
All: Why don't we stick to the scriptures to back up our beliefs. After all, without the written word of God, what can we stand on: men.
I was told I was misrepresenting the Catholic faith so I pulled something from a Catholic website. I would be glad to provide scripture but Peacelikeariver doesn't like when we use scripture to back up claims. He constantly mocks the word of God and praises science. So where does that leave us? Just allow him to mock Christians on a Christian forum? I am serious and genuine in my question here so please answer why he is allowed to do this?
"Note that the power Christ gave the apostles was twofold: to forgive sins or to hold them bound, which means to retain them unforgiven."

"Is the Catholic who confesses his sins to a priest any better off than the non-Catholic who confesses directly to God? Yes. First, he seeks forgiveness the way Christ intended. Second, by confessing to a priest, the Catholic learns a lesson in humility, which is avoided when one confesses only through private prayer. Third, the Catholic receives sacramental graces the non-Catholic doesn’t get; through the sacrament of penance sins are forgiven and graces are obtained. Fourth, the Catholic is assured that his sins are forgiven; he does not have to rely on a subjective "feeling." Lastly, the Catholic can also obtain sound advice on avoiding sin in the future."

So based off the site above being a Catholic is better than being a non-catholic Christian because God isn't good enough? And Catholics receive sacramental graces and through sacrament of penance sins are forgiven and graces obtained? Where is that biblical?
This is what is annoying me: showing up on a Christian site and levelling your guns at Catholics is not being respectful to Catholics here. It is a Christian forum, not a fundamentalist Christian forum. All Christians are welcome for FRIENDLY chat. You know as well as I do that Catholics are not Bible-only, they also look to church teachings. So for you to ask things like "Where is that Biblical" or challenge Catholics on confession, it's tantamount to me asking why you confess the unbiblical Sinner's Prayer or why you wait so long to baptize your children. And the reason I don't do those things is that I understand different practices are understood differently depending on the kind of Christian you are. But I do not see the respect running both ways. We can explain and discuss, no problem. But don't challenge Christians with opposing views and tell them they are wrong.
I was told I was misrepresenting the Catholic faith so I pulled something from a Catholic website. I would be glad to provide scripture but Peacelikeariver doesn't like when we use scripture to back up claims. He constantly mocks the word of God and praises science. So where does that leave us? Just allow him to mock Christians on a Christian forum? I am serious and genuine in my question here so please answer why he is allowed to do this?
Excuse me, but I AM a Christian. I just don't like it when people attack Catholics.
This is what is annoying me: showing up on a Christian site and levelling your guns at Catholics is not being respectful to Catholics here. It is a Christian forum, not a fundamentalist Christian forum. All Christians are welcome for FRIENDLY chat. You know as well as I do that Catholics are not Bible-only, they also look to church teachings. So for you to ask things like "Where is that Biblical" or challenge Catholics on confession, it's tantamount to me asking why you confess the unbiblical Sinner's Prayer or why you wait so long to baptize your children. And the reason I don't do those things is that I understand different practices are understood differently depending on the kind of Christian you are. But I do not see the respect running both ways. We can explain and discuss, no problem. But don't challenge Christians with opposing views and tell them they are wrong.
The thread itself is about confession. The OP asks what we thought about it, so what is your issue with a response about the topic? I didn't create the thread so go after the originator who seems to be ok with going to a priest. You have some major issues with Christians and the Word of God. I have gone through a lot of threads on here and you seem to pop your head when certain people post and then kinda sneak away like you had nothing to do with the thread going astray.
The thread itself is about confession. The OP asks what we thought about it, so what is your issue with a response about the topic? I didn't create the thread so go after the originator who seems to be ok with going to a priest. You have some major issues with Christians and the Word of God. I have gone through a lot of threads on here and you seem to pop your head when certain people post and then kinda sneak away like you had nothing to do with the thread going astray.
I think I have made it abundantly clear that I am a Christian, and you continue to tell me I have issues with Christians and the word of God. This kind of arrogance is what I take issue with. You are not the only kind of Christian and I think you need to be respectful of other doctrines. You don't have to agree with them. And I don't know why you bring science into this discussion, of course I respect science, does that somehow mean I am not a Christian?
I think I have made it abundantly clear that I am a Christian, and you continue to tell me I have issues with Christians and the word of God. This kind of arrogance is what I take issue with. You are not the only kind of Christian and I think you need to be respectful of other doctrines. You don't have to agree with them. And I don't know why you bring science into this discussion, of course I respect science, does that somehow mean I am not a Christian?
Exactly, you provide science after I have provided scripture. I never said you weren't a Christian I said you attack Christians, big difference guy.
Exactly, you provide science after I have provided scripture. I never said you weren't a Christian I said you attack Christians, big difference guy.
You're talking about the Kirk Cameron homosexuality thread which was closed. I stand by what I said in that thread because I was defending homosexuals from hate, not attacking. But it is not relevant to this discussion.
You're talking about the Kirk Cameron homosexuality thread which was closed. I stand by what I said in that thread because I was defending homosexuals from hate, not attacking. But it is not relevant to this discussion.
I'm done talking with you Peace, you are a wolf in sheeps clothing. See you in the next thread.
Yea we forgive sin by the authority of Jesus Christ.

From Scripture we see that Christ paid the full price for our sins at Calvary. To believe that good works are necessary to recover one's "full spiritual health" and that penance is required for one's salvation is to deny God's Word. God makes this promise to all who put their faith in Jesus Christ because He is the power of God unto salvation!

Hebrews 10:17-18....................
"And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin" .

God promises never to remember the sins of true Christians, and declares that once sins are forgiven through faith in Christ, there is no more offering for sin. In other words, there aren't any works you can do that will cause your sins to be forgiven. Christ did it all!

Rom. 3:28................
"Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law".
All: Why don't we stick to the scriptures to back up our beliefs. After all, without the written word of God, what can we stand on: men.

Agreed and have been doing that for a long, long time! Without the Word of God to validate TRUTH and to make us accountable to God, what is there left for us to do??????
All: Why don't we stick to the scriptures to back up our beliefs. After all, without the written word of God, what can we stand on: men.

Excellent idea. We now seem to have several people with us that that comment would apply to. How do we now make sure that happens in the future????
I will stick to the sources of my Christian faith which include, but are not limited to, scripture. There are more than just Sola Scriptura Christians here.
I will stick to the sources of my Christian faith which include, but are not limited to, scripture. There are more than just Sola Scriptura Christians here.

The basis of the Sacrament of Confession arises from the scripture.

Although am wondering why you keep on mentioning James verse before, James 5:16

as I understand it: it has nothing to do with the sacrament instituted.

The basis of the Sacrament are the following scriptures:
John 20:21-23
Matthew 16:19
Matthew 18:8
The basis of the Sacrament of Confession arises from the scripture.

Although am wondering why you keep on mentioning James verse before, James 5:16

as I understand it: it has nothing to do with the sacrament instituted.
Simply to show that we are called on to confess to each other when it was suggested that we should not.