salvation - Jesus and the Father -

In this priceless payment - our salvation - we WERE AND ARE - Redeemed From Sin or "Set Free form the old sin nature - So when I say I am a sinner in any way it feels like I am spitting on Jesus for what He did for me and for you. This may just be me - understand - but it eats at me when I see my self or say things or do thinngs - contrary or opposite or opposing To His written word or How He see's me or how He said to live, act and talk.

That is why for me - if it says I have been redeemed from the old sin nature then I have and if I make a mistake or fall short or sin then I can run right to Him and be set free from it and pick up right where I am.

Thats all I was trying to say or from where I was thinking.
God Bless You Major and Thank you
Has anyone asked you, "how are you felling today", and even though you say FINE you really fell terrible? Don't say NO because I know better than that brother.

You just sinned!

Have you ever had the feeling that you needed to take a lunch to a sick friend but did not do it because of your circumstances, whatever they were at the time?
No need to say NO Jim. We all live in the same world.

But when the Holy Spirit moves us to do and we don't we sin!

Jim, are you going to try and tell me that you have never ever seen a woman, nude, whether on TV or a magizene or movies or real life, and the thought of........
"Man o man what a woman, I sure would like to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her."
Please do not insult all of us by saying NO. Every male who reads this would then know you are not being sincere in your answers. WE have ALL been there.

That Jim my dear brother is sin and that is what I am talking about. That is not being sin minded and it is not being sin dominated. It is what happens in life and because of the grace of God through the Lord Jesus He forgives me of that sin even before I confess it and ask Him to forgive me.

So then YES......I am a saint who sins and if you can not see that then I do not know what else to say. I admitt that because I am living in a real world and those things happen all the time to real believers.

At one time in my life I would say yes to many of these. Over the years I have learned ONLY BY HIS GRACE to put these emotions or feelings or fleshly things to death.

I do disagree on one thing though.......
If I say I am well even if I am feeling poorly I have NOT sinned.......... I can not say I trust God to heal me of the flue and then go around saying I am sick, oh I am so sick, ohhhhhh I think I am gonna die. No brother.......I speak what I believe. I speak what I am standing on His word or TRUSTING HIM TO DO FOR ME. Healing......So I say I am well or all is well.

It is like calling the dog when the dog is standing right there. Why call out giving glory to sickness when I can call out giving glory to God for my health and healing? !!

Thats all I have to say about that. ; )
Blessings Major
I would say: this topic is in the category of Christian traditions: celebrations of rites, FORM

FORM, I believe is to be observed where one belongs to. It is divinely inspired from the scriptures…

What’s is it for?
Who is authorize to execute?
Who can received?
Hmm... who are the experts on this? : )

IMO: I would say the Catholic Church is expert on this, traditions, rites, FORM….(that will be another thread!) : )
Of course, as well as the ReFORMation : )

as I see it:
Catholic Church: Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist forms a unity…
Some Protestants: Believers Baptism: comprise both the First and Second sacraments....
Some Protestants: Water Baptism + Confirmation

Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the "sacraments of Christian initiation," whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace.89 For "by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed."90
My brother, you DID receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit the moment you accepted Christ.

It is an impossibility for anyone to be a believer in the present time without receiving the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:9 says.......
" ...Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his".

Then, just so that I do not get yelled at allow me to say that is was Dr. Scofield who said...........,
"The Holy Spirit indwells every believer during this dispensation. There is no such thing as a believer who has not received the Holy Spirit."

And @Klub my opinion and from what i have seen and heard from others testamonies.......some people do not recieve the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon salvation......I am one example. Now that is not to say that God did not watch out for me over my lifetime till i did..and then after, of which He did and did a wonderful job.

Now i also know some people (well one in particular) who came up out of the baptism waters speaking in tongues and full of God's wisdom and knowledge, even if they didn't realize that the wisdom and thoughts that they had were fully of God.

So in my opinion and experience you are right and others are right.

God does things for everyone differently because He knows that we all have different personalities and life experiences......and some may be ready for being baptized in the Holy Spirit right away when others are not.....and being a gentleman He will not force Himself on anyone.

The first time i heard people speaking in scared me. And it was not until many years later.....probably about 10 till i was ok with it and received the gift of it. But i think honestly i didn't really understand how to use it or what it was for. But now about 20 years later my understanding has greatly increased.

I am not sure why i said all this, except to say that possibly we all can find peace to know that both sides are right and we can all keep the harmony that the devil would like to destroy. So that we can all be in sin, by causing strife, and an atmoshpere contrary to love and peace, which produces confusion...not clarity. The two of you are an important part of this forum, and thr body of Christ and in God's, mine and Jim's heart very valuable!

Grace and peace be yours in abundance! Have a very blessed day
And @Klub my opinion and from what i have seen and heard from others testamonies.......some people do not recieve the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon salvation......I am one example. Now that is not to say that God did not watch out for me over my lifetime till i did..and then after, of which He did and did a wonderful job.

Now i also know some people (well one in particular) who came up out of the baptism waters speaking in tongues and full of God's wisdom and knowledge, even if they didn't realize that the wisdom and thoughts that they had were fully of God.

So in my opinion and experience you are right and others are right.

God does things for everyone differently because He knows that we all have different personalities and life experiences......and some may be ready for being baptized in the Holy Spirit right away when others are not.....and being a gentleman He will not force Himself on anyone.

The first time i heard people speaking in scared me. And it was not until many years later.....probably about 10 till i was ok with it and received the gift of it. But i think honestly i didn't really understand how to use it or what it was for. But now about 20 years later my understanding has greatly increased.

I am not sure why i said all this, except to say that possibly we all can find peace to know that both sides are right and we can all keep the harmony that the devil would like to destroy. So that we can all be in sin, by causing strife, and an atmoshpere contrary to love and peace, which produces confusion...not clarity. The two of you are an important part of this forum, and thr body of Christ and in God's, mine and Jim's heart very valuable!

Grace and peace be yours in abundance! Have a very blessed day

My dear sister. Please consider what God promised you and read, pray about what the Scriptures really say.

Eph. 1:13.....
"In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise".

Scripture clearly indicates that believers are indwelled with the Holy Spirit—that is, the Holy Spirit moves into their hearts—at the moment of conversion.

1 Corth. 12:13..........
"For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

All believers have the same spirit—the Holy Spirit.

Rom. 8:9 explains simply that "Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him."

Hello Major,
First let me start by saying Amen I agree !!
There is one area with me that I have a dificult time saying I am a sinner saved by Grace.
Yes we all know we were a sinner and we were saved by the free (to us) gift of salvation through Gods grace - HOWEVER - it cost some one dearly - Some one paid the ultiment Price for this salvation - Jesus and the Father -

In this priceless payment - our salvation - we WERE AND ARE - Redeemed From Sin or "Set Free form the old sin nature - So when I say I am a sinner in any way it feels like I am spitting on Jesus for what He did for me and for you. This may just be me - understand - but it eats at me when I see my self or say things or do thinngs - contrary or opposite or opposing To His written word or How He see's me or how He said to live, act and talk.

That is why for me - if it says I have been redeemed from the old sin nature then I have and if I make a mistake or fall short or sin then I can run right to Him and be set free from it and pick up right where I am.

Thats all I was trying to say or from where I was thinking.
God Bless You Major and Thank you

Well said brother.

Jim, with me it is real simple. I can not believe that God would have saved such a sinner as I, and I have never gotten over it.
This will probably be disagreement with what I say here, but please understand that I am posting in the spirit of Love and I not trying to convince anyone.

There have been several threads discussing Baptism of the Spirit. A subtext that is less prominent but none the less critical aspect is the subject of the charismatic gifts, particularly glossolalia (speaking in a spirit language), and xenoglossia (speaking in a human language that was never learned).

Speaking in tongues is not a part of the tradition of the churches I have attended. Respect for my brothers in Christ is part of my tradition, even if a small minority of those churches have fallen short in this regard.

Because some congregations I have been involved with have had unfortunate periods where they were preached against by the Pentecostals, or where much loved members have left one church or another over this issue, I did a little investigation.

As for scripture, it really seems to depend upon who is interpreting what. The same verses are used to come to markedly different conclusions be the various churches.

In related effort to understand for myself, I read explanations and theological statements from several competing sources and examined the scriptures each cited. I also did a little literature searching to see what has been said about glossolalia in the research community. Some authors were openly Christian, some did not state their background.

Here is what I found concerning glossolalia:

1. Glossolalia has been observed in controlled tests fairly regularly.

2. Glossolalia in a Christian context is appears to be closely related to similar phenomena in non Christian settings

3. There are several studies that indicate that Glossolalia can be learned by observing it in others

3.1. but reading the abstracts associated with these studies cause me to conclude that there were fundamental flaws in their concept, execution, or analysis.​

So, here is where I stand at the present:

Glossolalia is a real phenomena. I believe that there is a fundamental part of man’s makeup that supports this. It is likely (and all this is an opinion, or conjecture) that this was placed in man’s makeup as a resource that the Holy Spirit can tap into. When a non-believer exhibits this behavior, I believe this is a miss-fire of an inherent ability.

That being said, based on the fruits of churches outside of the Charismatic, or Pentecostal churches, I cannot believe that Pentecostals are any more Spirit filled or Spirit led than other Christians. It is a different path, but that does not mean that either is not according to God’s word, or His will. I have openly disagreed with preaching against our brothers in the Pentecostal church across the street.

Happily, most pastors by whom I have had the privilege of being taught have recognized that the central truth of those fellowships are the same as theirs. That of Christ’s love and atonement for us. What we differ in is our ministries after that fact.

I Cor 12:12-21 [NASB ]

For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot says, "Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. And if the ear says, "Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you"; or again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you."

We all see him imperfectly

I Cor 13:12 [NASB]
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.

And that is OK. We are to grow in knowledge of Him, not start with full understanding.

Just as individuals are not perfected in this life, fellowships of imperfect believers will have imperfections.

The Lord and His will are infinite. If someone else, or another church has a better grasp of something that escapes you, that is not an indication that either you or they are in ‘the wrong’. It does not mean that you should abandon a fellowship that is exploring His will from a standpoint compatible, but challenging, with the way the Holy Spirit has led you and join another church with a different grasp of His truth.

We each (and each denomination) may have misconceptions along with a solid core of preaching the truth of Christ’s atonement for our sins. If we knew where our misunderstandings occurred, we could correct them, but I am not convinced that would be more glorifying to God than following the Holy Spirit step by step down the path He has laid for us.

Paragraph removed due to clear violation of Rule 3.2b

For the record, the only human language in which I have been fluent is English, though I made haulting attempts at German, French, and Spanish when I was in school. As far as non-human languages, they only ones would be would such made-up languages as be Ada, Cobol, Fortran, C, Jovial, Assembler, etc.

I hope that this will be seen as respectful. I know we are treading close to violating rules, and I appreciate the forbearance of the moderators. If they feel this steps over the line, I will bear no ill will if they delete this post.
This will probably be disagreement with what I say here, but please understand that I am posting in the spirit of Love and I not trying to convince anyone.

There have been several threads discussing Baptism of the Spirit. A subtext that is less prominent but none the less critical aspect is the subject of the charismatic gifts, particularly glossolalia (speaking in a spirit language), and xenoglossia (speaking in a human language that was never learned).

Speaking in tongues is not a part of the tradition of the churches I have attended. Respect for my brothers in Christ is part of my tradition, even if a small minority of those churches have fallen short in this regard.

Because some congregations I have been involved with have had unfortunate periods where they were preached against by the Pentecostals, or where much loved members have left one church or another over this issue, I did a little investigation.

As for scripture, it really seems to depend upon who is interpreting what. The same verses are used to come to markedly different conclusions be the various churches.

In related effort to understand for myself, I read explanations and theological statements from several competing sources and examined the scriptures each cited. I also did a little literature searching to see what has been said about glossolalia in the research community. Some authors were openly Christian, some did not state their background.

Here is what I found concerning glossolalia:

1. Glossolalia has been observed in controlled tests fairly regularly.

2. Glossolalia in a Christian context is appears to be closely related to similar phenomena in non Christian settings

3. There are several studies that indicate that Glossolalia can be learned by observing it in others

3.1. but reading the abstracts associated with these studies cause me to conclude that there were fundamental flaws in their concept, execution, or analysis.​

So, here is where I stand at the present:

Glossolalia is a real phenomena. I believe that there is a fundamental part of man’s makeup that supports this. It is likely (and all this is an opinion, or conjecture) that this was placed in man’s makeup as a resource that the Holy Spirit can tap into. When a non-believer exhibits this behavior, I believe this is a miss-fire of an inherent ability.

That being said, based on the fruits of churches outside of the Charismatic, or Pentecostal churches, I cannot believe that Pentecostals are any more Spirit filled or Spirit led than other Christians. It is a different path, but that does not mean that either is not according to God’s word, or His will. I have openly disagreed with preaching against our brothers in the Pentecostal church across the street.

Happily, most pastors by whom I have had the privilege of being taught have recognized that the central truth of those fellowships are the same as theirs. That of Christ’s love and atonement for us. What we differ in is our ministries after that fact.

I Cor 12:12-21 [NASB ]

For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot says, "Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. And if the ear says, "Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you"; or again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you."

We all see him imperfectly

I Cor 13:12 [NASB]
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.

And that is OK. We are to grow in knowledge of Him, not start with full understanding.

Just as individuals are not perfected in this life, fellowships of imperfect believers will have imperfections.

The Lord and His will are infinite. If someone else, or another church has a better grasp of something that escapes you, that is not an indication that either you or they are in ‘the wrong’. It does not mean that you should abandon a fellowship that is exploring His will from a standpoint compatible, but challenging, with the way the Holy Spirit has led you and join another church with a different grasp of His truth.

We each (and each denomination) may have misconceptions along with a solid core of preaching the truth of Christ’s atonement for our sins. If we knew where our misunderstandings occurred, we could correct them, but I am not convinced that would be more glorifying to God than following the Holy Spirit step by step down the path He has laid for us.

Paragraph removed due to clear violation of Rule 3.2b

For the record, the only human language in which I have been fluent is English, though I made haulting attempts at German, French, and Spanish when I was in school. As far as non-human languages, they only ones would be would such made-up languages as be Ada, Cobol, Fortran, C, Jovial, Assembler, etc.

I hope that this will be seen as respectful. I know we are treading close to violating rules, and I appreciate the forbearance of the moderators. If they feel this steps over the line, I will bear no ill will if they delete this post.
I have had a quick glance through; I have removed one paragraph that cannot be part of the forum being in violation of rule 3.2b; always check the rules before posting.
You're correct, this thread is on the verge of the rules; my personal advice would be to tread carefully.
I spent the morning with well over 100 Christian people of various churches, some of which were clergy, and no one there to my knowledge was a Charismatic believer (except myself and my husband, for sure). Many of them I have known for 40 years at least! I believe all believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but not many have experienced tongues, and many of them walk in their special gifting nonetheless....yet all of us were joined by Jesus Christ, and love for Him and for each other. Differences? Sure, but do they really matter? NOT A WHIT!
I have had a quick glance through; I have removed one paragraph that cannot be part of the forum being in violation of rule 3.2b; always check the rules before posting.
You're correct, this thread is on the verge of the rules; my personal advice would be to tread carefully.

Good thought and thanks.

My I say that you mods have been very lenient recently and I am glad to see that. However, this whole thread and others like it have caused me great concern. Any one who has not seen the rifts and division which has taken place simply is reading with one eye shut. This is NOT the will of God!

The bottom line of reality is something we have looked past and ignored. Now the following Scripture is either true or it is not. IF it is true then we are all guilty of self aggrandizement instead of doing what the Holy Spirit is said to do and what we are supposed to do.

John 16:13..........
"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come."

IS THAT A TRUE STATEMENT???? Of course it is and I know we all agree with it we just have not acted like it.

Dr. Charles Spurgeon said of the work of the Spirit of God that........
It is the Chief office of the Holy Spirit to glorify Christ.”

We need to Get to know Jesus through His Word and through prayer and through other Christians and allow the Holy Spirit to pour out the love of Christ as we walk through life. We MUST be adding friends instead of casting them away. We all must realize the ground at the foot of the cross is level and we all come to God the same way.

Jesus finished the work on the cross. It is done. The Bible is complete. The Bible gives us instruction for everything we need.

2 Tim. 3:16-17............
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The Word points to Christ. The Holy Spirit points to Christ. Since the Holy Spirit resides within us, our lives should point to Christ too.

Thank You for the Word and the Holy Spirit. They both point to Your Son, Jesus as we should have been doing instead of allowing Satan to use us and divide us. Let our lives point to Him and forgive us for allowing such a display from your children, of whom I am chief,
In Jesus name, Amen!
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