Charis Has Been Banned

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I also spotted an anti-Catholic ad on this site a few days ago. I posted about it and I was very pleased to see the admins took the complaint seriously and took steps to deal with it. It was something to do with the pope being the antichrist. So if you see anything like that let an admin know.
I was thinking long and hard as to what exactly I do disagree with Catholic's on. The only thing I considered 'worthy' of jumping on is Purgatory. But that should never come close to a heated discussion. You guys have the Maccabees that talks about it. There were no evil intentions / motivations / monetary gains from including them either.

I believe Jesus puts everyone at a 'pure' T-junction of 'hell or heaven'. In theory I can certainly tolerate the idea of a Purgatory. I wish my atheist dad would go there. He is not 'evil'. He used to be very close to God. Does he deserve hell?

With scripture like this James 5:20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins. Purgatory would make sense. My dad did that with me and many others.

I think Catholics are just in for a surprise. All those that feel they deserve a session in Purgatory will go straight to heaven.

Haha, I will say that the goal is to bypass Purgatory and just end up in Heaven -- one hopes that you'd be right.

Purgatory is one of the things about the Catholic faith that took me awhile to truly accept because I was brought up with the idea that we either go instantly to one place or instantly to another. Some Catholics misinterpret the Church's teaching of Purgatory...some think it's a place for a second chance, which it isn't -- our chance is on Earth. Though the idea is that 1) we know we must be perfect to be in the presence of God and we aren't, and 2) despite our imperfections, God is merciful and won't turn those away who have really tried despite the difficulty of having an imperfect soul. So purgatory isn't a place of permenance, but a place of purging one's imperfections before entering Heaven. If you've made it to Purgatory, you'll soon be in Heaven. Purgatory isn't even so much a place as it is something you do -- so technically it really still is Heaven or Hell, but not a third option.

The best analogy I heard for Purgatory is that it is like coming in from the snow and you have to clean off in the laundry room before you can fully step inside the house.

And the reason why Purgatory is often tough to accept it is because there wasn't a word to describe it until after the canonization, though it has been defended through Scriptures going back to the early church fathers who wrote about it in the 2nd century.

Anyway, that's just the explanation and understanding of it (very simplified). Not trying to change anyone's mind, just offering some info. ;)
Agree 100%

If anyone simply watches Joan of arc it all makes perfect sense. No army wants to go to war without God on their side. Hence religion was always / will always be dragged into wars.

As for the 'holy crusades'...I am all for them.

The Crusades was another subject that so many have misunderstood unfortunately. I'm not an expert on the Crusades, but I've come to understand that it was an issue of defense against aggression.
Don't you think that the Lord calls us to correct one another concerning our faith? Isn't that one of the functions of the Body concerning one another?
If I am a Rhodes Scholar and a kindergartener seeks to "correct" me on a matter, do you not see the issue here? If we disagree with one another as Christians on doctrinal issues, why would we allow ourselves to be "corrected" by someone we feel is incorrect?

We disagree with Euphemia. She doesn't seem to understand the concept of being disagreed with.
If I am a Rhodes Scholar and a kindergartener seeks to "correct" me on a matter, do you not see the issue here? If we disagree with one another as Christians on doctrinal issues, why would we allow ourselves to be "corrected" by someone we feel is incorrect?

We disagree with Euphemia. She doesn't seem to understand the concept of being disagreed with.

I don't think this is a matter of scholarliness as the bible tells us that 'a little child shall lead them". The Spirit of God doesn't reveal truth to only those who seek knowledge. He reveals it to the open heart by His Spirit of truth. We need to listen to Him when He speaks through any of His children. The word will prove the truth of what is said. Consult the word for truth.
I don't think this is a matter of scholarliness as the bible tells us that 'a little child shall lead them". The Spirit of God doesn't reveal truth to only those who seek knowledge. He reveals it to the open heart by His Spirit of truth. We need to listen to Him when He speaks through any of His children. The word will prove the truth of what is said. Consult the word for truth.
And what if the child is wrong, or at least to be doubted?
What I'm getting at is, Euphemia is always instructing us about the correct way to do things - but if we feel that she is mistaken, misled, or outright WRONG about something, we aren't going to take instruction from her about it. Why would we?
Just so Members know.

Charis has been banned for creating a different account after being permanently banned from the site under another name.

He attempted to create accounts on two other occasions, but was caught while registering.

A match of IP addresses was used to confirm his identity.

I do not remember a "Charis".

Is there another name that was used because I do not know this one. go to that much trouble means this must be a really hot web site......right?
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

It's a great title.
I was reading through some of their stuff. I'm really not opposed to their position against Catholicism. I disagree with it, but I don't mind if they are anti-Catholic. I think my complaint against the forum is that they are attacking elements of Catholicism that even the Church is against and never promoted.
I do not remember a "Charis".

Is there another name that was used because I do not know this one. go to that much trouble means this must be a really hot web site......right?
It's a recently opened account. The original goes back a while. He's made several attempts to open another account to get around the ban.
I do not remember a "Charis".

Is there another name that was used because I do not know this one. go to that much trouble means this must be a really hot web site......right?

Haha, this is the hot spot.

I don't know who Charis is exactly other than the recent thread he posted attacking the forum's admins for banning Mitspa. He was cocksure that the forum banned him because he was the only one who used Biblical defenses and stuck to his guns on subjects. Though I think most of us do that.

Come to think of it, Mitspa's stance on Christianity isn't very far off from most people here. But there is something to say about ridicule. Mitspa's a good guy, and I don't think he ever intends to ridicule, but sometimes he does and it puts others in an unfair position.

Charis sort of did the same, but directly to the admins.
It's a great title.
I was reading through some of their stuff. I'm really not opposed to their position against Catholicism. I disagree with it, but I don't mind if they are anti-Catholic. I think my complaint against the forum is that they are attacking elements of Catholicism that even the Church is against and never promoted.

Of course you know that as long as we live on this earth there will always be that problem. Everyone believes that they are right and no one is willing to say.......hey, maybe that is wrong.

I am as guilty as anyone else. Personally I think that if we can be honest, and respectful of others feelings and emotions we can get along and talk about difference between us. It is when someone gets frustrated that they can not convince someone else to leave their opinion and change to some other opinion that those people get angry and then the problem explodes.
Of course you know that as long as we live on this earth there will always be that problem. Everyone believes that they are right and no one is willing to say.......hey, maybe that is wrong.

I am as guilty as anyone else. Personally I think that if we can be honest, and respectful of others feelings and emotions we can get along and talk about difference between us. It is when someone gets frustrated that they can not convince someone else to leave their opinion and change to some other opinion that those people get angry and then the problem explodes.

I agree, but the worst are those who in the face of the truth of the scriptures get all upset and become personal about it. The truth is meant to ruffle the feathers, and that is what we are seeing. People trip over that Rock of offense.
Haha, this is the hot spot.

I don't know who Charis is exactly other than the recent thread he posted attacking the forum's admins for banning Mitspa. He was cocksure that the forum banned him because he was the only one who used Biblical defenses and stuck to his guns on subjects. Though I think most of us do that.

Come to think of it, Mitspa's stance on Christianity isn't very far off from most people here. But there is something to say about ridicule. Mitspa's a good guy, and I don't think he ever intends to ridicule, but sometimes he does and it puts others in an unfair position.

Charis sort of did the same, but directly to the admins.

My position is what I already stated. The moderators had a good reason which I know nothing about and I do not need to know.
I trust them and they have never afflicted me in any way and to tell you the truth, they probably should have banned me several times.

Mitspha can be rather, shall I say blunt to some.
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