
That's a loaded question.
How betrayal is handled should always depend on who it is betraying you...that said, forgiveness should always be on the table...but allowing betrayal to continue should always be off the table.

A little movie I remember from my childhood called The Buttercream Gang (kind of a cheesy one) actually has a pretty powerful scene toward the end where one friend (Pete) has completely turned on his best friend (Scott) and even began bullying him and everyone around him.

Scott's response to it all is not only what Christ would do, but even what so many of our own loved ones who totally hate to see. Responding to someone who has betrayed you with the greatest of charity makes everyone uncomfortable, even though it's the right thing to do.

The scene is at 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 45 seconds...

and the minute i find im complaining about a friend I realise i am not really their friend. And they were not one to me.

I’ve been thinking about that for a while.
I found myself complaining to a friend about the behavior of another friend…. will that mean I am not really friend?

First thing to consider: the complaint: is it TRUE or a LIE..
If it is a LIE, regardless if said face to face or behind the back: imo, that is a betrayal.

If the of complaint is TRUE:
If said behind the back of the friend, we now go to INTENTION.
I really cannot think of a GOOD intention why it is has to be said to another friend…. ohhhh… am bad friend?

But yes, ...... am still a friend! Although bad one : )
hmm, no, no, I don't think so, sometimes we act badly, sometimes we act in a good way...

Thanks be to God for another day to be a good friend…
Well, the more i thought about it, cos the complaint is true, im thinking, i should not complain about this person to sOMEONE ELSE because that person must then be confronted about their behaviour...eventually. A true friend wouldnt be afraid to say things to their friend honestly.

Then I think maybe i should step back and not be friends for a while. For my own sanity.
Jesus did confront Judas about his behaviour...he said he knew what he was about. He gave him the option to leave or stay I think. Judas stayed and betrayed Jesus, but Jesus knew he would..he couldnt force him to go I suppose. When Peter was denying he knew Jesus, Jesus, being true friend, prayed for him but also rebuked satan away..he said get thee behind. But I dont think he prayed for Judas cos he knew nothing could be done....

On othe subject...If the complaint is a is malacious gossip. You are not friends if you talk about a person behind their back about things that arent true.