Can I Be A Scientist And A Christian?

You assume Adam was dumb? Mankind needed 196 000 years to learn to write when a baby needs 5?

Now we are making progress with logical thought. God died for mankind because all mankind is intelligent. From Adam to you.

Do you understand / agree that the concept of intelligence evolving makes the cross a joke?

Babies, children and mentally challenged go to heaven but their time will come becuase God is impartial. A discussion for another thread though.

1. God has a problem letting evil happen. Thats why He doesnt fix His gaze on evil. Thats why He is only giving mankind a short time on Earth. That is why the evil don't live for long.

Don't confuse having the ability to exercise free will with God ''having no problem letting bad things happen''!!! Not giving free will to an intelligent being is evil.

2. Human type... as long as they have the brains of a monkey...are monkeys, sure.

Our opinions mean nothing here. Scripture explains the Garden of Eden and what transpired from Adam's sin quite clearly.

My point here is that only IQ 10 is needed to deduce that natural selection is evil.

Our faith comes from? Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Of course a Christian who has had a revelation of Jesus 1 Cor 12:3 will never doubt, but we are brain dead /stupid if we ignore the impact this tripe teaching does to the young and newly converted. Run down scripture = run down God John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Adam was dumb in comparison to a five year old today. That doesn't mean that he didn't know the difference from right and wrong, but he obviously wouldn't have known how to write since there was no written language. There's a difference between a five year old being taught from birth about language and him seeing written language and finally learning to write and Adam, who would have to create a written language. I'm not sure how you don't understand that creating a written language is much more difficult than us learning an established written language today. I suppose it's possible that they did have a written language, but there is no proof of that. That's probably part of the reason nothing was written down until Moses came along.

No. Jesus died because He made us in His image. If Jesus died for us based on intelligence then He died for four year olds, right? If it's based on intelligence then that would mean he died for apes as well, which isn't true.

Every generation is smarter than the next. We have more and more information at the tips of our fingers every year. Is that "evolving" intelligence? No, but honestly apes are so close to us in intelligence that it's scary. Really the only thing that's missing is the ability to understand they can ask for information from others who have more knowledge than they do. As far as I can see that's really the only thing keeping them from becoming more intelligent that a human child.

1. I see this pulling the entire thread off track so if you want to start another thread we'll discuss it there. Or you can PM me.

2. Neanderthals didn't have the brains of monkeys. They were more developed then that but not as developed as humans.

I still don't understand how God appointing a time for specific animals to live before extinction is evil. What do you believe happened to dinosaurs? Do you think Satan put them in the ground to trick us?

I don't understand your last point. Even if someone doesn't believe in evolution and only believes things specifically said in the Bible they can still lose their faith. There are plenty of people who believe in theistic evolution that stay strong in their faith their whole lives.
Prove you love your mother or father. Prove that George Washington lived. Prove the sky is blue. To a blind man, prove the moon or stars exist.
Lol. That would be quite funny if you had to convince a blind man what color something was. He'd say "Where's the evidence?", and you'd say "Well you just can't see it." :D
Neanderthals walk the earth today ..
and what Neanderthal was ever carbon dated as older then Adam ???
(primates with primate mandibles do not count, nor does dating rocks count)
Neanderthals walk the earth today ..
and what Neanderthal was ever carbon dated as older then Adam ???
(primates with primate mandibles do not count, nor does dating rocks count)
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Man's IQ did not get better. No, it was God who gave man knowledge. If not for God, we would still be riding camels.

Also, Adam was extremely smart who walked with God and named the animals.
Man's IQ did not get better. No, it was God who gave man knowledge. If not for God, we would still be riding camels.

Also, Adam was extremely smart who walked with God and named the animals.

no doubt .. people today look at the Inca stonework and say .. must have been aliens .. which confirms they were smarter then those trying to figure out how they did it .. lol
the thing is .. it is that OBVIOUS how they did it ..
Of course you can be a Christian scientist. There are lots of great Christian scientists, such Newton, Faraday, and John Carson Lennox. Also, rejecting evolution is not a requirement for the salvation of our souls. I believe that Genesis 1 is mostly allegorical.
the thing is .. using science is much more rigid on Atheist then Believers in God and His word .. NOTHING in your scenario can be "an act of God" matter cannot come from nothing nor can an effect proceed a cause (which negates any theory you may have of origin) .. whereas with my scenario the Spiritual created the Physical ..
the thing is .. using science is much more rigid on Atheist then Believers in God and His word .. NOTHING in your scenario can be "an act of God" matter cannot come from nothing nor can an effect proceed a cause (which negates any theory you may have of origin) .. whereas with my scenario the Spiritual created the Physical ..

Physicists must accept the fact that matter has come from nothing, since all laws of physics break down at the Big Bang.
Physicists must accept the fact that matter has come from nothing, since all laws of physics break down at the Big Bang.

Just don't get a Physicist started on what the correct definition of "nothing" is. It will ruin your weekend.
Neanderthals walk the earth today ..
and what Neanderthal was ever carbon dated as older then Adam ???
(primates with primate mandibles do not count, nor does dating rocks count)
I thought we were talking about intelligence. I never mentioned carbon dating.
You know what theory means in the scientific context, right?
yes i do, and when i said evolution is just a theory i mean it.
evolution is technically not a scientific theory.
a scientific theory should be:
*well substantiated
*confirmed through observation
*confirmed through experimentation
*and has undergone scientific method
only fanatic atheist would say evolution theory as scientific.

in fact the theory is already refuted by the laws of science itself... laws, not theory.