
Generally we live to enjoy ourselves. If there isn't something to stimulate us we may experience depression.
Now - I expect we are all familiar with the song speaking of Jesus a man of sorrows, tears & agony. In the next breath we sing 'to be like Jesus...'
Consider - are we worshipping a God of our own imagination (remember - gift and calling are without repentance - so we can't rely on emotional experiences)?
If we do desire to be like Jesus it must be His doing and not an intellectual experience.
Generally we live to enjoy ourselves. If there isn't something to stimulate us we may experience depression.
Now - I expect we are all familiar with the song speaking of Jesus a man of sorrows, tears & agony. In the next breath we sing 'to be like Jesus...'
Consider - are we worshipping a God of our own imagination (remember - gift and calling are without repentance - so we can't rely on emotional experiences)?
If we do desire to be like Jesus it must be His doing and not an intellectual experience.

Hello 2404;

I just read Consider and it gave me much to think about this morning (1045am in California) and I would like to share.

In my morning prayer time I do consider some of the words you wrote that I express often to Him, this is not emotional or imaginational (both that can cross my mind some mornings,) but a time alone releasing my inner love, joy, conviction, lamenting, a troubled heart, hope, trust and faith between my God and me.

Consider also made me think of a young 24 year old adult who is joining our church. In her long letter to me she expressed (the nouns and verbs you described in your thread) and then ended with, "I believe that little by little He will help me get strong again, He will use me again. I believe He chose me, and I love him so very much. I love him so very much."

At the same time she just moved to our city, and like a rocket, she finished college and is ambitious in her new career, all the while desiring to serve God first.

It was a touching letter and so I asked the Lord, "how do I respond to that?" God gave me a Word, "Go on!" - Exodus 17:5 ESV

God told Moses to go on before the people. My time with God gives me the confidence in all things, to Consider Him first instead of myself.

A relationship with Jesus is not rocket science. With Jesus one can go much further than a rocket.

God bless you, brother, and your whole family.