Favorite Hymn

Can I ask what is the difference between a hymn and the other christian songs? Is it a hymn is all about Him, whereas a christian song, like I dont know, Amy Grants 'baby baby' ?? Or that one that goes yes lord yes lord yes, yes lord.
Or he loves us, oh how he loves us, how he loves us so...

Is it they are more reverent? Just not sure what the difference really is. Maybe its theres no loud drums?
Good question.
To me a hymn is inspired by the Lord, and is more or less a prayer in song...........a Psalm.
A lot of so called Christian songs are just chants often not very inspiring made up by a wannabe musician who has learned a few basic guitar chords.
Google "our God reigns" and you'll get my drift. The refrain formerly having a 4 times chant of the title, I used to have a tape where the artists(?) chanted "Our God Reigns" no less than 17 times straight!.. You recall what Jesus says about vain repetition?
I was visiting a Baptist Church a little while ago where they had this 'praise' ??? song. the refrain was based loosely, tragically very loosely on 2 Cor 5:21. instead of honoring the Lord, the refrain lyrics just proclaimed that we are the righteousness of God. The wannabe song writer either didn't know, or he/she didn't think it important to mention that it is only 'in Him' we are the righteousness of God. Just 'we are the righteousness of God' is what I would expect the serpent of Eden to whisper in Eve's ear...not what I would expect in a 'song of praise' of the Lord.

There is little difference between a Hymn and a true Song of praise, but a lot of so called songs of praise are to the praise of man instead of the Lord.
My father was a pentecostal preacher when I was young, and he would drag me to every small town pentecostal tent revival or church camp-meeting he could find. The gentleman playing the harmonica was good friends with my father and I grew up listening to him play the harmonica, and preach often.

It was an old style kind of pentecostal service, usually in a small-town church or tent for the most part that gives me my best memories, but in his last years pentecostal-ism kind of mutated to the charismatic mainstream church. Thus you see him here in a big church (I’m not against big churches) but I miss the old camp-meetings in the tents and in the little wood-frame churches. There's nothing left like it use to be, yet when I do hear his harmonica or some of the music that they use to play it causes me to remissness profusely.

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"I Will Praise Him" is a great hymn. Here is the Isaac's rendition which imo can't be beat. A church isn't going to be able to sing it this way, but it gives me chills.
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