Any reason why a prayer would backfire?

I pray often and with ease. I never miss a day and take great pleasure in talking to God. I find that things always work out afterwards and for this and everything else that's good in my life I give daily thanks. I pray only to our Heavenly Father in Jesus' name. Last night I prayed that God would help two of my family members, who are always in a conflict of some sort, overcome their differences and work together in peace on something they were supposed to do today. Well, the exact opposite happened and today was just awful! Not only did the two of them argue, but other family members got involved (which never happened before) and lots of people ended up being upset, hurt and not talking to each other! I've never seen their arguments escalate like this which is why I feel my prayer totally backfired and don't understand why. I didn't expect them to become instant besties but didn't think things would go this far either. Could I have done/said something wrong while praying? I'm definitely continuing with the prayer for the peace between my family members but I'm feeling completely baffled.. Any thoughts?
Nothing is wasted on those that believe in Jesus Christ and God.
Often we find the truth of the matter in our humility.
Often a conflict out of proportion brings humility by other family members interventions.

Once I prayed everyday for patience while at work, and all I got was challenge upon challenge.
I told and asked God I have been praying for patience for about six months now, what's going on? His response was sudden, load and clear, "How else are you going to learn!?" Well, I cancelled that prayer straight away. From that day on, I received no more challenges while at work.
Some things need to be learnt, such as tolerance, acceptance, allowance, patience, forgiveness, as opposed to simply getting our wants met.
I pray often and with ease. I never miss a day and take great pleasure in talking to God. I find that things always work out afterwards and for this and everything else that's good in my life I give daily thanks. I pray only to our Heavenly Father in Jesus' name. Last night I prayed that God would help two of my family members, who are always in a conflict of some sort, overcome their differences and work together in peace on something they were supposed to do today. Well, the exact opposite happened and today was just awful! Not only did the two of them argue, but other family members got involved (which never happened before) and lots of people ended up being upset, hurt and not talking to each other! I've never seen their arguments escalate like this which is why I feel my prayer totally backfired and don't understand why. I didn't expect them to become instant besties but didn't think things would go this far either. Could I have done/said something wrong while praying? I'm definitely continuing with the prayer for the peace between my family members but I'm feeling completely baffled.. Any thoughts?
This reminded me of a quote from the movie "Evan Almighty". The actor playing God is talking to the wife of the main character because she is distraught, although she doesn't know it is God speaking to her. She thinks he is just the waiter.

"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"

For me it is the best part of the movie and one of the best lines in any movie. Just thought I'd share.
A prayer could (back fire) because we ask amiss, or we ask but we are doubtful when we ask.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.
Have we faith to believe we receive what we ask for? Just because it didn't come about in the manner we thought it should doesn't mean our prayer was not answered.

I prayered that God would bring my Son (my only begotten) to his knees and that he be saved. God answered my prayers. However, I never for saw it would be like this, God knows best. My son is safely locked away in county jail waiting on next court date. He is reevaluating "life", because now he could lost his. He is at the mercy of the court's and God.

He would not receive the warning I delivered him, now what I delivered him is slapping him in the face. God has his complete, undivided attention in lockdown. Then slapped him around again when here come his 3 lawyers and 2 private investigators. The head lawyer name is Solomon and they entered his cell and Solomon said with out stretched arms ( as in a crucifix) "the Calvery has arrived."
I believe God is telling my son "I Am bigger then you little boy."
I know my Son is saved. Tragedy uprooted his little evil life and God took over. The heart CRIED OUT Abba Father with repentance, and God heard him. Amen

Does all this mean he will walk away from a jail cell someday? Only if it be God's will.
My son is facing death. He turned 23 in jail. I told my Son " It does not matter if they take your life, son. They have blessed you if they do. They can not harm you, do not fear, for God is with you now." Amen.
All praise glory and honor be unto God Amen
What challenges us reminds us to practice our faith.
A prayer that can challenge us is the prayer of service.
After graduation from uni, and becoming a professional counsellor, my very first client professed to have every problem and sin imaginable. After the first counselling session I found myself in long prayer with Jesus Christ. In the end it all worked out for the best for both the client and for me.
Everyday I go to work I pray to be of service, and everyday I see God's hand in all good works.
The challenge is to not interfere until moved by the Spirit to do so. It is both humbling and exalting at the same time.
In this regard, it backfires for my ego, but rewards the soul within.
It could be argued that King Hezekiah, when he prayed to God for 15 more years ... had some failings in that time (boastfully showing all the treasures to emissaries from Babylon) ... and gave birth to a king who did quite a bit of evil in the sight of the Lord (Manessa). That said, as for the family members battling ... remember that God has a far bigger view. This may be part (albeit a dysfunctional part) of a longer term good.
I pray often and with ease. I never miss a day and take great pleasure in talking to God. I find that things always work out afterwards and for this and everything else that's good in my life I give daily thanks. I pray only to our Heavenly Father in Jesus' name. Last night I prayed that God would help two of my family members, who are always in a conflict of some sort, overcome their differences and work together in peace on something they were supposed to do today. Well, the exact opposite happened and today was just awful! Not only did the two of them argue, but other family members got involved (which never happened before) and lots of people ended up being upset, hurt and not talking to each other! I've never seen their arguments escalate like this which is why I feel my prayer totally backfired and don't understand why. I didn't expect them to become instant besties but didn't think things would go this far either. Could I have done/said something wrong while praying? I'm definitely continuing with the prayer for the peace between my family members but I'm feeling completely baffled.. Any thoughts?
I have lost all communication with my mother. We havent spoken in over 2 years. We simply do not get along and, well, my brother, may he rest in the peace of Our Lord, went to be with God many years ago. I did not realize how much I loved him and needed him in my life until he was gone. Him and I fought over many different things and never, not once, did we ever agree. I will pray for your you and your family. I feel prayer does work and ALL prayers are answered even if they dont seem to be the way we wanted them to be.