Actors Are Evil..

I'm not sure. I'm not suggesting you're wrong, but I think it's a bit more complex than that.
I think only good can come from God. I think many non-Christians who do believe in God (namely Jews) actually do try to pursue the good that they know comes from God. While they are wrong in rejecting Christ, we do have a legitimately common God and common enemy...and we know where goodness comes from.

But taking it a step further, I also think even agnostics and atheists can know morality. They can't justify it or explain why such-and-such is good, but they can divide it. They just can't understand where goodness comes from, but they often agree that it is right to help someone who has fallen and reject something that is clearly wrong, like rape. I'm speaking generally of course because there is still much disagreement on other things. For argument's sake, let's keep it simple and look at the principle.

I do think God's goodness does extend even to those who can't see where it comes from.

I'm only making a suggestion that perhaps evil is only the lack of goodness. And if even those who don't know where goodness comes from can actually do what is good purely because it is right, then perhaps it's not evil. But actions, even with good intentions, can be very misguided. And misguides are a subject of imprudence, not evil.
My thought would be that nothing is good outside of God. Even our most righteous acts are like filthy rags before God.
Maybe there are different levels of evil, but I would assume that anything not done for God, is against God. Anything against God is evil. Any speech that comes out of our mouths that is not pleasing to God, I would assume is evil. If its coming out of my mouth, whether its a joke, or pretending, isn't it in my heart?

The bible says this about the tongue:
Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?
Nono... We are not supposed to call people evil, Satanic, tools of Satan, or demonic. People can be wicked, but being wicked means troubled. I would really hate it that when I become a celebrity (a writer and singer) a person would call me evil, and I won't join Illuminati either... But the Illuminati singers are not evil. The Illuminati corporation IS evil, but not the people in that corporation. And it's okay to listen to music of unbelievers or watch movies or read b0oks of unbelievers, as long as the singers don't blaspheme, or objectify women (or men), or sing about drugs, crimes, or demon stuff. And all movies and books are okay as long as they are just fictional, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and Narnia are okay, and other fantasy movies too, but not movies about real Satan worshipping or Paganism. And the sins in the movies just show the thing that what we are not supposed to do. A movie without any sin at all would be pretty boring because then there is no plot...
Hi Polly, thanks for posting. Do you have any Bible verses that say we are not suppose to call people evil?
"the fact that certain words are coming out of their mouth means its in their heart, right?"

That would be a "No".
Your basic premise is severely flawed.
That is why it is called "acting". The man who played Herod in Jesus of Nazaraeth was not a child murdering maniac.
He was a fairly famous actor who got paid very well to pretend very well.
"the fact that certain words are coming out of their mouth means its in their heart, right?"

That would be a "No".
Your basic premise is severely flawed.
That is why it is called "acting". The man who played Herod in Jesus of Nazaraeth was not a child murdering maniac.
He was a fairly famous actor who got paid very well to pretend very well.

Hmmm, interesting. My bible says

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths" Ephesians 4:29

Maybe it was suppose to say:

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, unless you are acting"
The Bible says absolutely nothing about the vast majority of things.
The Bible was never meant to be a substitute for thinking.
Your task is to get to know Jesus, and He will lead you to all truth.
He will teach you "right thinking", and then most answers will become obvious.
The Bible says absolutely nothing about the vast majority of things.
The Bible was never meant to be a substitute for thinking.
Your task is to get to know Jesus, and He will lead you to all truth.
He will teach you "right thinking", and then most answers will become obvious.

The answer seems obvious to me. If we agree that committing adultery is a sin, even if someone is acting, then it would have to be the same for all sins, even while acting.
That is absurd.
Nobody can commit adultery as acting. Adultery is adultery regardless of the circumstances in which it occurs.
Let's not play games with words.
That is absurd.
Nobody can commit adultery as acting. Adultery is adultery regardless of the circumstances in which it occurs.
Let's not play games with words.

Nobody can commit adultery as acting? You're telling me if someone is married and has sex in a movie scene it's not adultery?
Let's make this obvious.
Hypothetical situation - I get a part in a play as Hitler. In this play I send 6 million Jews to the conentration camps to be exterminated. I have committed no sin, I sent nobody anywhere. It is acting.
Whatever the real Hitler did has no bearing on what ever goes on in the play other than providing source material for the plot.

I might be guilty of bad acting, but not of genocide.
"Nobody can commit adultery as acting? You're telling me if someone is married and has sex in a movie scene it's not adultery? "

You are having a really hard time grasping this, but "the act of adultery" has nothing to do with whether it occurs within the milieu of a play or not. Whether it occurs in the play or not is IRRELEVANT. If I really knife someone in a play, it is murder, the fact that I and the victim were on stage has nothing to do with him being dead.
What are you possibly proposing though? That if one acts in a role that is wrong, that character's sins become the actor's sins?

There are many actors/actresses that won't do certain roles based on their morals. So even actors recognize that though its acting, it can still be wrong. In the show Game of thrones some of the actresses fought to not have to do sex scenes any more. Even though it is acting, they felt it was wrong.
There are many actors/actresses that won't do certain roles based on their morals. So even actors recognize that though its acting, it can still be wrong. In the show Game of thrones some of the actresses fought to not have to do sex scenes any more. Even though it is acting, they felt it was wrong.

I understand that, I made a statement between simulated sex scenes vs. acting itself.
"Nobody can commit adultery as acting? You're telling me if someone is married and has sex in a movie scene it's not adultery? "

You are having a really hard time grasping this, but "the act of adultery" has nothing to do with whether it occurs within the milieu of a play or not. Whether it occurs in the play or not is IRRELEVANT. If I really knife someone in a play, it is murder, the fact that I and the victim were on stage has nothing to do with him being dead.

Of course because he's not really dead. So you didn't "really knife someone" But if you did really knife someone, and that person really died, whether or not you were acting, yes that would still be murder.
Let's make this obvious.
Hypothetical situation - I get a part in a play as Hitler. In this play I send 6 million Jews to the conentration camps to be exterminated. I have committed no sin, I sent nobody anywhere. It is acting.
Whatever the real Hitler did has no bearing on what ever goes on in the play other than providing source material for the plot.

I might be guilty of bad acting, but not of genocide.

I agree, I don't think that would be a sin. But if you are playing Hitler, and you kiss someone in any of the scenes, and you are married, I would say you sinned.