Acceptance and Gratefulness

I have felt disappointment in the past when I was filled with anticipation about something and my anticipation created a great expectation. Be it a new movie, a new restaurant, or a first date, often we create expectations and then feel disappointment when our expectations are not met. Unmet and unrealistic expectations can destroy gratefulness for blessings received. Expectations not rooted in love and understanding will often lead to feelings of ungratefulness when our expectations are not met. Anticipation and expectation can be very powerful but unrealistic or selfish expectations can destroy a tender heart. Expect the best from others but it is not wise to harshly judge or criticize others if their best is not what you anticipated or desired. I have seen too many hearts crushed by harsh words rooted in unrealistic and selfish expectations. There is great power and wisdom is acceptance and gratefulness.
Hello Exonomia;

Thank you for posting Acceptance and Gratefulness. It gives me room to think about my expectations right now. I presented my argument to God these last days. The thing is, its not anyone who fell short with me regarding expectations, its what I have brought upon myself. I'm feeling my own disappointment.

Its hard to explain but feel your post is in align with what I'm feeling. I had a long talk with my wife about this. Is it the pandemic that has effected my church family and community? Is it this stage in my called ministry? What is it?

Hazel and I both acknowledge and praise God for being in the center of EVERYTHING in these times. We get it. I told Hazel I wish I could have just one hour in heaven, see my mansion and then come back refreshed and ready to face the battles of believers and unbelievers. She had a different response and said, "seriously, you feel that?" Because she always feels a glimpse of eternity and is happy most the time.

I should be grateful my wife is usually happy.

I'm a guy who bruises easy but heals fast walking away with a spirit of gratefulness, but the bruise has been lingering these last days. I posted my upcoming sabbatical and perhaps its the fact that I'm just very tired.

God bless you, Pastor, your wife and family.
Hello Exonomia;

Thank you for posting Acceptance and Gratefulness. It gives me room to think about my expectations right now. I presented my argument to God these last days. The thing is, its not anyone who fell short with me regarding expectations, its what I have brought upon myself. I'm feeling my own disappointment.

Its hard to explain but feel your post is in align with what I'm feeling. I had a long talk with my wife about this. Is it the pandemic that has effected my church family and community? Is it this stage in my called ministry? What is it?

Hazel and I both acknowledge and praise God for being in the center of EVERYTHING in these times. We get it. I told Hazel I wish I could have just one hour in heaven, see my mansion and then come back refreshed and ready to face the battles of believers and unbelievers. She had a different response and said, "seriously, you feel that?" Because she always feels a glimpse of eternity and is happy most the time.

I should be grateful my wife is usually happy.

I'm a guy who bruises easy but heals fast walking away with a spirit of gratefulness, but the bruise has been lingering these last days. I posted my upcoming sabbatical and perhaps its the fact that I'm just very tired.

God bless you, Pastor, your wife and family.

Thanks for sharing your heart with me. The burdens we carry at times can wear upon us and the enemy we face is never relenting. In Daniel 7:7 it speaks of wearing out the saints, it isn't always the battle that wears us down but rather the war. I share a truth with you and it is the truth of the power of a new day. Everyday I do my best, but when the day is over, it is over. I try to lay my life upon the altar each and everyday in surrender and pray for the light to carry forth unto the new day but all mistakes be left behind in yesterday. The power of a new day is each day I start anew with the Lord. I seek him to be my master of every moment and I find strength, peace and great joy in the Lord knowing that he is found in the power of a new day.

I do not know what tomorrow may bring for I cannot see around the bend, but I follow the one who does see and the one who truly knows. My day is unto the Lord, and my tomorrow is surrendered and entrusted to the Lord, for He sees and He knows and in His hands, I surrender and I accept. The hope of tomorrow gives power to the joy and pleasure of this day, for I might not see tomorrow, but this day I see and this day I shall live with a heart filled with peace, love, and joy for each new day is a blessing unto me. This day I accept and my tomorrow I surrender.

Much like Paul says in Philippians 3:13 and 14.